Hughes..the reality

blueonblue said:
" They are bitter, disgruntled employees who are happy with mediocrity, have been found out and who have lost the argument. So they go bleating to you and others telling you how terrible things are. Well if they don't like it, they know where the door is and I suspect a few of them will be going through it whether they want to or not."

The accademy can trace back to producing Oakes,Young, Doyle, Pardoe, Booth and many more from the sixties and seventies all the way up to the present day, its a system that has worked by having the freedom to play whoever, where ever, and however the staff feel is needed to teach young players how things change during a game and the effects of different tactics and positions.

Your veiw of their current crop is as ill judged as your support for Hughes, and not shared by most people in football who rank our accademy as the example to follow, further because of the nature of the work they are for the most part Motivation and tactics "experts" with many years why are the "Bitter and disgruntaled"?, because they disagree with you and see Hughes as an idiot without a clue on even the most basic level.........backed up by the way with the evidence of some of his own decisions this season.

It goes far deeper than the accademy staff, from tea ladies to ground staff, players and ex players alike dont think much of him, and if you care to look around the support is split only because of wanting stabillity rather than just clueless.
What an absolutely pathetic counter argument and it proves how little you know. The Academy was only set up by Bernstein in 1998 on Jim Cassell's recommendation and had nothing whatsoever to do with Doyle, Booth, Oakes etc. All clubs produced home-grown talent in those days because that was the way it worked. We were no different to any other.

I'm also not saying the academy do a terrible job just that they are OK for a mid-table club that relied on the income from selling the youngsters who are surplus to requirements to League 1 and 2 clubs. Does it compare to Bracelona's for example, or Arsenal's? It doesn't and you know that.

I've asked you twice now and will ask you again until I get an answer - name me all these superstars produced by our academy?
Mooner...........Your four game winning run should take into account who we were playing.

Hamburg......a preformance that owed far more to individuals than team play, hampered by the most stupid managerial decisions on leaving Dunne on and poor use and timing of subs.

West brom........They battered us for a large part of the game, and if they had had a finisher would have beaten us, the score flattered us big time.

Everton.....very good result, there were reasons why they felt they played badly, but thats just football.

Blackburn.........A p*ss poor team, we beat them but made hard work of it (First goal).

And then the three games before where we were poor agaist Arsenal, Hamburg away, and Fulham at home.

As for the was a no show from us, ONE shot on goal in ninty mins tells a far better story than having the ball and passing sideways and back.

Hughes is whinging today that Ireland was man marked out of the game by Fletcher, pity he didnt think of doing that with ugly, who had free runs into the same space all afternoon
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?
blueonblue said:
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?
Every club had and has a youth system but the Academy was set up in its current form in 1998. Many people in football reckon Boro & West Ham's are better than ours.

And I'm still waiting for the list of superstars it's produced. Must be a long one as you're taking so long to post it.
Prestwich_Blue said:
blueonblue said:
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?
Every club had and has a youth system but the Academy was set up in its current form in 1998. Many people in football reckon Boro & West Ham's are better than ours.

And I'm still waiting for the list of superstars it's produced. Must be a long one as you're taking so long to post it.

Not that great an example to throw up that Boro are considered to be a better youth set up than ours given the fact that they are on the verge of relegation!

It was only earlier this season that we played them at their place and beat them 9-2!

How many superstars have they brought through? A[part from Lee Catermole... David Wheater... erm...


Stevie Ireland...SWP (was developed here)... Onouha... Johnson... Sturridge... ad infinitum...

Not supetrstars, but then again who does? Not Boro that's for sure. West Ham? Decent players, but not better than the list of City players surely?

It's a shame that the one thing, the ONE THING, we seem to get right, the youth set-up, is belittled to such an extent. If only the first team managers were as successful, eh?
Soulboy said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
blueonblue said:
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?
Every club had and has a youth system but the Academy was set up in its current form in 1998. Many people in football reckon Boro & West Ham's are better than ours.

And I'm still waiting for the list of superstars it's produced. Must be a long one as you're taking so long to post it.

Not that great an example to throw up that Boro are considered to be a better youth set up than ours given the fact that they are on the verge of relegation!

It was only earlier this season that we played them at their place and beat them 9-2!

How many superstars have they brought through? A[part from Lee Catermole... David Wheater... erm...


Stevie Ireland...SWP (was developed here)... Onouha... Johnson... Sturridge... ad infinitum...

