I hope Tevez stays

MadchesterCity said:
123abcd said:
He can NEVER play for City again. Never.

As someone mentioned, he must be made an example of; for all of the future mega stars that will come through the ranks in the next years to see.

You NEVER fuck with the manager like that. If you do...you are gone. End of story.

Mancini has already shown that he can't be messed with and that he is a strong manager, take Adebayor and Tevez as an example.

But Tevez is a different situation, we can't afford to spunk £40million up the wall
No business and City if you like it or not, is a business can do this with one of its most expensive Assets.

Yes we can sell him in January but we can't be certain that a team will meet our valuation and even then that Tevez will be willing to move to Russia for example.

We still have Bridge on the books FFS, we need to get our wage bill down, playing Tevez could be describes as biting our tongue but all the managers, clubs and fans understand the situation that has been drawn out by the media circus You can bet your bottom dollar that fans of other clubs hope he doesn't play again because like it or not we are a stronger squad with him.

I get the points about slagging Manchester but our very own Super Mario also dissed the City. I come down to Manchester every other week to watch City, but I'm pretty certain if I was booking a holiday for none football reasons that
Manchester wouldn't be my first choice!

No player is bigger than the club and this has been made very clear to all parties.

So he's a prick, but he's our prick, time to burst some balloons!

Mancini will know what is best, we need to back Mancini and City.

I agree we should get what is a fair price for him. As someone mentioned before about Mancunians being more pissed. It is not what he said really, like i know London has more choice and is bigger etc but it was the intended fall out of it he poorly disguised (piss us all of, cheap quick transfer).

No we do not want to piss 40m up the wall this is where the law and pfa have failed the sport badly. It seems like you need more evidence now than is sensibly viable, almost like needing a video diary of a murderer and the police catching them with a freshly dead body in the boot of the car. In turn it has left us fewer avenues to explore that i find very unfair, because of actions that taken he has lowered his transfer value which affects our finances.
I understand we can afford it but it is the principle. We should get some serious cash awarded to us from any future contract he makes in proportion to our lost earnings from his sale and the monetary value of any contract he signs. Actions i should add that did break his contractual obligations, not because he got caught pissed at 4am with 10 hookers which happens all to often with players.

Also...PFA set fines and directly look after all players, now if that is not a conflict of interests i do not know what is. Some football laws here need updating badly.

Bobby is doing this in the interest of diplomacy, i even applaud him as he is taking one for the team here. Ask him about Tevez in private and i put my life on it he would start headbutting walls.
He can go fuck himself.
Hate to admit it but he would make a great 4th striker as long as he is prepared for some lovely bench warming. I wouldn't pick him ahead of the other three unless we had major injury worries/ league cup games.

Still don't like the idea though. It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.
MadchesterCity said:
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
The most important person in all of this is Bobby Manc. He's the one who has been undermined and will feel that a player has usurped him. As fans all we get is what's in the press most of the time.

If the pair make up and Tevez pulls on a blue shirt again, then as long as he puts the effort in, the crowd should support him.

was expecting loads of abuse but these are wise words.

Mancini has came through this even stronger and seeing Tevez kneel before him is another feather in his cap.
When did Tevez kneel before Mancini ?
then as long as he puts the effort in, the crowd should support him.

He'll get no support from me. What he's done -as far as I'm concerned - is unforgiveable. He's disrespected the club I love, he's bad-mouthed Manchester itself and tried to manipulate the media into seeing himself as the victim in all of this.

We all of us have contributed to his vast wealth by taking our hard-earned from our pockets, and in return he's insulted us and our passion for the club.

I hope he never ever pulls a City shirt on again.
If he stays he stays, I wont be supporting him. Personally I dont think we should have him anywhere near the team, he is clearly a demotivating person and i'd rather not have him near a team which seem to be a very well oiled machine right now. He'll just be back to his old tricks again in no time.
He's a major disruptive influence, bad for the club and the City. He doesn't give a toss about anyone else but himself...and maybe his girls. He's a selfish player who closes our options when playing not open them and doesn't pass often enough. Dzeko is twice the player when he's not playing. Plus keeping four top front men can't ever work and will drag the team down. When we rotate three top line strikers the competition is immense and the product fantastic. Look at how many strikers we've got in top ten of Premierhip and howm many goals we've scored without Tevez. We couldn't do that with four of them. Not prepared to sacrifice Dzeko for that overweight, overpaid tosspot. Never want to see Tevez play for City again.

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