I don't like the manager

blueinsa said:
Fuck me its getting more and more hysterical by the second

Being passionate about something leads to hysteria. Not everyone agrees with the decision made or the reasons behind it. It is easy to be calm when you are on the side that suits you.

If you think a few posts is hysterical, have a look at the PSG fans, and they won the bloody league.
welsh_andy said:
yep an overly critical manager that won us a title and fa cup, i dont count cs. name one manager in last 30yrs that won us even one of those.
dont give a toss how he was, he was a proven winner

and proven winners tend to be a tad 'difficult'

nice compliant types on the other hand may not win very much but they're nice and friendly and don'y make nasty waves and that eez impor-tant
blueinsa said:
Pam said:
Mikedoyle1 said:
If heart and kompany are upset then see you later easy as that they have both been shit this year. If Joe is forced to hit it long he never hits his man, look at top keepers they can pin point passes even The one at the swamp can hit RVP ever time and he isn't a giant yet Joe can't hit Edin. And Vinny needs to look at himself out injured for months for us got told not to play for his country yet went on to play a full game it's us that pays his wages.

Iv also heard yaya isn't happy well again off you pop he again hasn performed all season and looked lazy in the final an at the end of the semi final. Like Richard Edgehill said on twitter there was no effort when people would of walked to wembley to play in a final for city.

Fucking Kompany and Hart have had this John Terry/Frank Lampard number going this season. Its the sort of thing that did for a half a dozen Chelsea managers and it is not good.

Fuck me its getting more and more hysterical by the second
As long as you remember the golden rule you'll be alright. You can say whatever you think/believe about any of the players but anything you say about Mancini has to be backed up with indisputable evidence otherwise you're a ****.
Didsbury Dave said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
A lot of people on here are stating that Bobby had to go because he upset some of the players by being overly critical.. So fucking what. Some of the players have been absolutely shite this season hence they deserved criticism.

Nasri was hammered by Bobby in the press for his performances, next month he was player of the month.

A manager has every right to be critical of player performances, the pampered pricks should be man enough to deal with it, or else, now I'm going out on a limb here, improve their performance levels and not sulk because the boss shouted at them
He's behaved like an idiot for most of this season, criticising all and sundry within the club. And it's cost him his job.

You can't have players like kompany and hart threatening to leave because of you and survive.This whole season has been one enormous list of disasters for Mancini. The 352. Europe. The league draws. The player criticism. The Marwood/sheikh criticism. The increasingly bizarre press assertations. The friction with txiki. We have had a lot of this shit with him before but his results have kept him in a job.

This year the results weren't there and the bullet became inevitable once the league was lost in the winter.
Yes you can
Lancet Fluke said:
blueinsa said:
Pam said:
Fucking Kompany and Hart have had this John Terry/Frank Lampard number going this season. Its the sort of thing that did for a half a dozen Chelsea managers and it is not good.

Fuck me its getting more and more hysterical by the second
As long as you remember the golden rule you'll be alright. You can say whatever you think/believe about any of the players but anything you say about Mancini has to be backed up with indisputable evidence otherwise you're a ****.
At least you know the rules
Well we better hope our players will be 100% delighted with the new manager.

If not, we can get the next one. Easy.
Mancini's style works well for a few seasons I think. He challenges players in his cold and ruthless way and makes them angry, they go out and succeed. But then when they have reached their goals, the hunger fades and they become resentful at the coaching style leading to this unenergetic, unmotivated, uncaring mess of a season we've had.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
blueinsa said:
Fuck me its getting more and more hysterical by the second

Being passionate about something leads to hysteria. Not everyone agrees with the decision made or the reasons behind it. It is easy to be calm when you are on the side that suits you.

If you think a few posts is hysterical, have a look at the PSG fans, and they won the bloody league.

Top post.

Also, people are genuinely upset. I am devastated by the dreadful way this has been handled.The Sheikh is a classy individual. I hope he intends to find out which City insider has been leaking this bollocks. Whoever it is, they are responsible for this contemptuous treatment of a man who will always be a City legend. Its a stupid decision imho but Jesus Christ, the horrific way it happened is beyond belief and will stay with me for a long time yet.

Not our club's greatest moment, all in all.
the citizens said:

Who the fook is that

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