
So are you happy to buy chicken from a supermarket just not kill it ? farmers mostly when it comes to foxes in England but other invasive animals through out the world cause devastation to native species.
Hmmm loads of twats riding round on horses killing a fox or two or laid poison solving the problem reasonably quickly and humanly without churning up fields.
Probably it’s easier for people to process without having to go through the process, anyone that hurts animals for anything other than practical reasons is a ****, agreed ?
Depends on what you mean by practical. Hunting for instance is just pleasure at killing. It's for inadequate arseholes who can't get their violent urges satisfied in the real world because they would get battered.
Depends on what you mean by practical. Hunting for instance is just pleasure at killing. It's for inadequate arseholes who can't get their violent urges satisfied in the real world because they would get battered.
That’s a bit broad brush I’m sure some are mind, bit like cowards that would crap themselves to kill something but would buy meat out of a supermarket, surprised they don’t shit themselves leaving the house.
That’s a bit broad brush I’m sure some are mind, bit like cowards that would crap themselves to kill something but would buy meat out of a supermarket, surprised they don’t shit themselves leaving the house.
Id guess that the vast majority of the general public want to buy meat from shops and not actually kill it.
I don't think that necessarily makes them cowards.
That’s a bit broad brush I’m sure some are mind, bit like cowards that would crap themselves to kill something but would buy meat out of a supermarket, surprised they don’t shit themselves leaving the house.

Less cowardly than those inadequate needy cunts who get their dogs/birds etc to do their hunting for them.
There can't be any responsible fox hunting in the UK as it is against the law.

If farmers want control fox populations they can use traps or shotguns. Or invest in making their livestock enclosures more secure.

Rather than conduct inefficient pursuits across the countryside of 30 men and women on horseback and 30 dogs and only on bank holidays and weekends.

It isn’t illegal to hunt foxes in the UK. Only to hunt with a pack of dogs, considered to be 3 or more.
The hunts are cuntshop cauuse they use a russell to jib a fox out of an earth if its disappeared to ground in the first minutes of a hunt...essentially re-jibbing terrorising the fox.
A rogue fox lamb killer in northern england can be located and dispatched by a non jibbing terrier without ceremony...without gassing or traps...which is a completley different barra. The dogs that are capable of finding a rogue fox 30ft under the ground in the dark and taking it out of the gene pool ( rogue) are highly revered and maintained...theyre never fat and can breathe and pup without drama
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