If ever I needed reminding why I'm proud to be a Blue!

.[/quote]Like I said before if your a genuine red (Mancunian or not) then I can relate to what your saying as with every football fan of every football club no mater how big or small then their support feels the best in the world to that individual. You probably won't believe me but I'm born and bred Mancunian, lived here for all my 44 years, probably have a rough split of 50/50 Blues and Reds in my family and friends but without word of a lie I know only 4 regular attendees at O/T and they're all season ticket holders. One is corporate, one is a Cockney from Leytonstone, one is from Gorton and the 4th from Rochdale who sells his ticket to the highest bidder. None of my family ever go, infact I've embarassed my brother-in-law by getting him tickets just to enjoy watching him squirm out of it with other pathetic excuses. I can only go off my own experiences. If your a genuine red then I've no real arguement with you other than to say I hope Villa stuff you and Dunney scores the winner.[/quote]

Almost everyone I know is a Utd fan but like you say not many go to the match. Theres a long list of reasons why but thats the way the club has gone. I'm no longer a season ticket holder and rarely go to Old Trafford these days but I will have a season ticket again in different circumstances. The fact that people don't go is not an indictment on the fans, we've been forced down this road over the last 10 years (particularly the last 5 years) by the way the club as been run. Over the last 5 years theres been 20,000 non-renewal of STs and you could double that with others who have stopped going. If things had been run different, those that have left would have stayed and we'd be playing infront of over 100,000 and City say Manchester is Blue!
Serious? said:
Like I said before if your a genuine red (Mancunian or not) then I can relate to what your saying as with every football fan of every football club no mater how big or small then their support feels the best in the world to that individual. You probably won't believe me but I'm born and bred Mancunian, lived here for all my 44 years, probably have a rough split of 50/50 Blues and Reds in my family and friends but without word of a lie I know only 4 regular attendees at O/T and they're all season ticket holders. One is corporate, one is a Cockney from Leytonstone, one is from Gorton and the 4th from Rochdale who sells his ticket to the highest bidder. None of my family ever go, infact I've embarassed my brother-in-law by getting him tickets just to enjoy watching him squirm out of it with other pathetic excuses. I can only go off my own experiences. If your a genuine red then I've no real arguement with you other than to say I hope Villa stuff you and Dunney scores the winner.[/quote]

Almost everyone I know is a Utd fan but like you say not many go to the match. Theres a long list of reasons why but thats the way the club has gone. I'm no longer a season ticket holder and rarely go to Old Trafford these days but I will have a season ticket again in different circumstances. The fact that people don't go is not an indictment on the fans, we've been forced down this road over the last 10 years (particularly the last 5 years) by the way the club as been run. Over the last 5 years theres been 20,000 non-renewal of STs and you could double that with others who have stopped going. If things had been run different, those that have left would have stayed and we'd be playing infront of over 100,000 and City say Manchester is Blue![/quote]

you still here plastic boy? leicester city not good enough for you?
i am currently in sweden on a university exchange and had to watch the game on the internet, after the game had finished i went to a local pub for a beer with my city shirt on and as soon as i walked in i got people staring at me and chanting about adebayor (the rag version) so i turned around to the lads and asked have you ever even been to england i didnt even ask manchester to which there was no reply. typical glory hunting rags never been to a game but claim to be fans.
Serious? said:
Like I said before if your a genuine red (Mancunian or not) then I can relate to what your saying as with every football fan of every football club no mater how big or small then their support feels the best in the world to that individual. You probably won't believe me but I'm born and bred Mancunian, lived here for all my 44 years, probably have a rough split of 50/50 Blues and Reds in my family and friends but without word of a lie I know only 4 regular attendees at O/T and they're all season ticket holders. One is corporate, one is a Cockney from Leytonstone, one is from Gorton and the 4th from Rochdale who sells his ticket to the highest bidder. None of my family ever go, infact I've embarassed my brother-in-law by getting him tickets just to enjoy watching him squirm out of it with other pathetic excuses. I can only go off my own experiences. If your a genuine red then I've no real arguement with you other than to say I hope Villa stuff you and Dunney scores the winner.[/quote]

Almost everyone I know is a Utd fan but like you say not many go to the match. Theres a long list of reasons why but thats the way the club has gone. I'm no longer a season ticket holder and rarely go to Old Trafford these days but I will have a season ticket again in different circumstances. The fact that people don't go is not an indictment on the fans, we've been forced down this road over the last 10 years (particularly the last 5 years) by the way the club as been run. Over the last 5 years theres been 20,000 non-renewal of STs and you could double that with others who have stopped going. If things had been run different, those that have left would have stayed and we'd be playing infront of over 100,000 and City say Manchester is Blue![/quote]

You see there I was thinking you were a regular match goer.....Say,think what you want from now on and quite frankly I don't want to hear the hundreds of excuses and reasons as to why you and most of your mates don't go anymore yet you like to give it out. I'll only argue with a RAG that goes so once again its lost on you.

