I Will take on the Hughes Out Brigade

bluepeter62 said:
Cheltblue said:
bluepeter62 said:
Cheltblue said:
No Pete, it means he has 8 months and a f*cking huge amount of money to at least show that he has the 'potential' to be the man for the job.

But, and again, IMO, he has shown nothing at all in the way of potential.

Why do you always mention money? For you that seems to mean everything. Personally I believe he has show the potential to get things right. So I guess we all agree to disagree.

Come on Pete, we have just been elevated to the richest club in world football, and by a very long way.
And you still tell yourself its not about money???

Well now we know what sort of fan you are! Its nice to have the money to buy players, but if it is all about the money and nothing else you can shove it!

Pete, you are trying to hold on to the City of yester-year mate. Times change and they have changed beyond recognition in the past 8/9 months. What do you think has caused so much divide on this forum? Just the manager? If we didnt have the money, then there is no way so many would expect a brighter future than what we have.

Football is ALL about money mate, and like it or lump it, our beloved team is top of the league. Maybe you gotta let go a bit.
The Cyber Goat said:
It's my turn to rant to here goes:

This club has been shite for as long as I can remember, but lets start at the dark dark days, Relegation to the 3rd division. Thats where we start, that is the level we were at .. the club is in turmoil, financially fucked, 127 managers in a week, then things turn round, David Bernstein turns the club around and we get 2 promotions in succession with Joe Royle back to back without spending much cash. The rapid progression means we are not good enough to stay in the top league and we are again relegated.

Bring on King Kev! He takes the club back up great season loads of goals - the new messiah! But Kevin has a problem, like my missis he is shite with money, he has to spend spend spend, he and Mr. Bernstein fall out over a washed up scouser ( who proved to be right there Kev??) Hey presto John Wardle usups Bernsrein and city go on to throw good money after bad on shite players until the money runs out and keegan does his harry hudini trick and fucks off!

So now we are a yo yo club, staving off relegation with an untested manager called Stuart Pearce, who doesn't have much off a clue really but, he has inherited a poor squad and just 6 million quid to spend, does he improve the squad with 2-3 good professionals to help our blossoming youth system? Does he fuck he blows the lot on a never seen before Greek waiter! Season is a wash out we just avoid relegation he gets sacked!

Now it starts to get interesting .. Wardle sells to Satan himself ( although he wasn't that bad when interested in Liverpool!) We get Sven shagalot as manager and still have a squad that is utter crap and just avoided relegation. Lets look at the improvements shagalot makes to that squad ...

Garrido - the snail - shite
Bianchi - wears a fuckin muffler - sent back delivering Pizza
Geovani - been found out by Phil Brown now - shite
Fernandes - Anybody seen my head? - shite
Martin Petrov - ok he isn't that bad
Corluka - good player but a bit slow for the premier league - sold
Bojinov - translates as Bolsa Wood - never played more than 30 mins
Benjani - plays well 1 in 6 - shi... well he isn't bad but not good by any stretch
Caicedo - Stick to boxing you old fucker, 21 my arse! - shite
Elano - has to be taken off because gary speed said BOO! - SHITE

We have a miraculous start to the season then at christmas the wheels fall off and we are no better after christmas than under Pearce the season before, we play negative football never try to beat any of the top teams, are considered a push over by smaller clubs and end up getting tonked 8-1 by Gareth - can't take a penalty - Southgate! This one result is an indication of the mental strength and attitude of our squad and if any of them had ANY pride for this club they would see to put it right only one player has done that (You all know who he is) the rest can fuck off for me!

Now my point (hurray you cry!!) You cannot undo all these years of shite built on shite, built on .... and turn it around in 10 minutes forget the money it means nothing to the players here already the earn mega bucks they don't give a fuck about me, you or the club! The signings Mark Hughes has made have been our best players this season - listen to what Ireland, our best and most consistent performer says about his boss - not what a FRINGE player says because he isn't sweating blood for you is he? no he wants shagalot back so he can have it easy.

It takes a season to find out what the players are about. Rumors are 16 will go in the summer the more the better for me! We are not a top 6 team! List our players then the top 6 teams and tell me how many get into them teams not fuckin many will so are we under achieving? No actually we are where we deserve to be! People talk about players being 'world class' because they make a pass or win a header! What the fuck do you know about world class players you have watched Vassell for 5 seasons for fucks sake get real!!

