Hughes..the reality

Yes I too remember all the "I'm a winner , I know what success looks like" bullshit that Hughes was coming out as soon as he was given the job. Importantly pre Abu Dhabi.

As pointed out over 100 million pounds later he is talking a completely different tune.
trueblue09 said:
Blue4ever85 said:
I think the OP is right.

I think Hughes is shit and im not the only one, by far.

I also think us as City fans rate our own players much better than they actually are -

SWP - First touch is wank & runs into people - DOES NOT GET FOULED ALL-DAY LONG. Just runs into people.

Kompany - Decent, but shit at passing

de Jong - Thinks its rugby and doesn't pass forward.

Bridge - Has he even made a tackle in a City shirt????

Zabaleta - Good coming forward (good, not excellent), but quite poor at defending.

Just my views however

im with you %100 ive always thought that glad to see some sensible city fans on here!
Agree again. We wouldn't be mid-table if all players were as good as we say they are. Good call on SWP. His passing and first touch are normally very very poor. It's hard not to love the guy but we sometimes look at our players with rose rinted glasses on.
Oh for fucks sake, welcome to the negative bastards gathering where we shall simply slag off all of our existing players and our manager. That is fucking quality support! If that's fucking sensible then jesus, we're a lost cause. I'm not fucking saying they're great players, I'm not saying the sun shines out of MH's arse but to fucking slate them and not get behind them is a joke.

SWP has also won us points. If he didn't score Vs Sunderland in particular we wouldn't have a fucking chance of Europe this season!! He also gives his right back great protection that Bridge doesn't receive due to Robinhos attacking nature.

Zabaleta Vs Wigan, what a cracking strike and he always gets stuck in aswell. Yes, he is not the best defender in the world granted but he's young and it can be improved on.

Bridge has been shit granted. I'm not going to disagree but inside the stadium it's another story and I'll get behind him aswell.

De Jong is a good tackler, he gets stuck in and he normally passes to a blue shirt ensuring we keep posession. The jury is still out but it's his first season and we'll have to see how he does.

What about Given saving us points Vs Boro and countless others? What about Bellamys goals to game ratio? What about Stevie Irelands season and him saying he loves working under Hughes? Even fucking Caciedo's scoring goals!

I'm not a Hughes in person, I'm not an hardcore Hughes out person but I don't think he is really the man for the job but what I will say is that I want him to be success and hope that he is because that'll mean success for my club which is why I'll get behind him 110%!!!
But that's purely in the league. His overall goals to games ratio is brilliant and besides 1 in 4 isn't too bad in the league. It'd get him 10 goals on average. He'll be more concentrated on the league next season given that I expect us not to qualify for Europe this season.
C_T_I_D said:
But that's purely in the league. His overall goals to games ratio is brilliant and besides 1 in 4 isn't too bad in the league. It'd get him 10 goals on average. He'll be more concentrated on the league next season given that I expect us not to qualify for Europe this season.

His overall goals per game (4 in 11) is reasonable. No more, no less. His goals per game for a £10m+, £100k a week striker is a pretty poor return, but not unexpected given he has rarely been better than a 1 in 3 or 4 man.
Hughes has still not had the opportunity to play 'his' team week in week out.

Previous to the scum game we had won 4 in a row and despite many peoples view that this was a poor result we were undone fundamentally by a very poor (imo) refereeing decision and an exceptional piece of skill at the worst time possible killed us off.

We had every bit as much of the game as the rags and the majority of the possession. Yes we didn't have the finishing touch or penetration but everyone knows we still don't have a quality striker up front and that has hamstrung us all season.

Bellamy has been a distinct improvement but yet again we have been denied him by injury.

The squad we are building finally looks like we are starting to compete with the rags and Hughes deserves the chance to push on again and continue the development not to scrap everythying and go back to the drawing board....... again !

When will the negative brigade learn, sacking your manager every year does not work !
" They are bitter, disgruntled employees who are happy with mediocrity, have been found out and who have lost the argument. So they go bleating to you and others telling you how terrible things are. Well if they don't like it, they know where the door is and I suspect a few of them will be going through it whether they want to or not."

The accademy can trace back to producing Oakes,Young, Doyle, Pardoe, Booth and many more from the sixties and seventies all the way up to the present day, its a system that has worked by having the freedom to play whoever, where ever, and however the staff feel is needed to teach young players how things change during a game and the effects of different tactics and positions.

Your veiw of their current crop is as ill judged as your support for Hughes, and not shared by most people in football who rank our accademy as the example to follow, further because of the nature of the work they are for the most part Motivation and tactics "experts" with many years why are the "Bitter and disgruntaled"?, because they disagree with you and see Hughes as an idiot without a clue on even the most basic level.........backed up by the way with the evidence of some of his own decisions this season.

It goes far deeper than the accademy staff, from tea ladies to ground staff, players and ex players alike dont think much of him, and if you care to look around the support is split only because of wanting stabillity rather than just clueless.

JMA, brilliant post mate.
Blue Mooner said:
When will the negative brigade learn, sacking your manager every year does not work !

I doubt there is one person who wants us to sack our manager every year. When will people stop making up stories about the motives of people that want Hughes out?

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