If ever I needed reminding why I'm proud to be a Blue!

Serious? said:
You can try to convince yourselves that supporting Utd must be rubbish but take my word for it theres no better team to support in the world.

You should be banned for a comment like that. No wonder they are despised throughout the country. C*nt.
Blue2112 said:
My mothers a Red, my dads a Blue and I love the banter between the fans. Ive had it all day long and I'll take it and give it as long as no fucker starts kicking fuck out of each other then It's all fair game to me. I actually smiled when Rooney scored because I thought here the fuck we go AGAIN! And if it was the other way round then we'd have gone mental as well.

Nothing wrong with selling merchandise but you gotta admit it's like Harpurhey market down there and most of it is United tat for the once in a season visiting hordes.

Yes we did the Blue Moon, little bit cringeworthy in a derby game when in my opinion the game is big enough to create its own atmosphere but still at least its done with a degree of individuality and thought whereas to be quite frank the piped music from Vera Lynns fucking grandmother belting out United Road, Que Sera and Glory Glory was quite frankly hideously obscene and amateurish, actually was the CD bought from one of your market stalls outside - now that I could understand. FFS if your gonna do it then at least try to do it with some degree of respectability.

Yes we do have fans from further afield than Manchester, I myself have friends and family from other shores come to watch the Blues but you see its so so much more of a test of character following a team of no real success for the past 33 years than it is to jump aboard the next train or coach and hitch a ride on the bandwagon rolling into Old rafford every other week. We've all met colleagues through work etc. and the conversation turns to football and its 'Oh I went to O/T once for a night game to see Man U. and its an instant turn off, like watching the wife come downstairs with the wooly pyjamas on and a block of chocolate in one hand and a book in the other. And they just don't get it. Like I said I genuinely love an arguement and banter with a real rag, sadly and I mean sadly I honestly know less and less these days. I knowyour history I was brought up in a house with it andI despise those that cling to your club like some blood sucking leech hanging on for grim death. I was at a City function a few months back and was sat at the same table as the recently departed Albert Scanlon and it was a privelige to meet and talk with him. I was proud to ask a Busby Babe for his signature. I do have to wonder how many of the so called United fans I meet day in day out would know who he was unless they googled his name.

City are not perfect of that I know full well, but give me my owns clubs faults against your current weekly circus all day long, because following City is more than football its meeting the same faces home and away week in week out, year in and year out.

absolutely fuckin spot on.....sums it up exactly mate
CTID1988 said:
Fletcher_Defender said:
we reach finals a lot its second nature.

i like to see what straws you're all clutching this morning. some sensible posts on here, but there is some deluded ones that make me laugh.

Enjoy it mate. The sighs of relief around the ground last night were deafening, i take it you was at the game...

funny isnt it, glory hunting scum fan comes on here, yap yap yap, answer for everything, then you ask him (her, it?) did he go to the game and we hear nothing more
Blip said:
Blue2112 said:
It was tonight walking through their mass hordes of fucking daytrippers and tourists.

3) Lost all respect for the police who refused anyone going to the toilet after half time. When I asked what law refused my wife and two daughters going for a pee I was told their isn't one. When my wife asked where on the ticket did it say she wasn't allowed use the facilities she'd paid £42 for his reply was 'I don't know'. When finally I asked the nice policeman would he like it if it was his wife and children were refused a basic human right I was told to calm the fuck down and get back to my seat or else.

Mate, seriously, that copper was tekkin the piss, and he should be reported to the IPCC. If that's what happened, you must put in a complaint. Or get the Football Supporters something-or-other involved (sorry can't remember the name but remember reading on here a short time ago that they're pretty good at taking up supporters complaints against the police).

If that had been my wife and kids, I'd have decked the jobsworth, cos I've got a short fuse. I would then have been in lot of trouble. Well done for keeping your cool, but that knob should be brought to boot.

WTF!!!!! Should have pissed on the floor in front of the twat
Balti said:

WTF!!!!! Should have pissed on the floor in front of the twat

In my view, and I am being serious for once, this is a clear breach of Human Rights. That copper had no idea what special needs or disabilities you might have had. Say you'd had the runs. You'd have been forced to crap yourself and sit in it all the way home. If using public transport, you might have been forced to walk home.

I think you should phone a no-win, no-fee solicitor and see if they will take on the case and sue the arse off the GMP.

It would have made an interesting case if someone had pulled out his cock and pissed in the aisles. I reckon they have had a good defence argument in court, certainly if they'd been refused access to the facilities.

The mind boggles!
This wasn't just confined to me it was anyone in block 232, to be fair to GMP lets tell the full story here, they gave the lad behind me the option of going to the toilet but he would have to stay in the concourse and not return to his seat, when he asked why they couldn't answer. For some reason they never afforded my wife that generosity.
For any rag scum reading this...

you go on about us singing Munich, but one look around your ground at full time and the stand below us was full of your own fans doing the windmill airoplane gesture...

explain that one

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