
Elaborate mate? What's the best form? Groups of toffs on horseback riding around with dogs is the most effective way of hunting? Maybe it is, I don't know but it seems there must be better ways.
Ignore the toff stuff they’re cunts, hunting with dogs only catches old foxes that are too old to hunt a kill countless hens, the younger fit ones just run off, look at the numbers sometime on how many foxes get killed this way.
I am, I haven’t, I’m not a farmer so why would I ? what forms of hunting foxes are better and why and what’s your experience in this field ?

I've just told you. Firearms.

Your whole point is nonsense, because I haven't participated in a hunt myself I'm not capable of making a judgement on how effective fox hunting is. That's absurd. I'm perfectly capable of reading sources from people who have more knowledge and drawing conclusions.

The traditional red-jacketed riding hunts are not effective forms of pest control.

The 2000 Lord Burns report, commissioned by the then Labour Government before the ban on fox hunting was introduced, concluded that the “overall contribution of traditional fox hunting, within the overall total of control techniques involving dogs, is almost certainly insignificant in terms of the management of the fox population as a whole”.

It added that hunting with dogs “in its various forms” did result in the deaths of a “substantial proportion” of foxes but shooting had a “a much greater capacity to reduce fox populations”.

The article also highlights the fact, some people involved with hunts are also actively involved with breeding foxes so they can be hunted by toffs. They don't see themselves as any different than the gamekeepers breeding pheasants.

What's your view on the cunts that stick terriers down badger sets?

Still a blood sport but because it is carried out by travellers and chavs it isn't given the same allowances fox hunting gets.

Badgers carrying TB have the potential to cause greater losses than just a few dead poultry.
I've just told you. Firearms.

Your whole point is nonsense, because I haven't participated in a hunt myself I'm not capable of making a judgement on how effective fox hunting is. That's absurd. I'm perfectly capable of reading sources from people who have more knowledge and drawing conclusions.

The article also highlights the fact, some people involved with hunts are also actively involved with breeding foxes so they can be hunted by toffs. They don't see themselves as any different than the gamekeepers breeding pheasants.

What's your view on the cunts that stick terriers down badger sets?

Still a blood sport but because it is carried out by travellers and chavs it isn't given the same allowances fox hunting gets.

Badgers carrying TB have the potential to cause greater losses than just a few dead poultry.
How do firearms differentiate between young and old foxes and what happens when there just injured ?
Edit my last rescue dog was used for badger baiting, until I removed her, I’m completely pro nature and there’s a lot of cunts out there, but I’ve got a lot of friends that are farmers. Still think you made your story up, knowing people that keep fox hounds.
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That’s one type of hunting and again animal cruelty, you live in the city don’t you ?

No mate - I have lived on the North Yorkshire moors for nearly 30 years and know many many people who hunt who follow hunts who go lamping who shoot and loads who keep and ride horses - I can assure you to a man and woman almost all would not condone that conduct

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