If the world was created by a Big Bang?

Can anyone explain to me what was going on before it?
I don't think the world was created by the big bang the world (Earth) and our solar system was created billions of years later.

If the big bang theory is true then surely there must have been empty space in order to create a universe as gigantic as we have.
No one knows where materials to create originated so-to-speak which is why Stephen Hawking began to accept in the possibility of a god.
Nothing can come from absolute nothing so therefore neither god nor a Big Bang can be the creator of everything. The why or how is not known and won’t be in our lifetimes nor the planets lifetime.

There are no answers in a church or from a beardy twat with a piece of chalk and a black board.
Do you know it was White people that decided to put a face to the name...?

Apparently 'in His image' was only about love, not physicality.

Which God are we on about that has a beard?

Brahma is depicted in many old imagery as bearded, as is Zeus, The Jade Emperor, Yuanshi, Yahweh/Abraham, Ahura mazda, Enki and even though the druids worshiped nature when building symbols images such as the green man would mainly be bearded. Obatala is also depicted at times as a bearded old man as well as a young man.

Can only think of sun worshipers, those that follow nana-buluku or gaia, and animistic worship that disgards the concept.

Buddha is never bearded, but then he is not a god but a person who has reached a state of enlightenment where the physical form has transended and as such can be depicted in many forms

I do not speak of one god when I say beardy bastard, as creationism is not limited to just catholicism and christianity and honestly genesis is nicked from several older religion from throughout Asia.

Though you are correct only christianity and Islam tout the"in his own image" meaning that we look like him
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Do you know it was White people that decided to put a face to the name...?

Apparently 'in His image' was only about love, not physicality.
Not totally true, other cultures have depicted Christ as looking more similar to them.

Just Google how some Africans have depicted him and you’ll see he’s no longer a Jew from Nazareth.

In reality his facial features don’t matter but if you want to picture him, think of a Jewish man from that area and there’s his ethnicity.
I don't think the world was created by the big bang the world (Earth) and our solar system was created billions of years later.

If the big bang theory is true then surely there must have been empty space in order to create a universe as gigantic as we have.
No one knows where materials to create originated so-to-speak which is why Stephen Hawking began to accept in the possibility of a god.
'Kin hell, if someone with his brain capacity can't see through the myth of a god what chance do the mere minions have?

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