I never wanted to say this but.....

TheMightyQuinn said:
No one will be happy with Mourinho anyway.

The only thing that would please most on here would be a few relegations.

Give us the opportunity to bleat on and on about how loyal we are as we watch a shit team.

Big fish in a small pond and they fucking love it.

Couldnt disagree more.

I know that if Mourinho got the job he would be in some ways our last hope on the basis that he is the best and if he cant produce the goods nobody can. The problem at the minute is that we keep appointing managers in hope rather than expectation and when things dont go as planned/hoped people like myself can always point to the fact that we dont have the best in charge and until we have the best in charge we wont fulfil our potential. Put Mourinho in charge and I guarantee the 'moaners' and 'not real fans' like myself will shut up once and for all, in fact the only thing I will moan about is how travelling to all those Champions League Finals are costing me a fortune!
TheMightyQuinn said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I know you're being tongue in cheek, TMQ, but you know the truth.

If Mourinho came the whole club would practically combust with excitement.

Especially when he got his chequebook out.

The excitement and expectation, espacially if we were in the champions league, would be the highest it's ever been.

There can be no serious doubt about that.

Yeah until the first loss and then what?

You know as well as I do that the expectations of a lot of morons have made a lot of people unhappy with anything less than weekly 5-0 wins.

Or what if we beat the rags but in a boring way and not an exciting one?

He'll be as disliked as Mancini within 10 games. He really will.

As for his signings, again I can't see him impressing any of the experts on here. Mind you I suspect that if Mancini won the league and FA cup in May it still wouldn't be enough for our new fans.

How long before we actually turn into scousers? 'It's our year la, it's our year'

You're suffering from a bad case of Bluemoonitis. I think you need a couple of Paracetamol and a BJ.
Was just going to post the same.

You're getting blinkered by Bluemoon, TMQ. Your judgement is clouded.

Go on another club's forum - any one - and see that they're all the same.

City fans are by and large behind the team. There was virtually no dissent yesterday that I heard or saw. Everyone is just desperate for successs.
PhuketBlue said:
If people think they're getting/going go get boring football under Mancini, then I'm sure they won't be too thrilled by the prospect of Mourinho.

Inter fans have had both managers already and I would bet they'd nearly all agree that Mancini is the more attacking/positive manager of the 2.

Hope Mancini gets to the end of the season and then at least another 12 months.

Iam Inter Milan supporter and I will exchange Mancini with Mourinho right now!
I have no doubt that we did sound out other managers while MH was boss and maybe he did say "back me or sack me". or maybe MH wasn't happy with Marwoods role in the transfer dealings ie Dunne being sold (that's me speculating).

Very unprofessional if we are doing the same thing to our new manager (undermining his role in that way) with all this talk about Mouriniho.

I'm happy with the new man when he gave his first press conference he specifically said it would take 4 weeks to sort out the defence and I think the Liverpool game shows he has made progress especially with all the injuries we had.

This taken from Brennans report in the MEN seems a fair assesment.

City tactics
At least, this game was intriguing on a tactical level, and the two sets of fans were absorbed, even if a neutral watcher might have wanted to see more attacking enterprise.
And, while goalmouth action was in short supply, the dullness could largely be laid at Liverpool's door.

They set out to negate and to nullify. At least the Blues, albeit forced into it by the suspension of Patrick Vieira, played with Stevie Ireland advanced, and with two wingers in Shaun Wright-Phillips and Adam Johnson.
City needed a response after a week which had resonated with ill feeling, whether real, imagined or exaggerated.

The poverty of the performance at Stoke needed to be rectified, and the rumours bouncing around about rows between the manager and Craig Bellamy, and training -ground disgruntlement, needed to be put to bed.
There is no better place to dismiss such tittle-tattle than out on the pitch, and City certainly did not look like a team in disarray.

