I don't like the manager

I'd just ignore that fucking moron on twitter..

"most managers would have won trophies with this team"... er I think you'll find a few new additions in the trophy room if that is part of your cleaning route buddy.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He's gone because of the whole picture. Results, tactics, morale, the way he represents MCFC, his relationships with his superiors, the whole shebang. The club don't see him as the right man to take us forward for many reasons.

DD, is there any substance at all to the claim you made about Joe and Vinny wanting to leave because of Mancini?

Let's have it straight.

You say the club don't see him as the right man. What constitutes the club? The business men don't see him as the right man as he ruffled a few feathers, fair enough. That is not the club. Ask the fans who will be chanting his name for the next 2 games who is the right man to take us forward. It certainly won't be Marwood or Kloss.

I had faith that given the right transfer targets, Mancini would have improved us again to be extremely competitive on all fronts.

He is a victim of his own success. He won the league ahead of the "projected curve" set out by the business men. With the investments made versus those made by our competition we were never, ever going to compete on 2 fronts, especially with injuries and under performing stars and Bobby having to constantly fight against the press. I wish him well and hope we don't get Pellegrini in. I just have a gut feeling it won't work

Wrong on all accounts

The owner & board drive the strategy to take this club forward. Not us fans. We are a big part of the club but not "THE" main part of the club.

We do not (example):-
- Manage the players
- Pay the wages of the staff
- Bring in corporate sponsorship
- Negotiate transfers
- Pay the bills
- and many more activities

I'm a Practitioner in Management, I work for an organisation where I manage a team of 20 people with extremely large budgets and targets for delivery. You have to learn to manage your people (simple) if you are a footballer or a fucking tea lady. If you do not manage your people, productivity and belief in your abilities will always drop and then you have problems.

The Pisscan Ferguson was excellent at how he looked after his men. Even during his last speech. He said how much he believed in his players and kept asking to believe in themselves and literally bigs his men up. He does give the hairdrier but he also put his arms around shoulders. Now look at how successful he has been and how his teams performed.

As great as what he had done for our club - he just created too many fires. Lets hope he learns from this experience
Didsbury Dave said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
A lot of people on here are stating that Bobby had to go because he upset some of the players by being overly critical.. So fucking what. Some of the players have been absolutely shite this season hence they deserved criticism.

Nasri was hammered by Bobby in the press for his performances, next month he was player of the month.

A manager has every right to be critical of player performances, the pampered pricks should be man enough to deal with it, or else, now I'm going out on a limb here, improve their performance levels and not sulk because the boss shouted at them
He's behaved like an idiot for most of this season, criticising all and sundry within the club. And it's cost him his job.

You can't have players like kompany and hart threatening to leave because of you and survive.

Spot on DD

This whole season has been one enormous list of disasters for Mancini. The 352. Europe. The league draws. The player criticism. The Marwood/sheikh criticism. The increasingly bizarre press assertations. The friction with txiki. We have had a lot of this shit with him before but his results have kept him in a job.

This year the results weren't there and the bullet became inevitable once the league was lost in the winter.
crystal_mais said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He's gone because of the whole picture. Results, tactics, morale, the way he represents MCFC, his relationships with his superiors, the whole shebang. The club don't see him as the right man to take us forward for many reasons.

DD, is there any substance at all to the claim you made about Joe and Vinny wanting to leave because of Mancini?

Let's have it straight.

You say the club don't see him as the right man. What constitutes the club? The business men don't see him as the right man as he ruffled a few feathers, fair enough. That is not the club. Ask the fans who will be chanting his name for the next 2 games who is the right man to take us forward. It certainly won't be Marwood or Kloss.

I had faith that given the right transfer targets, Mancini would have improved us again to be extremely competitive on all fronts.

He is a victim of his own success. He won the league ahead of the "projected curve" set out by the business men. With the investments made versus those made by our competition we were never, ever going to compete on 2 fronts, especially with injuries and under performing stars and Bobby having to constantly fight against the press. I wish him well and hope we don't get Pellegrini in. I just have a gut feeling it won't work

Wrong on all accounts

The owner & board drive the strategy to take this club forward. Not us fans. We are a big part of the club but not "THE" main part of the club.

We do not (example):-
- Manage the players
- Pay the wages of the staff
- Bring in corporate sponsorship
- Negotiate transfers
- Pay the bills
- and many more activities

I'm a Practitioner in Management, I work for an organisation where I manage a team of 20 people with budgets in excess of £20m. You have to learn to manage your people (simple) if you are a footballer or a fucking tea lady. If you do not manage your people, productivity and belief in your abilities will always drop and then you have problems.

The Pisscan Ferguson was excellent at how he looked after his men. Even during his last speech. He said how much he believed in his players and kept asking to believe in themselves and literally bigs his men up. He does give the hairdrier but he also put his arms around shoulders. Now look at how successful he has been and how his teams performed.

As great as what he had done for our club - he just created too many fires. Lets hope he learns from this experience

OK you mention productivity. I don't think it is a good reference for a football discussion. You are obviously a very talented business man so I'll use a business like metaphor. The manager of a production company identifies 2 new machines that will increase productivity in order to compete in the new European market. The business director sees things differently and decides to buy new, unproven machines that are relatively cheaper than the machines identified by the production manager. These new machines have a negative impact on productivity as they are too slow and cannot perform at the times outlined by the production manager.

Business and football management have not, and never will be the same things.. at least I hope not, for the love of football
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He's gone because of the whole picture. Results, tactics, morale, the way he represents MCFC, his relationships with his superiors, the whole shebang. The club don't see him as the right man to take us forward for many reasons.

DD, is there any substance at all to the claim you made about Joe and Vinny wanting to leave because of Mancini?

Let's have it straight.

