I don't like the manager

I like Mancini, but he didn't weigh his tough tough approach with anything else and not all players will respond to that. Everyone is different, some will respond well to being slagged off in public and it will light a fire in them but some will not just the same as some players will react well to an arm around the shoulders and some others won't. Part of being a great manager, imo, is knowing how to go with some players to get the best out of them but you get the feeling with Bob it was my way or fuck off.

He got us our first cups, for that im sure we will be forever grateful, but hopefully this is the start of something rather than the end.
crystal_mais said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
crystal_mais said:
Wrong on all accounts

The owner & board drive the strategy to take this club forward. Not us fans. We are a big part of the club but not "THE" main part of the club.

We do not (example):-
- Manage the players
- Pay the wages of the staff
- Bring in corporate sponsorship
- Negotiate transfers
- Pay the bills
- and many more activities

I'm a Practitioner in Management, I work for an organisation where I manage a team of 20 people with budgets in excess of £20m. You have to learn to manage your people (simple) if you are a footballer or a fucking tea lady. If you do not manage your people, productivity and belief in your abilities will always drop and then you have problems.

The Pisscan Ferguson was excellent at how he looked after his men. Even during his last speech. He said how much he believed in his players and kept asking to believe in themselves and literally bigs his men up. He does give the hairdrier but he also put his arms around shoulders. Now look at how successful he has been and how his teams performed.

As great as what he had done for our club - he just created too many fires. Lets hope he learns from this experience

OK you mention productivity. I don't think it is a good reference for a football discussion. You are obviously a very talented business man so I'll use a business like metaphor. The manager of a production company identifies 2 new machines that will increase productivity in order to compete in the new European market. The business director sees things differently and decides to buy new, unproven machines that are relatively cheaper than the machines identified by the production manager. These new machines have a negative impact on productivity as they are too slow and cannot perform at the times outlined by the production manager.

Business and football management have not, and never will be the same things.. at least I hope not, for the love of football

We are talking people not machines. Employees be it footballers, tea ladies, software engineers, managers or whatever are people first and skills come second.

His biggest flaw was his behaviour - from what I am reading - that rubs off on people. Using your analogy - not treating a super fast machine with the care and attention that is needed will ultimately reduce it's efficiency quicker

So the question that comes to my mind is how, if Mancini was such a shite man manager all along, did he get that team to win a cup and the league? The players I watched surrender a game without so much as a whimper at Wembley fought Tooth and Nail for Mancini last year in that final run in.
Blue Tooth said:
crystal_mais said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
OK you mention productivity. I don't think it is a good reference for a football discussion. You are obviously a very talented business man so I'll use a business like metaphor. The manager of a production company identifies 2 new machines that will increase productivity in order to compete in the new European market. The business director sees things differently and decides to buy new, unproven machines that are relatively cheaper than the machines identified by the production manager. These new machines have a negative impact on productivity as they are too slow and cannot perform at the times outlined by the production manager.

Business and football management have not, and never will be the same things.. at least I hope not, for the love of football

We are talking people not machines. Employees be it footballers, tea ladies, software engineers, managers or whatever are people first and skills come second.

His biggest flaw was his behaviour - from what I am reading - that rubs off on people. Using your analogy - not treating a super fast machine with the care and attention that is needed will ultimately reduce it's efficiency quicker

So the question that comes to my mind is how, if Mancini was such a shite man manager all along, did he get that team to win a cup and the league? The players I watched surrender a game without so much as a whimper at Wembley fought Tooth and Nail for Mancini last year in that final run in.

Did they?

They re-grouped once they had a sniff when the RAGs started to falter -

when things are going well - it's easier to manager as you are on a roll and people are focused. When things are up shit creek thats when a manager really has to manage and get the best out of what he has
crystal_mais said:
We are talking people not machines. Employees be it footballers, tea ladies, software engineers, managers or whatever are people first and skills come second.

His biggest flaw was his behaviour - from what I am reading - that rubs off on people. Using your analogy - not treating a super fast machine with the care and attention that is needed will ultimately reduce it's efficiency quicker

There is no correlation between a footballer and a software engineer in this aspect. Nobody pays to come and see a software engineer perform at his job trust me, I am one.

I don't think Mancini neglected the care and the attention of the people around him. He has extended genorosity towards a lot of the playing staff at times. He affored Zabaleta time off to go home when his Dad was sick. He allowed Carlos Tevez to come back into the fold (even though it made him look terrible after his initial mistake), also allowing Carlos to take time off when he had family problems. I'm sure there are more examples of this. Outside of this, I see nothing wrong with the way he dealt with truant or under performing players.
Its a bit of both for me. The players need to know that Manger is the main man and he will give you a bollocking if needed and take it on the chin and react to it positive way. Also looking at the form of some of the players this season we just missed a spark at times when we needed it.

Mancini relied too much on Yaya who hasnt been the force of old. Yet Mancini no matter how poorly he has played will always remain on the pitch. The Mario stuff to have 1 law for Mario and another for the rest of the squad was the first fuck up he had and was the begining of the end on top of that the Tevez stuff as well was just madness. How we won the league last year I will never understand as there was a lot of shit off the field that happend that could of cost us big time.

