I hope a heart attack kills me

I’d rather be run over by a bus or a straight out heart attack. My Dad has it and my mum struggles like hell.
My mum has had it for quite a few years and my dad is fighting it but he is on the same road. The next few years are going to be shit. Thankfully my in laws both died from being old. Only lost the MIL in July and have the inquest to go through in October before things can move forward. Life can be a big shit!!
Dementia etc really is a fucker. Thankfully my old gits didn't suffer from it, though I know lots who have. Also I indirectly see lots of care home settings and it can be soul destroying for many. Some folk go quite happily in to another world, whilst for others it can be years of torment.
I hope that if it comes to my turn the rules will have changed and I can have pre-determined an option for quietly slipping away off my tits on some great meds...
It's a horrible illness. I had it with my own mum about 12 yrs ago. Heartbreaking seeing someone you love slowly slip away from. There's a person there, who looks like your mum but, to all intents and purposes, isn't your mum any more. The only "positive" is that the person afflicted is blissfully unaware of their condition. It's the family who have to watch the deterioration in the person. Try and keep strong OP. And yes, it's easy for me to say.
I hope that if it comes to my turn the rules will have changed and I can have pre-determined an option for quietly slipping away off my tits on some great meds...

This has to be coming. Watched my ex-para dad slide into madness and it wasn't a dignified way to go. Fortunately, he dropped dead a week before I had to get him out of temporary care and into a charnel house they call a "care home".
We were lucky/unlucky make up your own minds.

My Dad had dementia and whilst never actually "losing" it he did become very confused, He had a fall down the stairs in his home at the end of March and could barely walk but he could communicate, though was very forgetful and would not always know where he was. It was hearbreaking.

In late June he had a stroke and went into hospital, he lost all ability to talk and he eventually caught the dreaded Covid and on 18th July he passed away. God it hurts. In the fall he fractured 11 ribs, cracked two vretabrae, had a brain bleed and fractured his pelvis.... the ambulance took over four hours to get to him, a quivering wreck, motionless and in severe pain at the bottom of the stairs. And he lives in Hampshire in the well to do South of England.

We had to agree to Dad getting a stronger dose of Morphine to "make him more comfortable, though we knew what that meant and within 12 hours he'd passed away. I felt that by agreeing to this I was complicit to murdering him. This is the nearest you will get to legalised assisted dying in the UK but believe me, watching him suffer and struggling to draw breath it was the kindest thing we could have done, he was unconscious for the last four days of his life.

God I miss him!

BTW OP my genuine heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family.... stay strong!
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