Not supetrstars, but then again who does? Not Boro that's for sure. West Ham? Decent players, but not better than the list of City players surely?
It's a shame that the one thing, the ONE THING, we seem to get right, the youth set-up, is belittled to such an extent. If only the first team managers were as successful, eh?
Really? I think West Ham have produced some players than we have. Lampard, Joe Cole and even Carrick and Ferdinand.
Soulboy said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
blueonblue said:
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?
Every club had and has a youth system but the Academy was set up in its current form in 1998. Many people in football reckon Boro & West Ham's are better than ours.

And I'm still waiting for the list of superstars it's produced. Must be a long one as you're taking so long to post it.

Not that great an example to throw up that Boro are considered to be a better youth set up than ours given the fact that they are on the verge of relegation!

It was only earlier this season that we played them at their place and beat them 9-2!

How many superstars have they brought through? A[part from Lee Catermole... David Wheater... erm...


Stevie Ireland...SWP (was developed here)... Onouha... Johnson... Sturridge... ad infinitum...

Not supetrstars, but then again who does? Not Boro that's for sure. West Ham? Decent players, but not better than the list of City players surely?

It's a shame that the one thing, the ONE THING, we seem to get right, the youth set-up, is belittled to such an extent. If only the first team managers were as successful, eh?
SWP was nearly 18 when he came here so doesn't count. But it reminds me that it produced Bradley, who successfully led Southampton down to League 1.

Here's an article from the Telegraph from a couple of years ago.
Despite being the first club to pick a match-day squad of 16 without a single Englishman, Arsenal and their manager Arsene Wenger clearly believe the future of the club is English. Only two English players, Justin Hoyte and Theo Walcott, featured for Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium last season, and Wenger has been accused of undermining the future of the England team with his reliance on imports.

However, 14 of Arsenal's 15 academy scholars are eligible to play for England - a ratio bettered only by Middlesbrough and Wigan. Wenger has a reputation for nursing young continental talent at the expense of English players, forcing the likes of Steve Sidwell and England Under-18 captain Fabrice Muamba, who moved to Birmingham in May, to leave in search of first-team football. However, it seems the long-term goal is to field English players - heartening news for England coach Steve McClaren and the Football Association.

Liverpool have only two academy graduates in their first-team squad - Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher. Manager Rafa Benitez has expressed repeated displeasure at the poor production rate of the academy, and has overhauled the system this summer. Steve Heighway, who resigned as academy manager despite leading the club to FA Youth Cup triumph, has been replaced by the promoted John Owens and the Dutchman Piet Hamberg. It will be intriguing to see if Benitez's drastic approach succeeds.

Chelsea are trying to build the best academy in the world, and have spent significant sums on recruiting the cream of British and foreign talent to train at Cobham. However, with 31 scholars at their academy, there must be concerns that many will be ditched. It will be interesting to see how many start a game for the club.

Boro's academy, run by Dave Parnaby, is the benchmark, with 15 graduates in the first-team squad. The development of youth at the Riverside is all the more remarkable, in that so many of them are local. At the end of the 2005-06 season, McClaren, then Boro's manager, sent out a squad of 16 of whom 15 were academy graduates, all born within 25 miles of the stadium.

Don't see our "benchmark" academy there. Like I said though, it's not bad but just not as good as we've been brainwashed to believe. And some peoples' noses are out of joint because that's been suggested to them and the manager wants to do something about it.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Soulboy said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
blueonblue said:
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?
Every club had and has a youth system but the Academy was set up in its current form in 1998. Many people in football reckon Boro & West Ham's are better than ours.

And I'm still waiting for the list of superstars it's produced. Must be a long one as you're taking so long to post it.

Not that great an example to throw up that Boro are considered to be a better youth set up than ours given the fact that they are on the verge of relegation!

It was only earlier this season that we played them at their place and beat them 9-2!

How many superstars have they brought through? A[part from Lee Catermole... David Wheater... erm...


Stevie Ireland...SWP (was developed here)... Onouha... Johnson... Sturridge... ad infinitum...

Not supetrstars, but then again who does? Not Boro that's for sure. West Ham? Decent players, but not better than the list of City players surely?

It's a shame that the one thing, the ONE THING, we seem to get right, the youth set-up, is belittled to such an extent. If only the first team managers were as successful, eh?
SWP was nearly 18 when he came here so doesn't count. But it reminds me that it produced Bradley, who successfully led Southampton down to League 1.

