If Scotland votes 'Yes' to independence...

Would hate Scotland to leave the union in honesty. Being from Belfast I'm a strong supporter of the union and the Scots to leave would be considerable dilution of it.
whp.blue said:
117 M34 said:
whp.blue said:
and the jocks don't want nukes so we can keep them as well

could we nuke them as traitors?

how does voting for independence make then traitors? I would just like England to govern itself and stop sending our taxes north of the border and the first step on this road would be a jock yes vote

i really don't like the fact jock politicians have a say on English matters that have nothing to do with them
You would like 'England to govern itself', so taking that statement to it's logical conclusion you want Wales and Northern Ireland to also be independent?
If they do vote yes, hopefully this will open devolution to the North West and gain our own Assembly. This will given us control of Infrastructure and education etc.
Chrisja1000 said:
If they do vote yes, hopefully this will open devolution to the North West and gain our own Assembly. This will given us control of Infrastructure and education etc.
Afraid not. This idea was mooted by that fat hypocrite John Prescott, and rightly binned. More layers of finance sapping government was and is the very last thing we need. As far as Sottish independence is concerned, it doesn't worry me, as I don't feel England will suffer, but long term, I think the Jocks may regret giving in to some misty eyed vision of a Rob Roy and William Wallace inspired socialist paradise.
Salmond has still not fully explained what will happen if Westminster, again rightly, IMO, refuses them the pound, entry into the EU would almost certainly involve the Spanish exercising their veto, as separatism is anathema to them, see Catalonia and the Basque country for examples.
So, no England to back up what looks to be ruinous spending, no EU to bail out what to me, looks like a debt ridden future, financial sevices fleeing down south, and Sean Connery still wearing his kilt in the Bahamas sunshine, but still refusing to live and pay his taxes there.
Ancient Citizen said:
Chrisja1000 said:
If they do vote yes, hopefully this will open devolution to the North West and gain our own Assembly. This will given us control of Infrastructure and education etc.
Afraid not. This idea was mooted by that fat hypocrite John Prescott, and rightly binned. More layers of finance sapping government was and is the very last thing we need. As far as Sottish independence is concerned, it doesn't worry me, as I don't feel England will suffer, but long term, I think the Jocks may regret giving in to some misty eyed vision of a Rob Roy and William Wallace inspired socialist paradise.
Salmond has still not fully explained what will happen if Westminster, again rightly, IMO, refuses them the pound, entry into the EU would almost certainly involve the Spanish exercising their veto, as separatism is anathema to them, see Catalonia and the Basque country for examples.
So, no England to back up what looks to be ruinous spending, no EU to bail out what to me, looks like a debt ridden future, financial sevices fleeing down south, and Sean Connery still wearing his kilt in the Bahamas sunshine, but still refusing to live and pay his taxes there.

One of the decent features of the debate has been the lack of focus on Scottish identity (whatever that is anyway). No Braveheart, no Rob Roy, no who's more Scotch than you. Whatever the merits and drawbacks it's been a pretty grown up expression of opinions.
JackFlash74 said:
Ancient Citizen said:
Chrisja1000 said:
If they do vote yes, hopefully this will open devolution to the North West and gain our own Assembly. This will given us control of Infrastructure and education etc.
Afraid not. This idea was mooted by that fat hypocrite John Prescott, and rightly binned. More layers of finance sapping government was and is the very last thing we need. As far as Sottish independence is concerned, it doesn't worry me, as I don't feel England will suffer, but long term, I think the Jocks may regret giving in to some misty eyed vision of a Rob Roy and William Wallace inspired socialist paradise.
Salmond has still not fully explained what will happen if Westminster, again rightly, IMO, refuses them the pound, entry into the EU would almost certainly involve the Spanish exercising their veto, as separatism is anathema to them, see Catalonia and the Basque country for examples.
So, no England to back up what looks to be ruinous spending, no EU to bail out what to me, looks like a debt ridden future, financial sevices fleeing down south, and Sean Connery still wearing his kilt in the Bahamas sunshine, but still refusing to live and pay his taxes there.

One of the decent features of the debate has been the lack of focus on Scottish identity (whatever that is anyway). No Braveheart, no Rob Roy, no who's more Scotch than you. Whatever the merits and drawbacks it's been a pretty grown up expression of opinions.
Apart from the smears, verbal intimidation and threats from the 'Yes' camp, you're correct.
Not that I'm bothered too much about that, apart from an inate sense of fair play, more power to their elbows, I say, bring it on.
Gabriel said:
Been back in Scotland for a couple of months and have been genuinely surprised by the sheer number of people who claim they will vote Yes. Many of these people were No voters before, or sitting on the fence, but now they are firmly in favour of independence. Certainly wouldn't trust the polls.

Bring on the "hanging chads"

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