Hughes tactically Naive?

smithy167 said:
citoeast said:
He was rattled.
You think he was rattled yet jump on it i think he was major pissed off, seems you`re lovin it the man aint got a chance with fans like you, you been a city fan for years like me so just give him a break, at the end of the day we have waited 30 odd years, we wont have to wait to much longer city fans need to get used to sticking with a manager, hughes has got my respect he is building a team on the fly from nothing, how can you not back him win or lose its a joke, seems like you expect us turn up and beat anyone. Been supporting city 40 odd years have you?

Yes 40+ years. Hughes is not building a team 'on the fly from nothing', he has bought his own team, sorry squad, he has preached the WINNING MENTALITY mantra as the reason for getting rid of our previous players, all of the new players looked good and most were winning things under their previous managers. They do not have a winning mentality under Hughes and they do not look as good players under Hughes, most are looking worse. Lescott is a good example of this, but so is Toure and Adebayor. The two best players today SWP and Ireland, need I say more, why not our beat two players of the season so far HGiven and Nigel DeJong.

I want Hughes to succeed, but I fear the signs of this happening are poor. I am not going to bury my head in the sand, like some, you for one Smithy with blind loyalty.

The last 5 performances have shown a steady decline, down and down we are going, today was a really easy chance to turn it around and what happened 3 goals concede to a weak Burnley team.

One quote from Craig Bellamy sticks in my mind, people think I know Hughes well as he has been my previous manager on occassions. In fact he is a quite man and I have not spoke to him that often. Make of that what you will. SWP LEFT WING, PETROV RIGHT WING make of that what you will, diasterous 442, make of that what you will. If Hughes was a player he would have been dropped from the first team a long time ago.
smithy167 said:
Freestyler said:
wrong, de jong would of got control of the game, midfield was over run and barry was shattered, de jong comes on for barry to help, and ireland plays infront and he can push on that little bit more going for the kill. petrov made hardly any impact.
Put your name name in for the city job then mate,you seem to know what you`re talkin about.

Stupid comment Smithy, Hughes is not to be compared to us but other Premiership and top table managers. F?or our project to succeed you need more than a good squad, you need a top manager and a top management team, Hughes has won nothing as a manager, yet, so the jury is still out.

Lets see how we do against the Arsenal kids, I for one am worried Hughes will be outsmarted big time by Wily Old Frugal Wenger.
Hughes? Tactically naive? Of course he is!?!?! He never makes ANY substitutions that has an effect on a game. He never changes the tactics, formations, ANYTHING! NEVER does he take off a defender and bring on a striker when we need a goal, but when we are 1 goal up to burnely at home he is quite comfortable to sit back and relax. So YES he IS tactically naive!
citoeast, completely agree with your original thread, come on blues wake up and smell the roses this guy is not good enough to take us to the next level
Not read the whole thread but i made a point of watching Hughes today.

First half, sat on the bench - never moved apart from when a rough challenge went in. All the while watching us get totally outplayed.

Second half, stands with his hands in his pockets. Waits until we take the lead and then eventually makes a decision which turns the game - against us. (There was masses of space down the right and he puts a totally left footed player on the right, when he should have shored up the midfield ie NDJ for Barry or put Petrov on the left.)

Driving home from the game hear his post-match comments and am astonished to hear him say words to the effect ' i congratulated the players in their second-half performance.'

To conclude - the OP is right, MH is tactically naive, and seemingly not getting any better.
PowderBlue said:
Not read the whole thread but i made a point of watching Hughes today.

First half, sat on the bench - never moved apart from when a rough challenge went in. All the while watching us get totally outplayed.

Second half, stands with his hands in his pockets. Waits until we take the lead and then eventually makes a decision which turns the game - against us. (There was masses of space down the right and he puts a totally left footed player on the right, when he should have shored up the midfield ie NDJ for Barry or put Petrov on the left.)

Driving home from the game hear his post-match comments and am astonished to hear him say words to the effect ' i congratulated the players in their second-half performance.'

To conclude - the OP is right, MH is tactically naive, and seemingly not getting any better.
It is the not getting any better bit that worries me, will he ever learn. I am now fretting that he may not. Coyle changed the game with his substitutes today shoring up their midfield, we never decided to shore up attack or defence. Hughes invariably reacts to situations after the horse has bolted. Some players are pedestrian in their approach uet no kick in the ass from the bench.
markblackford said:
Best manager since Mercer eh! youve just confirmed what i always thought DE NIRO,you know sweet FA about CITY or football for that matter

i've approved your post just so i can put you right.

i'll stress again, hughes is the best manager since joe mercer, not as good or better, the best since for my knowledge about city or football i'd back myself in any form of test on city or football in general. you are entitled to your opinion of course as am i, i reckon you are at best 15, an obvious johnny come lately that besides city and football you know fuck all about me.

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