I got it in the neck for not liking Bob Dylan

I thinhk I vaguely remember the thread and it wasn't just that you said you didn't like him, there was a bit more to it than that which is why you got 'flamed' as you say
This was meant as a light hearted dig and the chance to listen to him singing Bluemoon.

It seems he is the Marmite of the music world?
Prestwich_Blue said:
Pam said:
What a bastard you are for not liking Bob Dylan.
That's really very well put Pam if I may say so.

Its very much a generational thing.

Anyone old enough to have been evacuated seems to like the fella, anyone born in the decimal age thinks he's wank.

Saying Dylan cant sing is a bit of cliche isn't it? Granted, his voice is fucked now.

I don't think you can put his songwriting on par with the Beatles, he was a different league to them all together.

Still, it would be a boring place if we all liked the same thing wouldn't it?
TheMightyQuinn said:
Skashion said:
TMQ will swoop down and smite the haterz.

I can barely muster the energy to defend Bob Dylan, it shouldn't need doing.

Lyrically he's been matched but never bettered, so what if he doesn't have a good voice? conventionally good voices are a dime a dozen and extremely uninteresting. I dare say Katherine Jenkins has got an amazing voice but she has fuck all to say and is essentially some tits and arse for the opera crowd who wouldn't buy a Girls Aloud album.

Dylan is up there.

Well she does have a nicer arse than Bob Dylan.

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