If ever I needed reminding why I'm proud to be a Blue!


Well-Known Member
6 Sep 2004
The Temples of Syrinx
It was tonight walking through their mass hordes of fucking daytrippers and tourists.

1) Proud that in defeat we had dignity, no seats ripped out and thrown unlike the rag fans last week.

2) We never gave it up and sang loud and proud for the cause.

3) Lost all respect for the police who refused anyone going to the toilet after half time. When I asked what law refused my wife and two daughters going for a pee I was told their isn't one. When my wife asked where on the ticket did it say she wasn't allowed use the facilities she'd paid £42 for his reply was 'I don't know'. When finally I asked the nice policeman would he like it if it was his wife and children were refused a basic human right I was told to calm the fuck down and get back to my seat or else.

4) Walked through the crowd after the game laughing at all the stalls selling their merchandise, funny as fuck shouting 'get your souvenirs, candy floss and popcorn, take them home and show your family and friends where you've been for the day'.

5) Walked around the corner at the back of the Premier Inn and there was about 30 rags huddled around the fencing, had to take a look and there was a kids rag shirt with Tevez on the back hung to the railings with fans writing messages on and everyone holding their cameras proudly taking pictures. Shouted out 'Fuck me you've just got to Wembley and your doing that, fucking embarassment the lot of you and if ever I needed reminding why I'm a Blue then this is it'. Not a single reply just wish i'd have took a photo of them taking photos it was that pathetic..

6) Walked towards the bridge and jokingly couldn't resist telling a small crowd not to miss their coach back to London as its a long way then fuck me parked up was a coach from Warwickshire, so politely shouted why the fuck don't you support your local team. Blank expressions all round, are these fucking morons for real.

7) Finally what the fuck was that wank piece of music they played at the end to get their fans in the mood for Wembley. Fuck me if ever ever we manage to get to a final god forbid City ever do anything like that to make an atmosphere.
Well said mate.. i'am so proud of the team tonight we will bounce back......

i love you city!!!

I would prefer to get relegated again than our club to become anything like theirs.

shit club, shit fans
Blue2112 said:
It was tonight walking through their mass hordes of fucking daytrippers and tourists.

3) Lost all respect for the police who refused anyone going to the toilet after half time. When I asked what law refused my wife and two daughters going for a pee I was told their isn't one. When my wife asked where on the ticket did it say she wasn't allowed use the facilities she'd paid £42 for his reply was 'I don't know'. When finally I asked the nice policeman would he like it if it was his wife and children were refused a basic human right I was told to calm the fuck down and get back to my seat or else.

Mate, seriously, that copper was tekkin the piss, and he should be reported to the IPCC. If that's what happened, you must put in a complaint. Or get the Football Supporters something-or-other involved (sorry can't remember the name but remember reading on here a short time ago that they're pretty good at taking up supporters complaints against the police).

If that had been my wife and kids, I'd have decked the jobsworth, cos I've got a short fuse. I would then have been in lot of trouble. Well done for keeping your cool, but that knob should be brought to boot.

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