Hughes OUT

eshiers1 said:
shut up you moron

I think you should shut up you moron. The guys on soccer saturday made an observation that portsmouth were playing well but not winning, so it may be a little unfair to sack paul hart. We are playing utter garbage and getting draws against teams we should be beating, yet according to some on here, if you want hughes sacked you are moronic.
well for all you Hughes inners out there.. If you want stability and win fuck all then we should stick with Mark Hughes. the guy is a joke. the way we've played recently we've been dreadful. I don't have anymore time for this tosser to be in the football club that i love. HUGHES OUT now. if it continues we'll be lucky if we finish in the top half never mind top 6.
Huges loses Finland's Support

Media across the country and fans of Man City have had enough.

After the City draw today for a 7 consecutive time, a premiere league RECORD, from football pundit to man on the street, today was the last straw.

If you guys can't see it then you are all blind.

December 26th 2008 City were in 18th place!
Now we are in 6th but does it feel like 6th? It seems more like we are going backwards and were it not for a tight league, we would be again in the bottom half.

Hughes is, to put it nicely...FUCKING SHIT!
Defence is abysmal - and needs replacing!

However Strikers and midfield have been shackled for so long (with containment football!) they have forgotten how to play in attack! That is Hughes fault!

Nothing we can do about Defence until January - apart from not playing Richards again - ever!

Think we should try Company should go into defence.

The only way we are going to win games is to let our attack do what they were bought for! Let De jong do his job, Given always does his, and the rest of the defence will have to do theirs or go in January.
Godfather said:
eshiers1 said:
shut up you moron

I think you should shut up you moron. The guys on soccer saturday made an observation that portsmouth were playing well but not winning, so it may be a little unfair to sack paul hart. We are playing utter garbage and getting draws against teams we should be beating, yet according to some on here, if you want hughes sacked you are moronic.

why is calling for the managers head now a good decision?

who on earth would take the job??

why do some fans just get on the managers back and not support the club??
cook's clangers and hughes is ruining our club

after years of drivel, with the input from his highness and ADUG, i honestly felt on cloud 9 for the first time in years, actually being a bit raggish at the start looking down on all other fans, (novelty well worn off now!) however i can't help feeling that the WRONG people are steering our ship and i hope very strongly ADUG get involved sooner rather than later.

i just hope others around us ie; dippers, villa spuds don't start to pick up wins as we could well be out of the top 4 by valentines day!

i am now an official hughes outer
Dunno what to say, over the years I've hated changing managers - seeing them come, getting that good positive feeling a new manager brings (except alan ball which I just knew would be a disaster) - then seeing them go. One after the other, I hate it. They can't all have been bad managers.

However 2 things have me on the verge of becoming an outer.

1) There is no doubt he is not getting the best out of this set of players - the best I've seen at City. That is his ONLY job.
2) He divides us. More than anyone/thing has divided us before. It's no good for the club. It can't carry on.

So, the next game decides it for me. If we go out of the cup, he's got to go.
Tevez should not be in this team, he is the most useless player i have seen since dabo. All he does is run around and if he is lucky get 1 shot on target a game. The whole shape of the strike force is messed up when he plays and Hughes should have noticed this by now. DROP HIM HUGHES, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,DROP HIM!!!
I expect Hughes will make up more shite about why we lost but the reason is because he doesn't know what day it is never mind how to win a football match.
I fully expect the owners to act now...

Right it's time all the team need to gell, We were unlucky,..blah blah bullshit Les comes out with.

A fool can see MH is not good enough for a big job. I cant see any defence for Hughes now he has run out of excuses he has run out of time.

Bye bye Agent Les back to old trafford for you.

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