if mancini can forgive........

Mrs Merton said:
seafordblue said:

Tevez had been warming up for 10 minutes prior to the strange De Jong for Dzeko substitution. He had a mini strop about not wanting to warm up again, when Mancini got all emotional and confrontational. It was clear from the TV pictures that Zab had advised him to get up and jog when someone off camera made him sit back down.

In my mind, and talking to other City fans at Munich airport the following morning, it has become too much of an issue purely because of Mancini's stance on the night.

Tevez was brilliant for City last season and deserves another chance, on condition that he doesn't do it again.
I didn't think it was such a strange substitution - we were in disarray and it was getting worse - as far as I am aware goal difference could be a factor in determining qualification and De Jong was brought on to stop even further damage (there being plenty of time remaining to recover our deficit) - It didn't get any worse and in my view it therefore worked and without the subsequent 'events' who knows what the result might have been!

I normally think that Mancini's substitutions are too negative.

But he was 100% right on this occasion, if there was going to be another goal at that point it was only going to the home team.

Anyway what's whether it was wrong go to do with anything? He's the fucking manager and he can do what the fuck he wants as far as I'm concerned.

I think he's earned that right.
Max_Headroom said:
I have a feeling that is on the cards -

Roberto Mancini softened his stance towards Carlos Tevez on Friday, saying he did not know whether the Argentine would play for the club again despite previously stating the striker was "finished".
This is why they said no questions. Tiniest little soundbite has been pounced on.
thread title amendment:

if tevez can grovel, really really grovel.............
Very strange the way this is shaping up. Mancini said he was finished. To go back on that now will make him look weak to the squad and football in general. There can be only one reason the olive branch is being offered. Not because we want him to play for us but in the hope someone will pay big money for him in January. That won't happen. Who in their right mind would pay £50m for a player who is trouble, who has never stayed at a club for more than two years and wants more than £250K a week?

The Skeikh can afford the losses, so I would really like to see our club taking a stand against a mercenary scheming twat. Anything other than sacking and sueing him gives him what he wants.

It won't happen but I'd love to see him in the ground tomorrow - everyone would know what we think (but maybe I'm wrong, there do seem to be many willing to forgive him - the deluded knobends).
The words hook line & sinker come to mind from our legal team think he is being set up for a massive deserved fall. Twat of the highest order, just for throwing scarves away at wembley he deserves all he gets
nijinskybell said:
Tevez is off, one way or another. His next Club will get a good 18 months out of him and then he will be agitating for another move. I appreciate what Carlos has done for us on the pitch but he has seriously fucked up at City now... no way back.

Tevez cannot be trusted now. Deliberate penalty miss? Deliberate one-on-one miss? Who knows, but the doubt is now there.

How old are you ?
Tevez City said:
nijinskybell said:
Tevez is off, one way or another. His next Club will get a good 18 months out of him and then he will be agitating for another move. I appreciate what Carlos has done for us on the pitch but he has seriously fucked up at City now... no way back.

Tevez cannot be trusted now. Deliberate penalty miss? Deliberate one-on-one miss? Who knows, but the doubt is now there.

How old are you ?
Surely the only way to be sure of missing a penalty is to fire wide..... if the keeper guesses the wrong way it doesnt matter how weak the kick is!
I await the day when we will not talk about Tevez anymore :(

Waiting patiently
Tevez City said:
nijinskybell said:
Tevez is off, one way or another. His next Club will get a good 18 months out of him and then he will be agitating for another move. I appreciate what Carlos has done for us on the pitch but he has seriously fucked up at City now... no way back.

Tevez cannot be trusted now. Deliberate penalty miss? Deliberate one-on-one miss? Who knows, but the doubt is now there.

How old are you ?

How old are you ?

I also thought you were not going to interact on the board about Tevez anymore. You can't help yourself eh.

Someone has an opinion and you of all people have the audacity to question his reasoning abilities with a poor attempt to undermine him with the old "how old are you". You sir are priceless.

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