Mancini's response to the dreadful performance at Stoke was to ring the changes, with skipper Kolo Toure and Roque Santa Cruz being demoted to the bench, and Wayne Bridge, Vincent Kompany and Stevie Ireland returning.
It brought an instant result, with City looking far more secure at the back whenever Liverpool - hardly the most adventurous of sides - crept into their half.

Kompany brings extra height to the back four, as well as a degree of composure and certainty.
But most of the first-half action was at the other end, as the Blues tried to slice or bludgeon a way through the packed ranks of the Mersey-siders.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Sorry but this myth about Mourinho and boring football needs to be put to bed. Under him, Chelsea had the second, then the highest goals per game ratio in the Premiership. I also work with a Chelsea fan who says that the football under Mourinho was well worth watching. Of course there were times when they had to grind out a win, as all top teams do, but on the whole the Chelsea faithful had no complaints about the football on show.

There is no way Mourinho would have sat back and been satisfied with a 0-0 draw at home against a decent but limited team like Liverpool.

Are you seriously comparing that team with City’ team? With all respect for the players but that was a great team, full of champions! Mancini with that team would have played a lot better and won a lot more!!!!

Believe me!
hgblue said:
Mancio said:
yes , mancini was in talking with juventus and liverpool , but surely he prefear a six mounth holiday in manchester

this forum is an umbelieveble source of laughter

Perhaps Mancini returns to Inter when Mourinho comes to City?

Hope so!!!!(from an Inter Milan supporter)
OrigamiNinja said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
No one will be happy with Mourinho anyway.

The only thing that would please most on here would be a few relegations.

Give us the opportunity to bleat on and on about how loyal we are as we watch a shit team.

Big fish in a small pond and they fucking love it.

Couldnt disagree more.

I know that if Mourinho got the job he would be in some ways our last hope on the basis that he is the best and if he cant produce the goods nobody can. The problem at the minute is that we keep appointing managers in hope rather than expectation and when things dont go as planned/hoped people like myself can always point to the fact that we dont have the best in charge and until we have the best in charge we wont fulfil our potential. Put Mourinho in charge and I guarantee the 'moaners' and 'not real fans' like myself will shut up once and for all, in fact the only thing I will moan about is how travelling to all those Champions League Finals are costing me a fortune!

You've just made the EXACT point I was trying to make with Tolmie's Hairdoo a few posts earlier!

No matter what manager we have, unless it's Mourinho, all we will ever get is that the incumbent manager is just keeping the seat warm until the Special One finally takes over... and until that happens people will be in a permanent state of dissappointment and expectation.

And what chance does Mancini have when faced with that?

It means that no matter what Mancni acheives, it will never be quite good enough as Mourinho would always achieve more.

So what happens in the summer if Mourinho turns us down once again? Does that mean the critics of Mancini will roll up their tents and accept the manager and give him the support he deserves? Or do they just carry on moaning because the Special One is still out there just waiting for that magic moment when he eventually takes over?

You can't leave a manager in limbo. We either back him or sack him. We did that with Hughes, we might have to do that with Mancini. And if Mourinho doesn't come in... then who next?

There's no one else out there I'd have, to be honest.

And if wonder of wonders, Mourinho DID take over in the summer... the expectation levels at City will make the current demands seem like a picnic.

So Mourinho has to deliver... straightaway... 'cos be assured there will be no honeymoon period, no time for him to build his own team... he's the Special One after all, and all on here would expect instant succeess.

And if after half a season it was as "bad" as it is now... what then?

The call goes up for Hiddink? Or Capello? Or Moyes...
Mourinho replaced Mancini at Inter, now there are rumours the same could happen here, and that Mancini is fully aware of the scenario he is in. Excuse my ignorance and I am probably wrong but I thought the two (Mancini, Mourinho) didn't get along at all, now if that were the case Mancini surely wouldn't venture into something knowing that Mourinho, again would be replacing him, surely Mancini's CV and profile would be damaged severly by all this (dejavu). Like I said I may be wrong.

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