I Love Craig Bellamy...

I don't just like Craig Bellamy. I think we're better off with Bellamy than with Kaka. I wouldn't swap them straight up (assuming there's no "asset' value to either, i.e. that we could turn around and sell them). Bellamy brings us an intensity and toughness attacking and defending we need to compete in the Premier League. I was gutted when we didn't get Kaka - but I think the blue gods were smiling on us.
Going on current form i'd say Craig is one of the best strikers in the league. He has all the attributes needed in a striker; pace, passion, technique and a great shot
moomba said:
BillyShears said:
Don't you feel a bit stupid...go on, admit it. Threatening to rip up your season tickets if City signed Bellers...

No, I don't feel stupid at all.

I have my opinion, and I'm happy with it.

...there's no shame in admitting we're wrong once in a while. I ate humble pie with regards to Stevie Ireland on a weekly basis last season. In the end all we want are the players who are playing for City to give their all and do their best...

I've said several times that Bellamy's form of late has been exceptional. And I said last year that I thought he had performed well when he came into the side.

But my thoughts on whether I want him at the club haven't changed, so why should I pretend they have?

I know you don't like him personally, and fair enough, moomba.

But you also said, as I recall, that he wasn't an exceptional player, and not good enough for where we want to be (if you are flattered that I remember your views, well you expressed them firmly enough back in January, lol!). You even denied that he was a 'winning mentality' type of player who'd add to the dressing room.

Don't you think you were wrong on at least some of those? Or is the jury still out for you? Personally I wanted him in January and said so at the time; I thought then, and still do, that, his media reputation (much of it deserved, but not all by any means) unfairly impacts on his reputation as a player.
tmouseman said:
I think the left wing role suits him perfectly.
I know he has said he doesn't like it but up front he gets causght offside too much.
His running back and tackling have been a big surprise so yes top player.

love him too.
That's actually a really good point about him being better in him less favoured position. He looks so much more effective when running with the ball from deep. SWP's goal v Arsenal was a classic example of that. He scares the shit out of defenders when he's running at them. In home games, I'd consider playing Bellamy in Tevez's position in the hole, with Robbie on the left (when fit again). It would work well in my opinion, as he wouldn't be offside and can run at people. Then for away games, i'd put him back on the left instead of Robinho.
Rösler's Dad said:
I know you don't like him personally, and fair enough, moomba.

But you also said, as I recall, that he wasn't an exceptional player, and not good enough for where we want to be (if you are flattered that I remember your views, well you expressed them firmly enough back in January, lol!). You even denied that he was a 'winning mentality' type of player who'd add to the dressing room.

Don't you think you were wrong on at least some of those? Or is the jury still out for you? Personally I wanted him in January and said so at the time; I thought then, and still do, that, his media reputation (much of it deserved, but not all by any means) unfairly impacts on his reputation as a player.

I've commented on his form a number of times, when he has played well I've said so. But I don't really think I need to continually update the forum every time he has a good game.

As it is, there are two separate things as far as I'm concerned. His form for us has been better than I expected. He is currently a valuable member of the squad (which I didn't think he would be), but for me the jury is still out as to his value as a long term signing.

As to the other side, my opinion hasn't changed. I do wish people would get over it though. For every person that loves Bellamy, the fact that I think differently shouldn't bother them one bit.
moomba said:
Rösler's Dad said:
I know you don't like him personally, and fair enough, moomba.

But you also said, as I recall, that he wasn't an exceptional player, and not good enough for where we want to be (if you are flattered that I remember your views, well you expressed them firmly enough back in January, lol!). You even denied that he was a 'winning mentality' type of player who'd add to the dressing room.

Don't you think you were wrong on at least some of those? Or is the jury still out for you? Personally I wanted him in January and said so at the time; I thought then, and still do, that, his media reputation (much of it deserved, but not all by any means) unfairly impacts on his reputation as a player.

I've commented on his form a number of times, when he has played well I've said so. But I don't really think I need to continually update the forum every time he has a good game.

As it is, there are two separate things as far as I'm concerned. His form for us has been better than I expected. He is currently a valuable member of the squad (which I didn't think he would be), but for me the jury is still out as to his value as a long term signing. As for denying his winning mentality, I simply asked the question "what has he won before"?

As to the other side, my opinion hasn't changed. I do wish people would get over it though. For every person that loves Bellamy, the fact that I think differently shouldn't bother them one bit. But to be fair, it's only the true saddo's that feel the need to bring it up every week or so, and most of them have found it in themselves to cope with someone having a different opinion on a player to their own.

Oh, I don't know moomba, it's hardly sad to wonder whether the views of one of the more firmly anti-Bellers posters have changed, particularly in a Bellamy thread and after his performances so far this season! And where plenty of other posters have admitted to just that. You should be flattered at the interest in your views.:0)

Still, it's all about opinions, I guess, as you say.;0)
Moomba - you spent the better part of last January's transfer window berating Hughes for wanting to sign Bellamy. You questioned everything from his ability, to his form, to his injuries, to his temperament in pretty much every thread discussing the man. You finally declared you would rip up your season ticket if City signed him...

...and now you're surprised that people remember all of this - and you want to call them "saddo's" That's hilarious. Clearly you were never taught as a child that sometimes the right thing to do is just hold your hands up and say you were wrong. Pa-the-tic. But very very funny at the same time...
Well I did edit my post pretty much as soon as I posted it as I thought I was a bit harsh.

What I am a bit bored by (and where the saddo's comment came from) is people, in a thread that I hadn't posted in feeling the desperate need to bring up my name over comments made nearly a year ago. You can try and pretend that you're genuinely interested in whether or not my opinion has changed, we both know that you don't care one way or the other what my opinion is (you've certainly said so a number of times).

I'll comment on Bellamy, and when he plays well I will say so (and have done). You can feel free to ignore those comments if you like, I'm certainly not on here to impress you.

And if you feel the need to make post after post about me and my opinions from 10 months ago I guess theres not a lot I can do about it. I'll just continue to give my honest opinion as I have done today.
moomba said:
BillyShears said:
Where's Moomba....;- )

I'm here, as always.

Never had any problem with people having a different opinion of Bellamy than my own.

But nice of you to think of me anyway.
you are always gonna get a mention when bellers has a good game mr moomba, because having been a ardent critic of the player people will love to rip your biased past comments to pieces..you clearly are so wide of the mark on this occasion its laughable..all it needs is an "i was wrong" but stubbornly you have no time to smell the coffee..thats just my opinion,by the way.

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