I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

Well it seems the lefties call for the show to be boycotted is falling on deaf ears. 10.3 million viewers last night was the highest ITV viewing figures for the year. I watched the England shite my Mrs watched it and said he was very entertaining. I think it’s called having a Personality and not be put off by the loony left from expressing it.
Didn't it get more than that last year? Genuinely don't know but it's always itv's biggest draw.
Edit. Yeah just had a look and it seems it's lost 1.6m viewers from the launch episode last year. Not sure Mr Farage is quite the draw you think he is.
Didn't it get more than that last year? Genuinely don't know but it's always itv's biggest draw.
Audience figures for the history of the Show is not something I am an expert on.
It’s just seems those who doth protest too much , do wonders for the viewing figures.
Audience figures for the history of the Show is not something I am an expert on.
It’s just seems those who doth protest too much , do wonders for the viewing figures.
I looked it up and they lost 1.6m viewers so I'm not sure your theory about Nigel is right.
Well it seems the lefties call for the show to be boycotted is falling on deaf ears. 10.3 million viewers last night was the highest ITV viewing figures for the year. I watched the England shite my Mrs watched it and said he was very entertaining. I think it’s called having a Personality and not be put off by the loony left from expressing it.
This is really funny because I know exactly where you've got that 10.3 million figure from: Martin Daubney, who has since deleted his claims on Twitter because his figures were quoted from 2022. It's already been debunked several times despite being retweeted and spread about by cranks on Twitter who worship at Farage's feet, lol. Official figures are 7.8 million, which is down more than a million from last year.
Nope the Modern righties believe that those who can , should stand on their own two feet, not blame everyone else for their woes and not keep droning on fighting everyone else’s causes who never asked them to be their mouth piece in the first place

haha, All the 'modern righties' constantly moan and blame everyone else for their woes - mostly migrants and single mums , chuck in also the Tory infighting, Brexit infighting and attacking anything they deem 'woke'.
haha, All the 'modern righties' constantly moan and blame everyone else for their woes - mostly migrants and single mums , chuck in also the Tory infighting, Brexit infighting and attacking anything they deem 'woke'.
…whilst watching GB News to get fabricated viewing figures for their frog faced hero.
haha, All the 'modern righties' constantly moan and blame everyone else for their woes - mostly migrants and single mums , chuck in also the Tory infighting, Brexit infighting and attacking anything they deem 'woke'.
From the, all is peace and unity Labour Party spokesman
Halfmist jumping to Nigel Farage’s defence whilst championing (wrongly) an outdated reality tv series is what I’m here for today.
What a time to be alive

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