Go ask Blackburn fans on their forums about Hughes, you won't get a bad word said, they didn't concede goals from ever corner/cross/free kick did they? Same manager, same coaches, same methods DIFFERENT PLAYERS WHO AREN'T ARSED!!! that's the difference so stop your whining!

Even if you don't like his methods/tactics/formations or the real reason (he played for united) this club needs to get rid of all the shite that has been accumulating over the years and a new manager won't know what's what for another season so let him sort it out! If we are no better this time next year he will be on his bike because of the amounts of money he will have spent, but i'm confident he will get it right, unlike our players who have never been won anything he has won things all his life and it's that mentality that I like, it's ingrained into winners and Mark Hughes has it remember how much we hated him when he played against us .. that's because he played to WIN got go close to winning actually WIN and you have to respect a man like that not some overpaid primma-donna who plays to look good or get a big contract(Insert players name here!)

Anyway RANT over, stability is the key you cannot undo years of mismanagement in 8 months and all seasoncard holders you have had more value for money this season than any other in the TOP DIVISION than any other in recent years .. Bring on the Hughes out brigade .. Round 1,420,544 Ding Ding ;-)

I hadn't noticed this thread before.Whilst admiring the passionate prose,I have to say that this is the biggest pile of tabloid-style drivel I have ever read on this forum.

Ding Ding!
HUGHESY, HUGHESY, HUGHESY keep him in he is a good manager and will turn us into a good club, rome wasnt built in a day and all that stuff, come on get behind him and let him do his job, just look at his signings they have all been good.
mcfcjosh said:
HUGHESY, HUGHESY, HUGHESY keep him in he is a good manager and will turn us into a good club, rome wasnt built in a day and all that stuff, come on get behind him and let him do his job, just look at his signings they have all been good.

his signings cant be very good, we cant win away, I dont see any progression in our team this season, I cant see us being any better next season either, and the Jo thing proves Hughes is wrong..

stability ?

should we have given frank clarke more time ?
The Cyber Goat said:
It's my turn to rant to here goes:

This club has been shite for as long as I can remember, but lets start at the dark dark days, Relegation to the 3rd division. Thats where we start, that is the level we were at .. the club is in turmoil, financially fucked, 127 managers in a week, then things turn round, David Bernstein turns the club around and we get 2 promotions in succession with Joe Royle back to back without spending much cash. The rapid progression means we are not good enough to stay in the top league and we are again relegated.

Bring on King Kev! He takes the club back up great season loads of goals - the new messiah! But Kevin has a problem, like my missis he is shite with money, he has to spend spend spend, he and Mr. Bernstein fall out over a washed up scouser ( who proved to be right there Kev??) Hey presto John Wardle usups Bernsrein and city go on to throw good money after bad on shite players until the money runs out and keegan does his harry hudini trick and fucks off!

So now we are a yo yo club, staving off relegation with an untested manager called Stuart Pearce, who doesn't have much off a clue really but, he has inherited a poor squad and just 6 million quid to spend, does he improve the squad with 2-3 good professionals to help our blossoming youth system? Does he fuck he blows the lot on a never seen before Greek waiter! Season is a wash out we just avoid relegation he gets sacked!

Now it starts to get interesting .. Wardle sells to Satan himself ( although he wasn't that bad when interested in Liverpool!) We get Sven shagalot as manager and still have a squad that is utter crap and just avoided relegation. Lets look at the improvements shagalot makes to that squad ...

Garrido - the snail - shite
Bianchi - wears a fuckin muffler - sent back delivering Pizza
Geovani - been found out by Phil Brown now - shite
Fernandes - Anybody seen my head? - shite
Martin Petrov - ok he isn't that bad
Corluka - good player but a bit slow for the premier league - sold
Bojinov - translates as Bolsa Wood - never played more than 30 mins
Benjani - plays well 1 in 6 - shi... well he isn't bad but not good by any stretch
Caicedo - Stick to boxing you old fucker, 21 my arse! - shite
Elano - has to be taken off because gary speed said BOO! - SHITE

We have a miraculous start to the season then at christmas the wheels fall off and we are no better after christmas than under Pearce the season before, we play negative football never try to beat any of the top teams, are considered a push over by smaller clubs and end up getting tonked 8-1 by Gareth - can't take a penalty - Southgate! This one result is an indication of the mental strength and attitude of our squad and if any of them had ANY pride for this club they would see to put it right only one player has done that (You all know who he is) the rest can fuck off for me!

