Top post on Wookies site, i cant take credit for it but it hit the nail on the head for me.
"We have seen time and time again that the most successful managers are the ones who have time."
What has been shown, time and time again, is that success leads to length of tenure. The causal relation is not the other way about. Length of tenure doesn't lead to success. Leaving, say, Alan Ball or Clarke or even Reid in charge longer than they were would almost certainly not have improved things.
Sven left too early, it is hard to make a case that the same was true of anyone else in the last 20 years (Horton shouldn't have gone either).
We should sack Les now. We should have sacked him four months ago.
Oh, and which of our managers went on to success after leaving us, proving the error of our ways?
Even Sven who I, along with almost everyone else, would have stuck with failed at Mexico.
I have not seem a glimmer of competence from HughesLes to cling to. Nothing.