I don't like the manager

Didsbury Dave said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
A lot of people on here are stating that Bobby had to go because he upset some of the players by being overly critical.. So fucking what. Some of the players have been absolutely shite this season hence they deserved criticism.

Nasri was hammered by Bobby in the press for his performances, next month he was player of the month.

A manager has every right to be critical of player performances, the pampered pricks should be man enough to deal with it, or else, now I'm going out on a limb here, improve their performance levels and not sulk because the boss shouted at them
He's behaved like an idiot for most of this season, criticising all and sundry within the club. And it's cost him his job.

You can't have players like kompany and hart threatening to leave because of you and survive.

This whole season has been one enormous list of disasters for Mancini. The 352. Europe. The league draws. The player criticism. The Marwood/sheikh criticism. The increasingly bizarre press assertations. The friction with txiki. We have had a lot of this shit with him before but his results have kept him in a job.

This year the results weren't there and the bullet became inevitable once the league was lost in the winter.

When did Kompany and Joe ever threaten to leave because of Mancini? Can you back this up?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Its probably more to do with fact he upset everyone and it was mentioned last year that when you are winning you can get away with being a bit of an arsehole but as soon as it turns you are fucked
That seems to be the crux of it with Mancini. You don't require any goodwill whatsoever when you're winning trophies, but you'll soon notice it's lacking when you starting losing.

With regards to the OP, yes, footballers are too 'pussyish' and their egos too fragile. In an ideal world they'd be able to deal much better with a bit of criticism, but we have to deal with reality. In that sense, it would have been much simpler for Mancini to have softened his approach a bit than for every footballer at the club to have instantly manned up. Sadly, he picked the wrong battles and that has been his downfall.
Icant feel sorry for the players at all at the moment,they are supposed to be focused competitive atheletes, bob held them to high standards thats all,he wanted them to play to the level he knew they can.there are a lot of woosey footballers who expect to have their hands held and have cups of tea and cake,they are in the wrong business.they seem to have a lot of fun as well
I think in general when things arent going well footballers look for people to blame. Normally its the manager.

I think its important though that everyone is held accountable for their own performances and there are a few at the club who will be on thin ice when decisions are made on the playing squad.

That goes double for any pkayer giving the club ultimatums over the manager position.
If heart and kompany are upset then see you later easy as that they have both been shit this year. If Joe is forced to hit it long he never hits his man, look at top keepers they can pin point passes even The one at the swamp can hit RVP ever time and he isn't a giant yet Joe can't hit Edin. And Vinny needs to look at himself out injured for months for us got told not to play for his country yet went on to play a full game it's us that pays his wages.

Iv also heard yaya isn't happy well again off you pop he again hasn performed all season and looked lazy in the final an at the end of the semi final. Like Richard Edgehill said on twitter there was no effort when people would of walked to wembley to play in a final for city.
Thing with footballers, certainly at the top level, is that they are pampered and cossetted. Think Manure have a special team who go out and solve any problems theirs may have (you know like how to turn a tap on etc).
Then when they stamp there feet and scream until they are sick we all act suprised
Just to add a bit of balance and perspective as people seem to think I'm a frothing at the mouth, raging Mancini 'inner'. I can wholly understand that the club did not meet it's targets this season and some of Bob's decisions have left me scratching my head! The 3-5-2 experiment, some of the substitutions. He can be a bit abrasive in the media regarding things he doesn't like.

The vast majority of the players didn't perform for whatever reason this season, to the same level they performed at this season. The board left Mancini down by failing to bring in the targets he identified to make the squad competitive on two fronts.

Maybe the man over played his hand as regards to his own importance, alas, he is gone.

Always good value in a presser, good values and a damn good football manager. All the best Bobby.
Didsbury Dave said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
A lot of people on here are stating that Bobby had to go because he upset some of the players by being overly critical.. So fucking what. Some of the players have been absolutely shite this season hence they deserved criticism.

Nasri was hammered by Bobby in the press for his performances, next month he was player of the month.

A manager has every right to be critical of player performances, the pampered pricks should be man enough to deal with it, or else, now I'm going out on a limb here, improve their performance levels and not sulk because the boss shouted at them
He's behaved like an idiot for most of this season, criticising all and sundry within the club. And it's cost him his job.

You can't have players like kompany and hart threatening to leave because of you and survive.

This whole season has been one enormous list of disasters for Mancini. The 352. Europe. The league draws. The player criticism. The Marwood/sheikh criticism. The increasingly bizarre press assertations. The friction with txiki. We have had a lot of this shit with him before but his results have kept him in a job.

This year the results weren't there and the bullet became inevitable once the league was lost in the winter.

I will buy the results part DD , not sure about players threatening to leave including the ones you mention.

Would like some quotes to support your assertions re Hart and Kompany.

I don't think his quotes about Nasri having to do better , Dzeko having to do better etc had very much to do with him being shown the door.

I would suggest it had a lot to do with the fact we finished with 3 points in the ECL and finished a distant second in the Premiership that spelt his demise.

If we had of won the Cup on Saturday I very much doubt he would have survived but to suggest his press conferences or his sound bites in the media were a factor DD is drawing a very long bow at best.

We all know he is a poor performer at press conferences etc and I assume no doubt he has been since day 1 of his managerial career even in his native tongue so I assume that the club already knew that before hiring him.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
A lot of people on here are stating that Bobby had to go because he upset some of the players by being overly critical.. So fucking what. Some of the players have been absolutely shite this season hence they deserved criticism.

Nasri was hammered by Bobby in the press for his performances, next month he was player of the month.

A manager has every right to be critical of player performances, the pampered pricks should be man enough to deal with it, or else, now I'm going out on a limb here, improve their performance levels and not sulk because the boss shouted at them

With you fully on that.

-- Tue May 14, 2013 9:00 am --

the citizens said:

Oh fuck me! Good job he doesn't work in the real world.

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