Hughes Official Statement [Merged]

Maybe unfair, it would depend when the targets changed.

My reading of the statement was that it was clearly agreed between management and board due to the increased spending. That to me would suggest start of the season.
moomba said:
Maybe unfair, it would depend when the targets changed.

My reading of the statement was that it was clearly agreed between management and board due to the increased spending. That to me would suggest start of the season.

Just easier for you to infer Hughes is telling fibs isn't it
BTH said:
In terms of how Mark Hughes was sacked it was appalling, and whether you were an 'inner' or an 'outer' surely you can see that?

Only the other week Garry Cook was being metaphorically run out of town for his latest faux pas; now he's being lauded by some for his part in Hughes' sacking despite his obvious duplicity in this latest sordid affair at what used to be our football club. Still, at least Mancini knows what he is dealing with now.

The club has been aspiring to and, in some areas at least, achieving professionalism in certain areas in recent years and yet it now has to resort to rank amateurism of the sort we were so used to seeing in the past, setting us back years to the days of Peter Reid and Frank Clark (although I may stand corrected on this) who heard on the radio he'd been fired. And didn't Howard Kendall take Peter Swales to one side on his appointment to tell him that if he wanted to run a big club he had to think like he was running a big club, pointing to the 'Sandwiches sponsored by Brother' label on the half-time refreshments? More latterly, of course, there was Sven under another regime, but at least we've now achieved some kind of consistency in one area at least.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and in my opinion City have done this in the worst possible way and only someone with a heart of stone wouldn't feel a twinge of sympathy for Hughes even if he'll never have to work again. Perhaps you don't agree but the vipers' nest that is the press certainly seem to think so today, despite their obvious - but now instantly forgotten- hypocrisy. After all, haven't they been predicting and advocating Hughes' exit for months?

It still is our football club and these owners have gone out of their way to make sure we remain a part of it.

Its very funny, because everyone always goes on about how they liked Bernstein, but didn't he sack Joe Royle after having already agreed a deal with KK?
GaudinoMotors said:
moomba said:
Maybe unfair, it would depend when the targets changed.

My reading of the statement was that it was clearly agreed between management and board due to the increased spending. That to me would suggest start of the season.

Just easier for you to infer Hughes is telling fibs isn't it

I didn't infer Hughes was telling fibs.

I said that people will believe who they want to believe.
GaudinoMotors said:
badge said:
if he'd stayed on, there was a danger we could have sacked the manager that brought us our first trophy since 1976. that would have seen uproar from many fans, even if we finished eighth! do yourself a favour and stop listening/reading what the media want you to believe. city being naughty naughty boys makes far more interesting reading than 'city aspire to greater things'.
Is Mancini going to do that then -
As for your do myself a favour comments - are you the only one who can formulate an opinion on their own?

Why not? He has won trophies with every club he has managed!!
If Hughesy didn't know anything about his sacking beforehand, then his televised wave around the ground to all the fans could not have been a 'goodbye' wave but a very generous Christmas wave instead, acknowledging the fans support. That's how I'd like to remember it at least.

If on the other hand it was a farewell wave, then he did know about being replaced and acted with dignity.

A class act either way.

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