I Want de Jong Out of The Team Part II

Damocles said:
oakiecokie said:
Is this the way a MOD should behave ??
Thought other posters on here have been warned for less ??

Meh, any other poster I'd have changed my language but Dave's a big boy and I'd guess that he wouldn't want me to pull any punches in an internet squabble. I certainly wouldn't want him to not give it out to me because I'm a mod.

so you are saying that dave is a grown man that can take being sworn at

and that makes it different how?

i'm with dave. hypocrisy.

(although i am torn as i have given you shit in the past and you have been fine with it...)
Damocles said:
Oh look, the "if you disagree with me, you know fuck all about football" crowd is back. What a lovely addition to Bluemoon you all are.

Besides, De Jong isn't world class. There are two world class players in the world at the moment, and neither of them is him.

Comparatively though, he's probably the best anchorman around at the moment; at least, I can't think of anybody better.

I disagree with your take on "world class". Most (and I would agree) would say that to be world class would be in the top 1 or 2 for your position in the world. Sort of like you would get in the World's squad if we had to play Mars.

You believe world class to be what? Great tricks and skills (if there are only two)??

Inwhich case are there no world class defenders or keepers?
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
Oh look, the "if you disagree with me, you know fuck all about football" crowd is back. What a lovely addition to Bluemoon you all are.

Besides, De Jong isn't world class. There are two world class players in the world at the moment, and neither of them is him.

Comparatively though, he's probably the best anchorman around at the moment; at least, I can't think of anybody better.

I disagree with your take on "world class". Most (and I would agree) would say that to be world class would be in the top 1 or 2 for your position in the world. Sort of like you would get in the World's squad if we had to play Mars.

You believe world class to be what? Great tricks and skills (if there are only two)??

Inwhich case are there no world class defenders or keepers?

I class world class as being on a level higher than everybody else. Messi and Ronaldo are both on a far greater level than anybody else in their position, people who redefine the game. De Jong however, isn't on a level far greater than anybody else. That isn't to say he's the best around, it's just to say that he isn't that far in front of anybody else.

Again, depends on your definition of world class.
strongbowholic said:
Further to a similarly titled thread the other day - and this is not a pop at the original poster of that thread - but I watched de Jong intently tonight...

In the role he plays for us, I've got to say, that was a world class performance tonight and one of the best performances in a City shirt I've seen in a helluva long time. The boy is immense, end of. Tackled like a lion, simple ball each time he won it, excellent recovery; just superb, utterly superb.

"I want de Jong out of the team.." give your head a wobble.

My only criticism tonight in any way, shape or form was that it was an absolute travesty the kid did not pick up the Man of the Match award.

Seriously, the kid carries on like this and it won't be long before your Real Madrid and Barcelona start casting envious eyes.

Totally agree, he was superb tonight. To be fair there were several other stellar performances, Yaya, Barry, Milner, AJ, Kolo.....Tevez...Hart...

I had to pinch myself at some of the passages of play, one touch football a delight...god help the prem once we have 'gelled'.
After the other thread, I watched NdJ especially last night every time he had the ball.

And I have to agree with the OP; it was more often than not an easy ball to a nearby team-mate.

I also agree that he should have been named MotM. The boy was absolutely outstanding!
de niro said:
great op, well said.


-- Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:02 pm --

Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
I disagree with your take on "world class". Most (and I would agree) would say that to be world class would be in the top 1 or 2 for your position in the world. Sort of like you would get in the World's squad if we had to play Mars.

You believe world class to be what? Great tricks and skills (if there are only two)??

Inwhich case are there no world class defenders or keepers?

I class world class as being on a level higher than everybody else. Messi and Ronaldo are both on a far greater level than anybody else in their position, people who redefine the game. De Jong however, isn't on a level far greater than anybody else. That isn't to say he's the best around, it's just to say that he isn't that far in front of anybody else.

Again, depends on your definition of world class.

Fair point it does. As such I think Bluemoon should ban further discussion of "world class" as there is no common agreement on what defines it, making a squabble over its use rather moot. But I still think it odd that the world contains no "world class" defenders or keepers. Odd.

But on my definition (World Squad Vs Mars), would you class him as World Class?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Sabster said:
De Jong is not world class by any stretch of the phrase.

I always rated Milner so that comment is just wrong.

Barry was sensational last night, yet gets no praise. The bias towards De-Jong is unbelievable.

World class, mate. That was Barry's best game in a City shirt, ask yourself why?

Possibly because in De Jong and Milner, he has the people who can handle his previous responsibilities a lot better.

You may not have been previously critical of Milner, but there were scores in the transfer thread that were.

possibly the best statement ive seen here for a long time concerning barry and sums it up spot on and why some thought he was not up to scratch last season in some games.

our midfield was undermanned last season and players in the middle were asked to do almost double what would be expected of them.

in de jong,barry and yaya we seemed to have found the right blend and can only see bigger and better moments from all 3 of them.

hopefully in last nights game it all so buries the myth of us playing 3 defensive midfielders!

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