I Want de Jong Out of The Team Part II

great thread, great post, well put across.

tonights game, well infact the first half itself showed just why de jong is so important to this team and this football club,

i don't need to say why or how good he is or what he does and what he did tonight, the performance spoke for itself,

imo it was one of the greatest performances i've seen in years, he even passed forward and created (that's for the de jong haters).

the guy is immense, single handedly smashed liverpools midfield on his own at times, top player, love the guy.
strongbowholic said:
Further to a similarly titled thread the other day - and this is not a pop at the original poster of that thread - but I watched de Jong intently tonight...

In the role he plays for us, I've got to say, that was a world class performance tonight and one of the best performances in a City shirt I've seen in a helluva long time. The boy is immense, end of. Tackled like a lion, simple ball each time he won it, excellent recovery; just superb, utterly superb.

"I want de Jong out of the team.." give your head a wobble.

My only criticism tonight in any way, shape or form was that it was an absolute travesty the kid did not pick up the Man of the Match award.
i agree with your assessment apart from the man of the match award,that could of gone to anyone of our players tonight.

Seriously, the kid carries on like this and it won't be long before your Real Madrid and Barcelona start casting envious eyes.
De Jong had his one good game in ten, wow, against a midfield that rolled over to have it's tummy tickled, he got an easy night, and in such a game the attacking side of his game should be able to come to the fore, or sub him!
Neil McNab said:
De Jong had his one good game in ten, wow, against a midfield that rolled over to have it's tummy tickled, he got an easy night, and in such a game the attacking side of his game should be able to come to the fore, or sub him!

Neil McNab said:
De Jong had his one good game in ten, wow, against a midfield that rolled over to have it's tummy tickled, he got an easy night, and in such a game the attacking side of his game should be able to come to the fore, or sub him!
Maybe he made it look easy. Stop being so fucking blind to his contribution. He was class tonight and in other games, yet you still slate him. I'm hardly full of praise for our team at times, but at least I can see a class player. Ps: your kids were shit at football and I taught them a lesson ;)
sorry but ndj is a very much needed player in our squad, certainly against teams like spurs and pool. i think its likely he wont play against lesser sides as we wont need him, but against better opposition we need our terminator to crush their play. nothing to flash or skillful, but fucking brilliant non the less. nige your a beast!
he improved greatly towards the end of last season, my only criticism was that he was still sticking too deep when we were under pressure. now he is amongst the first to break out.

he also showed some real craft in turning and twisting out of trouble, which is hugely promising. he's always had the heart, now he's developing the head, he looks like someone who is really dedicated to learning and improving his tactical play.

I think the new system helps him, he slots into the 'back three' so easily it's ridiculous.
one thing I noticed more noticeably tonight is that, although he was the least advanced of the 'defensive 3', his passes seemed to be a lot more positive tonight and his distribution was great. The Guardian chalkboard backs me up (only 2 misplaced passes on the night as well!):


or, in layman's terms, he bossed the midfield. Against most sides a midfield of him and Yaya is almost unfair.

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