I found a wallet last night

Didsbury Dave said:
AntonDonJuan said:
I was behind someone in a cashpoint queue who withdrew about £150 but left a tenner in the slot, i waited til they'd gone and stuck it in my pocket. I felt no shame, i'm a bad person

People like you make the world a shitter place to live.

What comes around goes around.
Ahhh now you see, as i highlighted in an earlier post i once handed £90 in, so i reckon i still haven't found £90 total on the floor in the 7 years since then, which means i'm steal in the black for goodness, i reckon if i find another £20 or so it might drop me into the red and i'll have to revaluate what i should start handing in
I just wish some other c.unt had nicked your running shoes and it would give you just a little taste of your own medicine.

but people like you don't think like that, you're out for what you can get, and you actually think that others feel the same.

One of your sort broke into my house last year, nicked the fucking lot. A big piece of glass from the broken window cut my one-year old's hand to the bone.

But I deserved it for not setting the alarm, didn't I?
Didsbury Dave said:
I just wish some other c.unt had nicked your running shoes and it would give you just a little taste of your own medicine.

but people like you don't think like that, you're out for what you can get, and you actually think that others feel the same.

One of your sort broke into my house last year, nicked the fucking lot. A big piece of glass from the broken window cut my one-year old's hand to the bone.

But I deserved it for not setting the alarm, didn't I?

Sorry to hear about that Dave, fucking scumbag i hope he died, seriously. THis is where i will sound like a hypocrite, because I HATE burglars and car thieves. Lowest of the low. If you found the bag i found though and it had no ID in it, nothing except cash, would you have handed it in or kept it? I would like to think i'm not a 'person like that', as you put it just cos I would keep the cash. To me that cash has no owner, however if it had ID in it, well then I would seriously have to think about it hard and I hope I would contact the person and give it back.
Didsbury Dave said:
I just wish some other c.unt had nicked your running shoes and it would give you just a little taste of your own medicine.

but people like you don't think like that, you're out for what you can get, and you actually think that others feel the same.

One of your sort broke into my house last year, nicked the fucking lot. A big piece of glass from the broken window cut my one-year old's hand to the bone.

But I deserved it for not setting the alarm, didn't I?
So you're comparing picking £10 up of the floor, to robbing your house and stealing all your stuff. Ha sort your head out
Pigeonho said:
Chippy_boy said:
There's no confusion in my mind, and there shouldn't be in yours. Either something belongs to you, or it does not. If you find something that does not belong to you and you keep it, then that is theft and it is wrong.

The only issue is, from a pure practicality point of view, it's just not worth taking 20p to the police station, so I would not bother, and nor would the Pope.

But if it was a serious amount, I would hand it in.

You say "That is to take something which is in the possesion of someone else though, whereas as finding a fiver on a curbside or a bag full of money with no-one in sight, is not stealing."

Yes, bud, it IS. The fact is it belongs to someone and that someone is not you.

What about my camera on a beach towel example? Would you take that? Like the bag of money, you don't know WHO it belongs to. And you aren't going to get caught. There's no-one around. It's dark. They have shut down for the day. My guess is you'd nick that as well. I would not. And it has nothing to do with whether you would be caught or not.

I just said on the phone post that I would hand in material things, probably cos I have one already.

My apologies, I missed that.
AntonDonJuan said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I just wish some other c.unt had nicked your running shoes and it would give you just a little taste of your own medicine.

but people like you don't think like that, you're out for what you can get, and you actually think that others feel the same.

One of your sort broke into my house last year, nicked the fucking lot. A big piece of glass from the broken window cut my one-year old's hand to the bone.

But I deserved it for not setting the alarm, didn't I?
So you're comparing picking £10 up of the floor, to robbing your house and stealing all your stuff. Ha sort your head out

Yes I am.

It wasn't on the floor it was in the cashpoint and you waited for the bloke to fuck off.

It's theft.
Didsbury Dave said:
AntonDonJuan said:
I was behind someone in a cashpoint queue who withdrew about £150 but left a tenner in the slot, i waited til they'd gone and stuck it in my pocket. I felt no shame, i'm a bad person

People like you make the world a shitter place to live.

What comes around goes around.

I went to visit a mate in Builth Wells back in the 80's and stayed with him and his family for a few days. We'd all go out in the day time and not lock the house. I asked Jim what on earth he was thinking of and he said "there's no need mate, no-one would nick anything around here. We go away on holidays and don't lock the front door. Anyway, if anyone did nick anything there'd be no point because the whole village would know who had done it in 10 minutes."

Seriously, that is true. I am sure it isn't now.

Shame. It was really nice to be part of a community where there was such trust and honesty.
Pigeonho said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I just wish some other c.unt had nicked your running shoes and it would give you just a little taste of your own medicine.

but people like you don't think like that, you're out for what you can get, and you actually think that others feel the same.

One of your sort broke into my house last year, nicked the fucking lot. A big piece of glass from the broken window cut my one-year old's hand to the bone.

But I deserved it for not setting the alarm, didn't I?

Sorry to hear about that Dave, fucking scumbag i hope he died, seriously. THis is where i will sound like a hypocrite, because I HATE burglars and car thieves. Lowest of the low. If you found the bag i found though and it had no ID in it, nothing except cash, would you have handed it in or kept it? I would like to think i'm not a 'person like that', as you put it just cos I would keep the cash. To me that cash has no owner, however if it had ID in it, well then I would seriously have to think about it hard and I hope I would contact the person and give it back.

It's not you who i'm referring to Pidge, I haven't read the whole thread.
Didsbury Dave said:
AntonDonJuan said:
So you're comparing picking £10 up of the floor, to robbing your house and stealing all your stuff. Ha sort your head out

Yes I am.

It wasn't on the floor it was in the cashpoint and you waited for the bloke to fuck off.

It's theft.
It must make me a petty thief then, i'm not quite in the big league yet of robbing houses, once i've mastered the art of picking up dropped cash from the floor/cashpoint slots etc i might make the step up
Chippy_boy said:
Didsbury Dave said:
People like you make the world a shitter place to live.

What comes around goes around.

I went to visit a mate in Builth Wells back in the 80's and stayed with him and his family for a few days. We'd all go out in the day time and not lock the house. I asked Jim what on earth he was thinking of and he said "there's no need mate, no-one would nick anything around here. We go away on holidays and don't lock the front door. Anyway, if anyone did nick anything there'd be no point because the whole village would know who had done it in 10 minutes."

Seriously, that is true. I am sure it isn't now.

Shame. It was really nice to be part of a community where there was such trust and honesty.
My bird's pretty well off, lives with her folks in a big house, flash cars all that shit..they don't lock their house or their cars day and night. They best watch out though Didsbury Dave, one day i'll take advantage mwuahahahaha

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