I thank Mancini for winning us our FA Cup and League title he gave us so many highs. He left us dumb founded at times with how he has used his tatics. I just wish him the best in his future. In a way I am so looking forward to next season already.<br /><br />-- Tue May 14, 2013 12:21 pm --<br /><br />Its a bit of both for me. The players need to know that Manger is the main man and he will give you a bollocking if needed and take it on the chin and react to it positive way. Also looking at the form of some of the players this season we just missed a spark at times when we needed it.

Mancini relied too much on Yaya who hasnt been the force of old. Yet Mancini no matter how poorly he has played will always remain on the pitch. The Mario stuff to have 1 law for Mario and another for the rest of the squad was the first fuck up he had and was the begining of the end on top of that the Tevez stuff as well was just madness. How we won the league last year I will never understand as there was a lot of shit off the field that happend that could of cost us big time.

I thank Mancini for winning us our FA Cup and League title he gave us so many highs. He left us dumb founded at times with how he has used his tatics. I just wish him the best in his future. In a way I am so looking forward to next season already.
crystal_mais said:
Blue Tooth said:
crystal_mais said:
We are talking people not machines. Employees be it footballers, tea ladies, software engineers, managers or whatever are people first and skills come second.

His biggest flaw was his behaviour - from what I am reading - that rubs off on people. Using your analogy - not treating a super fast machine with the care and attention that is needed will ultimately reduce it's efficiency quicker

So the question that comes to my mind is how, if Mancini was such a shite man manager all along, did he get that team to win a cup and the league? The players I watched surrender a game without so much as a whimper at Wembley fought Tooth and Nail for Mancini last year in that final run in.

Did they?

They re-grouped once they had a sniff when the RAGs started to falter -

when things are going well - it's easier to manager as you are on a roll and people are focused. When things are up shit creek thats when a manager really has to manage and get the best out of what he has

Seems to me that Roberto was given a canoe and no paddle and pointed towards shit creek with little chance of coming back.
Mikedoyle1 said:
If heart and kompany are upset then see you later easy as that they have both been shit this year. If Joe is forced to hit it long he never hits his man, look at top keepers they can pin point passes even The one at the swamp can hit RVP ever time and he isn't a giant yet Joe can't hit Edin. And Vinny needs to look at himself out injured for months for us got told not to play for his country yet went on to play a full game it's us that pays his wages.

Iv also heard yaya isn't happy well again off you pop he again hasn performed all season and looked lazy in the final an at the end of the semi final. Like Richard Edgehill said on twitter there was no effort when people would of walked to wembley to play in a final for city.

Fucking Kompany and Hart have had this John Terry/Frank Lampard number going this season. Its the sort of thing that did for a half a dozen Chelsea managers and it is not good.
I think some of the English players like Hart,Barry,and Richards have had an unhappy relationship with the manager.I think Richards was stupid to play with an injury in the olympics.
Pam said:
Fucking Kompany and Hart have had this John Terry/Frank Lampard number going this season. Its the sort of thing that did for a half a dozen Chelsea managers and it is not good.


The media has been full of bollocks throughout this season. Long on opinion, short on facts. The only things you can take as 'truth' are when you see/hear it said in person by someone at the club, or with direct attribution (though even that is down to narrative with soundbites and manipulation).

So what's the truth?

Pellegrini et al wanted Mancini out to get 'their choice' in and deliberately manipulated things to that end?
Mancini was rude to everyone and didn't care about the academy?
It was solely down to not achieving the targets and the change was moved forwards because of the media?
The press have been against him from the start and printed dozens of lies throughout his time at the club?

Apart from the owners, no one knows what the whole unvarnished truth is. Certainly some people are sticking the knife in now he's gone. Certainly some of the people on here who hated seeing Hughes go and were against Mancini from the start have shaped perceptions on Bluemoon. Certainly the torrent of stories coming in the media are suggesting a particular narrative. But it's easy to shape a narrative.

Roberto Mancini was exhausted but still made it to a meeting and listened attentively to all of the opinions.
Robert Mancini attended a meeting and seemed to spend it all staring at his shoes, not contributing anything.

Two narratives, neither of which need have any truth.

Fact: Mancini's been sacked, we came second in the league and got to the FA Cup final.
Opinions: Everything else.
Bollocks: Anything said or written by a football 'journalist'.
Pam said:
Mikedoyle1 said:
If heart and kompany are upset then see you later easy as that they have both been shit this year. If Joe is forced to hit it long he never hits his man, look at top keepers they can pin point passes even The one at the swamp can hit RVP ever time and he isn't a giant yet Joe can't hit Edin. And Vinny needs to look at himself out injured for months for us got told not to play for his country yet went on to play a full game it's us that pays his wages.

Iv also heard yaya isn't happy well again off you pop he again hasn performed all season and looked lazy in the final an at the end of the semi final. Like Richard Edgehill said on twitter there was no effort when people would of walked to wembley to play in a final for city.

Fucking Kompany and Hart have had this John Terry/Frank Lampard number going this season. Its the sort of thing that did for a half a dozen Chelsea managers and it is not good.

Fuck me its getting more and more hysterical by the second

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