[/quote]you still here plastic boy? leicester city not good enough for you?[/quote]

what have leicester city got do with anythin?
[/quote]You see there I was thinking you were a regular match goer.....Say,think what you want from now on and quite frankly I don't want to hear the hundreds of excuses and reasons as to why you and most of your mates don't go anymore yet you like to give it out. I'll only argue with a RAG that goes so once again its lost on you.


I only go to aways thanks to the glazers, dick head. Doesnt mean we're all glory hunting no nothings from down south
You see there I was thinking you were a regular match goer.....Say,think what you want from now on and quite frankly I don't want to hear the hundreds of excuses and reasons as to why you and most of your mates don't go anymore yet you like to give it out. I'll only argue with a RAG that goes so once again its lost on you.


I only go to aways thanks to the glazers, dick head. Doesnt mean we're all glory hunting no nothings from down south[/quote]

Why have they personally banned you from attending games at O/T then?

I support City irrespective of who the fuck is running the club. I hated Mark Hughes with a passion and I was embarassed we ever took a fucking Rag to be a manager, sacrilege in my book, the worst thing possible but as much as it fucking played on my conscience I still went and supported the team because thats what fucking supporters do. One week its FC United, the next its out with the Glazers, your the fucking Champions and you whinge like bitches. Ooohh we dont like this and we dont like that, its our club, the fans club, here's some news for you - it never was so try and get that into your tick neanderthal fucking heads. Don't know why but its a constant surprise to me that whenever you talk to a Rag and you think your getting somewhere akin to empathy with a fellow football fan it never takes long for them to let themselves down.
Blue2112 said:
3) Lost all respect for the police who refused anyone going to the toilet after half time. When I asked what law refused my wife and two daughters going for a pee I was told their isn't one. When my wife asked where on the ticket did it say she wasn't allowed use the facilities she'd paid £42 for his reply was 'I don't know'. When finally I asked the nice policeman would he like it if it was his wife and children were refused a basic human right I was told to calm the fuck down and get back to my seat or else.

I'm sure there must be something in here against that kind of thing http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/946400.stm - inhuman or degrading treatment anyone? If they can use it to defend the rights of child molesters and murderers I'm sure a few Blues can use it against the IPCC.
you still here plastic boy? leicester city not good enough for you?[/quote]

what have leicester city got do with anythin?[/quote]

you tell me raggy.
Still shattered after getting back off the ferry and home to Belfast at lunchtime. Shattered not by the travelling but by the cruel ending to the game. A few quick observations for fellow Blues;-
Having had to endure sitting in the South Stand with United's hard core fans from Tokyo and Plymouth, I was at least able to admire the wall of sound produced by the City fans from afar. What a noise!!. You are a credit to the club and even rags fans on the boat home remarked that they had never heard noise like that from an away (or should that be a home?) crowd.
How I wished I could have been at the City End, but maybe next time eh?

However at least I had the advantage of assessing the composition of the United support, at first hand. I went into their Pound Shop underneath the Stand for a nosey. What a strange place.Full of japanese tourists and cockney eels-sellers milling around like sheep in silence as they got fleeced big style by the greedy Yank owners . It could have been an airport lounge or IKEA. The same can be said for their South Stand. Various accents but very few Manc. voices in evidence.

Don't get me wrong-every club needs support from other places and this can be a good reflection of a successful club. I am at pains, fellow Blues,to point out that I attended my first City game back at Maine Road in 1978? (when Tony Henry and Mick Robinson inflicted justice,on an ailing rags team) so I am no 'johnny come lately', Your Honour.-perish the thought-lol!!

However it is evident from following City that this is the people of Manchester's club. There is a strong community spirit and a loyality to the club from that community and city that has grown stronger in the hard times that have been endured over the last few decades.It is a privilege to observe this and my heart went out to the City fans with pain on their faces that I passed on the way out of the ground last night.
In comparison, the united support is a disparate and passionless congregation of glory-hunting simpletons, similar to the audiences of the 'X' Factor or the crowds milling round a garden centre on a Sunday. Indeed a very young relative with me, observed that United had to resort to starting Man Yoo chants over the tannoy as it was the only way that they could drown out the singing of the City fans -out of the mouths of babes and innocents, eh?
In terms of the quality of support, City remains light years better than the success monkeys following the rags. The satisfaction that these people will desert the sinking Glazer ship in their droves gave me some solace on a crappy journey home.
2 quick points to finish with for I have a shameful confesstion to make, fellow Blues.That young relative is my eldest son and he is a Red. The pain this has caused me
is immense to the point that leaving home is an option. However he is only 13 so I will let him stay for another while. As we headed back to the coach at the N3 Carpark someone on a bus sitting in trafficetapped the window at him. He automatically turned to give a thumbs-up only to receive in return 60 one fingered-salutes from a bus full of Blues-I told him that his embarrasment could have been avoided had he declared for the Blues ,in the first place.

When we got home he rushed to the TV to watch the game that we had 'sky-plussed' before we left. No sign of it. My other lad who is 5 duly informed the elder lad that he had deleted it as City had got beaten! Cue chaos in the house as the wee fellah ran round the home with the City scarf on, being chased by his brother. I smiled knowingly, safe in the knowledge that young Shay will carry the mantle for the next generation-the boy's hooked already!!


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