I joined 'Hughes Out' Facebook Community today

Much as i despise the clueless w**ker i won't be joining up, i keep my loathing to myself (generally) and don't want any part of this juvenile crap, i will always back the team and club but not you know who but you won't hear or see my acting like some revolutionary as i believe it is to the detriment of the 11 on the pitch.
skybluekings said:
Get you voice heard in numbers. Join the facebook 'Hughes Out' group today, it just started and its growing very fast lol!:


NOTE: I DIDN'T MAKE the Community, I just joined it today and I'm letting you all know it exists.

Edit: Well the heading is changed to me joining. To each his own.

i to I'm not overly impressed with our performances, the head scratching substitutions, the tactics of the manager.

but this is my club and i will not do things to try to embarrass it.

we have potential a great squad. players we could have only dreamt about until just recently. the owner every club in the country would want, who i think is an honourable man. a chairman in khaldoon who i trust implicitly. there are a lot of positives to be had if you decide to look. if things want changing and that includes the manager if need be, then in our owner and chairman we have the men to do it. putting extra pressure on our team will not make these men do something they feel is wrong. if things need to be done it will be done at the right time not as a knee jerk reaction. i`m as disappointed as anybody but we are starting to get carried away on this tidal wave of resentment. its time to realise what we have here and its a million fucking miles away from the impending disaster some would have us believe
skybluekings said:
Get you voice heard in numbers. Join the facebook 'Hughes Out' group today, it just started and its growing very fast lol!:


NOTE: I DIDN'T MAKE the Community, I just joined it today and I'm letting you all know it exists.

Edit: Well the heading is changed to me joining. To each his own.

Good for you... muppet
Re: Join the fast growing 'Hughes Out' Facebook Community today

blue_bird said:
I seriously question the mentality of some of our so called fans.

So do I... but I put it down to the fact their bollocks have only just dropped.. idiots of the highest order.
A Hughes out facebook page..LOL To all who are involved in anyway. You PATHETIC uneducated dumb morons. Grow up you stupid ignorant fools. And to the creator, you are a mindless pathetic prick who does not deserve to wear our colours.....You all make me sick you Pathetic idiotic morons.
The OP MUST be a Rag supporter surely? And this is a wind-up, to give a link to slag off our club? Surely this a WUM and needs removing??? If not, what a knobhead of the highest degree.
Vicky said:
A Hughes out facebook page..LOL To all who are involved in anyway. You PATHETIC uneducated dumb morons. Grow up you stupid ignorant fools. And to the creator, you are a mindless pathetic prick who does not deserve to wear our colours.....You all make me sick you Pathetic idiotic morons.

I would like to extend this sentiment to inclde everyone on Facebook, please.

Feel free to leave me a message with the vital information that you are feeling 'thoughtful' or 'melancholy' today.
As pointless as a facebook group is I still think it is harsh to want Hughes out, it was inevitable a shaky run of results would start things off (though we have still only lost one game!)

Since Hart left last week the have been a few football articles on the Premier League sack race and whether Hart's dimissal (fairly predictable IMO) will kick things off, and I read that Hughes is apparently "teetering on the edge and only a couple more bad results away from the spotlight."

I think he might have a point.

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