Hull City vs Manchester City | 6th |Official Matchday Thread

why is it everyone breaks their goal scoring duck against us....that fuckin altaidore couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo all season...happens all the time, strikers must look at the start of the season for our game and think I'll score in that one...ffs

come on CITY!!!!!!!!!
masterwig said:
There was a good example of my gripe with a Tevez and Ade partnership in that half. Tevez did well and played it to Bellers on the wide edge of the penalty box and he crossed it in but nobody was there. Tevez was further back from his part earlier in the move and Ade made a strange run towards Bellers that was no use to anyone. We need Ade to be more central and looking for goals. I know people will call him lazy but he is more use to us if he doesn't waste his energy running on the wings. That's why we need Santa Cruz in the team, he is a poacher and stays close to goal more than Tevez and Ade.

Tevez and Ade are both good players but as a pairing it just doesn't work for me. People can respond with shite like 'ffs' all they want but it's my view on things. If you disagree then say something constructive rather than childish text speak.

We had a few chances in that half but didn't really control the midfield at all. Our best bit of play was fashioning the chance for Bridge. It was an example of good use of the ball in an advanced area and possession further up the pitch. Too often we go backwards and then end up booting it up field. Barry and De Jong are a bit one paced and Ireland hasn't got into the game as I hoped he would.

In the second half I'd like to see SWP and/or Johnson to add a better threat on the wings. I'd take Barry off.

These are wise words.
flb said:
Ireland is shocking yet again today-whats up with him?

Be careful having a go at Ireland mate you will be lynched on here for saying that despite you are 100% correct!
That was rubbish we are constantly getting beat to the ball and our passing is awful. Hull will be thinking they can get a second here and I would not bet against it the way we are playing. The best we can hope for is a drwa at the moment and even that is being extremely hopefull. All that talent and we still play rubbish. Will it ever fucking change.
Tez Tosterone said:
Gareth Barry doesn't seem half the player he was at Aston Villa.

Don't kid yourself ....... he was never the 'consistent' sort there ....... how many good games can you remember him ever having against us , or the rags , for example ....... he had as many bad games as good ones whilst at Villa , or we wouldn't have got him for only £12 million!
I think Boyata needs come to off - on thin ice now - he allways seems to have one touch too many!

Ireland on the wing simply isnt working, eith play 4 - 3 - 3 or get SWP on!
Soulboy said:
OrigamiNinja said:
A serious question.......


Absolutely embarrassing how week after week, game after game our multi million pound midfield gets overun no matter who we play. The likes of Barry and Ireland ought to be fucking ashamed at their performances this season and it doesnt look like its going to change for the better today!

de jong isnt a midfielder he`s a diffender simple,useless unless your game plan is to sit back and concede Possession all game.we need a midfield that will control and press up the field.

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