Here's an article from the Telegraph from a couple of years ago.
Despite being the first club to pick a match-day squad of 16 without a single Englishman, Arsenal and their manager Arsene Wenger clearly believe the future of the club is English. Only two English players, Justin Hoyte and Theo Walcott, featured for Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium last season, and Wenger has been accused of undermining the future of the England team with his reliance on imports.

However, 14 of Arsenal's 15 academy scholars are eligible to play for England - a ratio bettered only by Middlesbrough and Wigan. Wenger has a reputation for nursing young continental talent at the expense of English players, forcing the likes of Steve Sidwell and England Under-18 captain Fabrice Muamba, who moved to Birmingham in May, to leave in search of first-team football. However, it seems the long-term goal is to field English players - heartening news for England coach Steve McClaren and the Football Association.

Liverpool have only two academy graduates in their first-team squad - Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher. Manager Rafa Benitez has expressed repeated displeasure at the poor production rate of the academy, and has overhauled the system this summer. Steve Heighway, who resigned as academy manager despite leading the club to FA Youth Cup triumph, has been replaced by the promoted John Owens and the Dutchman Piet Hamberg. It will be intriguing to see if Benitez's drastic approach succeeds.

Chelsea are trying to build the best academy in the world, and have spent significant sums on recruiting the cream of British and foreign talent to train at Cobham. However, with 31 scholars at their academy, there must be concerns that many will be ditched. It will be interesting to see how many start a game for the club.

Boro's academy, run by Dave Parnaby, is the benchmark, with 15 graduates in the first-team squad. The development of youth at the Riverside is all the more remarkable, in that so many of them are local. At the end of the 2005-06 season, McClaren, then Boro's manager, sent out a squad of 16 of whom 15 were academy graduates, all born within 25 miles of the stadium.

Don't see our "benchmark" academy there. Like I said though, it's not bad but just not as good as we've been brainwashed to believe. And some peoples' noses are out of joint because that's been suggested to them and the manager wants to do something about it.

Don't get me wrong... I am fuly aware of the limitations of the youth team..
I have evenb stated on here a few months ago that not ONE player from either this year's or last year's team will make it at City.

It's just that I wouldn't get too carried away with Boro. They might have 15 Academy players in their squad, but it's clearly quantity and not quality.

Everton's set-up is better than Liverpool's. I saw Arsenal this season and i doubt if even one of them (apart from the keeper) will make it.

With our new money it's very unlikely we will bring anyone through in the near future.

All I'm saying is we shouldn't diminish the acheivements of Cassell and his team.

They have probably kept us afloat these past five years!
blueonblue said:
The Accademy has been running since the sixties, and prior to Jim Cassell was run by Dave Uwining, it was restructured in 1998 but only to bring together the younger element at platt lane, and most of the staff remain, as does the system.

As for the rest of your drivel, its answered by most people in football ranking it as the best in the country, as opposed to you, who knows better because?

There's a valid question here. How many players have we produced, SWP, Micah, Jonno, Sturridge, Ireland and Evans, ok, but we will never know how good they are until have a squad/team that is so strong that they aren't first, or even 2nd choices as it stands right now. Thats why I'm certain Hughes is a *ucking car crash and please stop going on about sacking managers to early, name one manager who has left City in the last 60 years who went on to win anything elsewhere? You can't. City's problem is the quality of manager we have appointed, even Sven was past his sell by date, we now have funding that puts City in a unique position, which throws out all the normal procedures for building a team and achieving success. I have not seen anything on the pitch, nor any arguement, or facts to support the continued tenure of Hughless. O'Neil has more promise and has won more, Moyes has performed better, but even these would be none starters when with either, Rijkaard, Jose, Mancinni, or Hiddink, can takeover, with superior records from virtually the same length of time in management and attract the quality of players we need without playing European football next season. With the right manager City can go out and buy 12 players who with what we have got that will see us breaking the top four next season, not in 4 *ucking years.
Don't get me wrong... I am fuly aware of the limitations of the youth team..
I have evenb stated on here a few months ago that not ONE player from either this year's or last year's team will make it at City.

It's just that I wouldn't get too carried away with Boro. They might have 15 Academy players in their squad, but it's clearly quantity and not quality.

Everton's set-up is better than Liverpool's. I saw Arsenal this season and i doubt if even one of them (apart from the keeper) will make it.

With our new money it's very unlikely we will bring anyone through in the near future.

All I'm saying is we shouldn't diminish the acheivements of Cassell and his team.

They have probably kept us afloat these past five years!

A very valid point, but as you point out times have changed.

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