You say the club don't see him as the right man. What constitutes the club? The business men don't see him as the right man as he ruffled a few feathers, fair enough. That is not the club. Ask the fans who will be chanting his name for the next 2 games who is the right man to take us forward. It certainly won't be Marwood or Kloss.

I had faith that given the right transfer targets, Mancini would have improved us again to be extremely competitive on all fronts.

He is a victim of his own success. He won the league ahead of the "projected curve" set out by the business men. With the investments made versus those made by our competition we were never, ever going to compete on 2 fronts, especially with injuries and under performing stars and Bobby having to constantly fight against the press. I wish him well and hope we don't get Pellegrini in. I just have a gut feeling it won't work

I don't want to go down the "can you provide proof" route. I've had it all season from certain quarters, and I think anyone without their head firmly in the sand can see the evidence emerging all around them at the moment.

He's not a victim of his own success, I'm afraid, he's a victim of his own failings. It might be unpalatable to you, and I respect that, but it is the truth.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Just to add a bit of balance and perspective as people seem to think I'm a frothing at the mouth, raging Mancini 'inner'. I can wholly understand that the club did not meet it's targets this season and some of Bob's decisions have left me scratching my head! The 3-5-2 experiment, some of the substitutions. He can be a bit abrasive in the media regarding things he doesn't like.

The vast majority of the players didn't perform for whatever reason this season, to the same level they performed at this season. The board left Mancini down by failing to bring in the targets he identified to make the squad competitive on two fronts.

Maybe the man over played his hand as regards to his own importance, alas, he is gone.

Always good value in a presser, good values and a damn good football manager. All the best Bobby.

only this...

Another irony is that if we'd have gone to a 3-5-2 on Saturday we'd probably got to grips with Wigan and won!
Didsbury Dave said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
A lot of people on here are stating that Bobby had to go because he upset some of the players by being overly critical.. So fucking what. Some of the players have been absolutely shite this season hence they deserved criticism.

Nasri was hammered by Bobby in the press for his performances, next month he was player of the month.

A manager has every right to be critical of player performances, the pampered pricks should be man enough to deal with it, or else, now I'm going out on a limb here, improve their performance levels and not sulk because the boss shouted at them
He's behaved like an idiot for most of this season, criticising all and sundry within the club. And it's cost him his job.

You can't have players like kompany and hart threatening to leave because of you and survive.

This whole season has been one enormous list of disasters for Mancini. The 352. Europe. The league draws. The player criticism. The Marwood/sheikh criticism. The increasingly bizarre press assertations. The friction with txiki. We have had a lot of this shit with him before but his results have kept him in a job.

This year the results weren't there and the bullet became inevitable once the league was lost in the winter.

As far back as October he knew he would be leaving at the end of the season. I'm shocked that he was sacked to be honest; as I thought he would resign.

Anyway, although the timing was atrocious, I am now looking forward to August and a new start with a new manager who we MUST get behind.

On a funny note: Best tweet ever last night from somebody

'Super City fab holistic, timing is atrocious'...
Didsbury Dave said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He's gone because of the whole picture. Results, tactics, morale, the way he represents MCFC, his relationships with his superiors, the whole shebang. The club don't see him as the right man to take us forward for many reasons.

DD, is there any substance at all to the claim you made about Joe and Vinny wanting to leave because of Mancini?

Let's have it straight.

You say the club don't see him as the right man. What constitutes the club? The business men don't see him as the right man as he ruffled a few feathers, fair enough. That is not the club. Ask the fans who will be chanting his name for the next 2 games who is the right man to take us forward. It certainly won't be Marwood or Kloss.

I had faith that given the right transfer targets, Mancini would have improved us again to be extremely competitive on all fronts.

He is a victim of his own success. He won the league ahead of the "projected curve" set out by the business men. With the investments made versus those made by our competition we were never, ever going to compete on 2 fronts, especially with injuries and under performing stars and Bobby having to constantly fight against the press. I wish him well and hope we don't get Pellegrini in. I just have a gut feeling it won't work

I don't want to go down the "can you provide proof" route. I've had it all season from certain quarters, and I think anyone without their head firmly in the sand can see the evidence emerging all around them at the moment.

He's not a victim of his own success, I'm afraid, he's a victim of his own failings. It might be unpalatable to you, and I respect that, but it is the truth.

is it the truth because you say so? Looking at the conjecture and forming an opinion is not the truth DD. No more than what I say is the truth. I don't know what the truth is in all of this.

The truth, to me is that it just feels wrong. If it was a purely footballing decision to get rid of him, then it would definitely suit my palate better. But the way this has been dealt with and the uncertainty created by leaks and what looks like a betrayal of a good footballing man by certain members of the club leaves a bitter taste with me.

Again this is just who I view what has been presented. I don't claim to have any knowledge of inside workings of the club or the personal opinions of any of the staff, so it probably won't have as much weight as if I said, Zabba told me he loves Bobby and will quit unless he is re-instated.
freewheelinfranklin said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Just to add a bit of balance and perspective as people seem to think I'm a frothing at the mouth, raging Mancini 'inner'. I can wholly understand that the club did not meet it's targets this season and some of Bob's decisions have left me scratching my head! The 3-5-2 experiment, some of the substitutions. He can be a bit abrasive in the media regarding things he doesn't like.

The vast majority of the players didn't perform for whatever reason this season, to the same level they performed at this season. The board left Mancini down by failing to bring in the targets he identified to make the squad competitive on two fronts.

Maybe the man over played his hand as regards to his own importance, alas, he is gone.

Always good value in a presser, good values and a damn good football manager. All the best Bobby.

only this...

Another irony is that if we'd have gone to a 3-5-2 on Saturday we'd probably got to grips with Wigan and won!
We did go to 3-5-2

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