I broke my leg last week, advice on how to cope with six weeks of inactivity welcomed.

Watch Rangers FC highlights?
I’m an avid reader of Follow Follow and the bears on that think they have only had two good games. Hibs and Hearts, so this is an impossible task for me.

Maybe I could hunt out footage of all their dodgy penalties scored by Tav, but, I don’t have the time for that ffs. Be here months, even if I have the speed on x30.

Nice try though.
It's times like these you can really dig deep into your soul and find out the real you. Challenge yourself to be stronger, to be smarter and to be wiser. I would start with learning a new language, perhaps English?
I am a poet. In English. How dare you.
Several years ago I tour one of my biceps, tried to train through it, but never recovered. After operation told to rest and not train for at least 8 weeks, mate who is a doctor said ligaments take age to recover but all relative.

Take advice from the experts, especially on Bluemoon. Don't comb your hair with your broken leg/ankle you big jessie
It doesn’t require combing. It just is.

I got medical advice that I obviously want to ignore and so took to BM to get the real answers.
It's times like these you can really dig deep into your soul and find out the real you. Challenge yourself to be stronger, to be smarter and to be wiser. I would start with learning a new language, perhaps English?
I walked about a mile on it. That told me everything I already knew. Wiser, I will never do that again on a sodden verge. Smarter? Well I will try but there’s only so high a person can go on the smart chart. I’ve more or less topped out. And I don’t have a soul. Sent the notion of it back when I was twelve. Excellent advice though.
I was living alone when it happened to me. The main problem was getting anything you've cooked somewhere else in the house. A friend lent me one of those wheely trolleys to get my dinner to the table. I ended up buying a cheap wheelchair, which was better though.
I did my ankle in Goa, hairline fracture, whilst staying there and had to crawl around on my knees for a week on my own.

Didn’t have to sweep the floor though as my perfectly formed arse did the job. Every cloud.
I had an operation a few years ago which left me grounded, apart from a few short gentle walks. It got me back into exploring all the music I had accumulated over the whole of my life, then I decided to start a Kindle book subscription, which was worth the money. more recently, having regained my fitness, I listen to audio books or radio. I have learned a lot via fiction and non-fiction, and also discovered lots of great music along the way.

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