"I have been to Old Trafford"

Haha, I went Socceraid 1st time I have ever been there, my mate got me the tickets as a bit of a joke. Think he just wants me to sort him out some debry tickets!!! Haha![/quote]

Tell the dirty rag bast@rd to go fook himself....then twat him and find yourself a proper blue mate
It is deeply shameful that I've been to Old Toilet more times than the average rag.

Someone before mentioned sorting a rag a ticket at the derby. Fuck that right off. Had a similar experience recently for the home leg of the League Cup semi. My Dad couldn't make it because (due to the postponement) he wasn't able to get out of a conference in Peterborough meaning he couldn't get to the game on time, which left us which a spare. My brother, treacherous scum that he is, thought we'd let him bring a rag mate. My Dad and I were up in arms and said we'd rather him (my brother) not go than let a rag in with my Dad's card. In the end my brother went and the rag didn't. There are just some lines that you don't cross and bringing rags on derby day, is one of them. We always sell out on derby day and under no condition should you deny a blue a seat for a fucking rag.
I was once havin' a bit of a ding dong with a really gobby teenage rag girl in a pub once ....... she was with a teenage lad , and she spotted my City shirt and said a few extremely unladylike things.

I , off course , didn't let her have all her own way , and things got slightly heated , at which point she tuned to her friend and said ..'are ya gonna let him rubbish United like that'?

Her face was a fuckin' picture when he turned to her and said ..'don't get me involved , i support Liverpool' ........ something she was apparently previously totally unaware of!

She started hitting him , and calling him names .... i just laughed in her face , and left the pub laughing even louder!
shouting and arguing with a teenage girl in a public place...you must be soo proud
bumbles said:
shouting and arguing with a teenage girl in a public place...you must be soo proud

Well we've been doing it to you for a fortnight so what's the problem.
a fortnight ?...not that you would elaborate would you?...more like 2 days
bumbles said:
shouting and arguing with a teenage girl in a public place...you must be soo proud


There's always one , isn't there?

It was many years ago ....... i was just enjoying my pint at the bar , but sometimes when people are after trouble , up close in your face , and gobby , you don't have much choice ...... what would it have looked like if i'd walked away?

And anyway i wouldn't say that i shouted ....... just cut her to pieces with a few quiet words!
black mamba said:
bumbles said:
shouting and arguing with a teenage girl in a public place...you must be soo proud


There's always one , isn't there?

Sometimes when people are after trouble , up close in your face , and gobby , you don't have much choice ...... what would it have looked like if i'd walked away?

And anyway i wouldn't say that i shouted ....... just cut her to pieces with a few quiet words!

you said it got a little heated...I sense you are backtracking ...fell a little ashamed to have it pointed out to you that shouting a gobby teenage girls is something to be proud of?...anyway ...I will cut you lose I can understand your bravado behnid the keyboard...

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