Haha, proper nightmare with this game. I was a skint trainee motor mechanic at the time and really on the bones of my arse. Anyroad, I managed to get a foreigner working on a clapped out old mini. To my eternal regret I decided to do something I had never done before or since and lob the game in and work on that on the day of the match. Not only that, I dropped my brother and future to be wife and her dad on Platt Lane.
I remember the day well, working in the pissing down rain on a wanked out shitheap of a car and hearing 'It's a goal' time after time on Piccadilly Radio. And it's fair to say,later that night I got absolutely slaughtered by the lads for not going.
But as a typical blue I've managed to witness all the shite that followed for years until recently.... CITY 'TILL I DIE...