Now my point (hurray you cry!!) You cannot undo all these years of shite built on shite, built on .... and turn it around in 10 minutes forget the money it means nothing to the players here already the earn mega bucks they don't give a fuck about me, you or the club! The signings Mark Hughes has made have been our best players this season - listen to what Ireland, our best and most consistent performer says about his boss - not what a FRINGE player says because he isn't sweating blood for you is he? no he wants shagalot back so he can have it easy.

It takes a season to find out what the players are about. Rumors are 16 will go in the summer the more the better for me! We are not a top 6 team! List our players then the top 6 teams and tell me how many get into them teams not fuckin many will so are we under achieving? No actually we are where we deserve to be! People talk about players being 'world class' because they make a pass or win a header! What the fuck do you know about world class players you have watched Vassell for 5 seasons for fucks sake get real!!

Go ask Blackburn fans on their forums about Hughes, you won't get a bad word said, they didn't concede goals from ever corner/cross/free kick did they? Same manager, same coaches, same methods DIFFERENT PLAYERS WHO AREN'T ARSED!!! that's the difference so stop your whining!

Even if you don't like his methods/tactics/formations or the real reason (he played for united) this club needs to get rid of all the shite that has been accumulating over the years and a new manager won't know what's what for another season so let him sort it out! If we are no better this time next year he will be on his bike because of the amounts of money he will have spent, but i'm confident he will get it right, unlike our players who have never been won anything he has won things all his life and it's that mentality that I like, it's ingrained into winners and Mark Hughes has it remember how much we hated him when he played against us .. that's because he played to WIN got go close to winning actually WIN and you have to respect a man like that not some overpaid primma-donna who plays to look good or get a big contract(Insert players name here!)

Anyway RANT over, stability is the key you cannot undo years of mismanagement in 8 months and all seasoncard holders you have had more value for money this season than any other in the TOP DIVISION than any other in recent years .. Bring on the Hughes out brigade .. Round 1,420,544 Ding Ding ;-)

thankyou good sir

completely agree
What has Hughes done wrong?

I don't know why there is all this bickering about our manager, in all honesty. I have never, ever, known a manager of City receive so much bile from the supporters.

What is realistic about our team at the moment? All you anti Hughes mob, and there appear to be lots of you out there, what do you expect of a team that for the last few seasons has been flirting with relegation?

Are you so deluded and drunk by our wealth, that you think we should be chasing a champions league spot? After a few months?

What do you expect? What do you want?

I'll tell you what you want. It is instant success, without any effort. You want all these millions of free pounds from our owner to produce a world beating side in a couple of minutes, and if it does'nt happen, then sack the manager. Bring someone new in, and if he loses a game, get rid of him as well.

The world does not work like that. Football is not science, we all know that, but for some of you out there, your expectations are unrealistic.

Every time City lose, it is always the same, lets get rid of Hughes.

Give the man time, I say. Another couple of years, then judge him, but then I suppose for all you instant success addicts out there, two years is failure.

For some of you on here, two minutes is failure. Like I wrote above, what did you expect this season?
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
What has Hughes done wrong?

I don't know why there is all this bickering about our manager, in all honesty. I have never, ever, known a manager of City receive so much bile from the supporters.

What is realistic about our team at the moment? All you anti Hughes mob, and there appear to be lots of you out there, what do you expect of a team that for the last few seasons has been flirting with relegation?

Are you so deluded and drunk by our wealth, that you think we should be chasing a champions league spot? After a few months?

What do you expect? What do you want?

I'll tell you what you want. It is instant success, without any effort. You want all these millions of free pounds from our owner to produce a world beating side in a couple of minutes, and if it does'nt happen, then sack the manager. Bring someone new in, and if he loses a game, get rid of him as well.

