If Scotland votes 'Yes' to independence...

The cookie monster said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
Bring it on, 7/1 you can get on a yes vote I think. I was recently working with a Scottish crew 14 out of 15 were voting yes.
I wouldn't take a 1000/1,Salmond's dream is over & he knows it too.

Salmond doesn't want independance, he just once more power and he's already been promised it. He may be a twat but he's very shrewd.
what will our Caledonian Bluemooners be voting i wónder and why?

Skyblueflux , mancityscot, et al

also interested in the views of the diaspora like GDM
(apologies if any of the above aren't kilted kith btw)
George Hannah said:
what will our Caledonian Bluemooners be voting i wónder and why?

Skyblueflux , mancityscot, et al

also interested in the views of the diaspora like GDM
NO, I won't have GDM likened to a popular Victorian house plant that typically used to reside in the parlour!
the god Gerry Gow said:
Just think

No more feckin awful Edinburgh fringe

No more feckin auld lang syne

No more Alex Salmond

It's a win win

Do they get to annex Blackpool too as it seems to be always full of pissed Glaswegians?

seriously though it would not mean a constant tory government

Strange thing I have read was that some northern towns and cities would much rather keep England aligned with the Scots and just secede from the south and fuck London off instead or maybe it was the other way round with London wanting to ditch the rest
urban genie said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
Just think

No more feckin awful Edinburgh fringe

No more feckin auld lang syne

No more Alex Salmond

It's a win win

Do they get to annex Blackpool too as it seems to be always full of pissed Glaswegians?

seriously though it would not mean a constant tory government

Strange thing I have read was that some northern towns and cities would much rather keep England aligned with the Scots and just secede from the south and fuck London off instead or maybe it was the other way round with London wanting to ditch the rest
And therein lies the rub.
Most RWNJs don't realize , it's not about Scotland vs England, it's London vs the rest.
urban genie said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
Just think

No more feckin awful Edinburgh fringe

No more feckin auld lang syne

No more Alex Salmond

It's a win win

Do they get to annex Blackpool too as it seems to be always full of pissed Glaswegians?

seriously though it would not mean a constant tory government

Strange thing I have read was that some northern towns and cities would much rather keep England aligned with the Scots and just secede from the south and fuck London off instead or maybe it was the other way round with London wanting to ditch the rest

It would probably mean more outright Tory wins rather than just being the largest party.

The SNP have a history of doing better in the polls than expected so I wouldn't rule out a Yes vote. But it will probably end up being a No vote by something like 52% / 48%, which will keep the saga running.
Been back in Scotland for a couple of months and have been genuinely surprised by the sheer number of people who claim they will vote Yes. Many of these people were No voters before, or sitting on the fence, but now they are firmly in favour of independence. Certainly wouldn't trust the polls.
Gabriel said:
Been back in Scotland for a couple of months and have been genuinely surprised by the sheer number of people who claim they will vote Yes. Many of these people were No voters before, or sitting on the fence, but now they are firmly in favour of independence. Certainly wouldn't trust the polls.
I have some family and friends over there who've gone firmly to the 'Yes' side since that last debate, seems to have been a watershed moment.

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