I broke my leg last week, advice on how to cope with six weeks of inactivity welcomed.

I walked about a mile on it. That told me everything I already knew. Wiser, I will never do that again on a sodden verge. Smarter? Well I will try but there’s only so high a person can go on the smart chart. I’ve more or less topped out. And I don’t have a soul. Sent the notion of it back when I was twelve. Excellent advice though.
That's sounds like a good new Blue Moon thread title
"Things you've done on a sodden verge"
Pissed; spewed; slipped on dog shit; broke my leg.
Be thankful you didn't do them all - or, maybe you did?

Start reading Ulysses by James Joyce. You'll be desperate to get back on your feet, and you'll heal quicker.
I had an operation a few years ago which left me grounded, apart from a few short gentle walks. It got me back into exploring all the music I had accumulated over the whole of my life, then I decided to start a Kindle book subscription, which was worth the money. more recently, having regained my fitness, I listen to audio books or radio. I have learned a lot via fiction and non-fiction, and also discovered lots of great music along the way.
I play the guitar, but not well enough for me, or tragically anyone else, so I am toying with the idea of doing online tuition to see if I can improve. I can batter out a tune, play most songs on four chords, etc, but I am not where I want to be. Will I ever get there? Not a chance if I don’t do something. This may be the time when my lame ass excuses just don’t cut it. Not that they ever did. Well done on getting a positive out of it. I will try to do the same.
Years ago a good mate of mine had a terrible leg break playing football. It didn’t heal properly and they had to re break it and re set it.
It was the best part of a year laid up.
He learned to play the clarinet in that time.
Nice to see you back, the level of erudition and clarity of thought on here has gone down the crapper since you fucked off.

Rather than the time honoured BM response of suggesting something both idiotic and sexually deviant, I'm just going to say that if there's anything you've fancied learning about but not had the chance there are thousands of completely free online courses these days on the various MOOCs that exist.

When I was laid up for a while I did a couple, because I'm a boring fucker I did one on Behavioural Economics and one on Anthropology, but you can do all sorts of different stuff. You can do them in lots of different ways too, just download and do the courses for free or you can pay if you want your assessments marked. You can do self paced ones or even join a course which has date/time online lectures and tutor groups (that usually costs a few quid though).

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