I don't expect instant success, never have ad I suspect the vast majority of the people that don't rate Hughes also don't expect instant success.

I expect improvement, I expect some signs to show that Hughes is capable of taking us forward. I expect to have a bit of confidence in the manager to be able to get the best out of all of our players, and I expect the manager to have the tactical nous about him that will carry us over the line on the odd occasion we aren't at our best.

Don't belittle this debate by spouting the same old "everyone who wants Hughes out wants instant success" argument, I bet you'd struggle to find anyone who actually thinks that way.
moomba said:
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
What has Hughes done wrong?

I don't know why there is all this bickering about our manager, in all honesty. I have never, ever, known a manager of City receive so much bile from the supporters.

What is realistic about our team at the moment? All you anti Hughes mob, and there appear to be lots of you out there, what do you expect of a team that for the last few seasons has been flirting with relegation?

Are you so deluded and drunk by our wealth, that you think we should be chasing a champions league spot? After a few months?

What do you expect? What do you want?

I'll tell you what you want. It is instant success, without any effort. You want all these millions of free pounds from our owner to produce a world beating side in a couple of minutes, and if it does'nt happen, then sack the manager. Bring someone new in, and if he loses a game, get rid of him as well.

I don't expect instant success, never have ad I suspect the vast majority of the people that don't rate Hughes also don't expect instant success.

I expect improvement, I expect some signs to show that Hughes is capable of taking us forward. I expect to have a bit of confidence in the manager to be able to get the best out of all of our players, and I expect the manager to have the tactical nous about him that will carry us over the line on the odd occasion we aren't at our best.

Don't belittle this debate by spouting the same old "everyone who wants Hughes out wants instant success" argument, I bet you'd struggle to find anyone who actually thinks that way.
we have improved, a lot last season under sven we wernt that good a team and the 2nd half of the season was terrible but we had a good start so it didnt look as bad as it was, also the win at OT covered a lot up for sven and we wouldnt have got this far in europe last year.
mcfcjosh said:
we have improved, a lot last season under sven we wernt that good a team and the 2nd half of the season was terrible but we had a good start so it didnt look as bad as it was, also the win at OT covered a lot up for sven and we wouldnt have got this far in europe last year.

Yeah, we've 'improved'. Our mysterious extra fitness has kicked in! Whatever happened last year, happened. This year's results have balanced out last year's, effectively. No better, definitely and the possibility of being worse. How does that translate to 'improvement'? Show me where we've improved.

Secondly, since it was Sven that got us to the entry point of Europe, he deserves SOME credit! Not only that, where's the proof Sven wouldn't have done better considering the money Hughes has had his hands on? Stupid reasoning and impossible to prove!

Please think about the financial meltdown City were forced to operate in under Thaksin and how that affected Sven's buys. I'm pretty p*ssed off certain fans refuse to see the whole picture of last year and are HIGHLY selective about how they compare things, then and now.

It's highly embarrassing.
Ive actually only really just started posting here tonight...but ive been reading posts for months with interest on this whole `Hughes' debate.

What interests me is that other fans appear every now and then, make reasoned comments sometimes (or sometimes dont), and at times we, as city fans, question ourselves it seems.
In that I mean, there are many times I have read `do all fans berate their manager this much'. Well i do think the answer is yes! Take a look at the BBC board, or the other fans boards...when a team whens the manager is great! when they lose; they want his head on a massive pike!
It was only a month ago most liverpool fans were angry about Benitez; now hes great!
Harry Twitcher at Spurs was getting greif up until about 6 weeks ago..now he`s Spurs `messiah'! But you can bet your ass if he lost 4 matches on the bounce they would be calling for his head! Same is said for most clubs...
Odd thing is..do you know what they all argue about? Well..some fans want a manger to be given more time, other fans think they should get sacked....

As for me? well, in all honesty...I was concerned about Hughes at one point; I actually thought he was going to get the sack just around Christmas. Then we beat Hull 5-0. I actually think if he had lost that he would have gone. Odd thing is when you talk to him in person he seems so passionate and clear about whats needed it all seems to make sense...maybe thats how hes still here!! haha :)
Either way I`ll still support city..but it would be nice to have the same manager, with the same methods, and the same players, for more than one season. Now thats stability.

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