If this guy becomes Prime Minister...

worsleyweb said:
Instead of just spouting right wing nut jobs can rascal or Chabel list 5 good reasons why I should vote labour and not the Tories?

Investing in teachers so that BM posters learn to spell other posters names correctly.

I'll give you that one for nothing
Rascal said:
Political debate on here is now like a Tory/UKIP/nazi party election broadcast

Yeah, because we are discussing the persecution of Political opposition and gassing jews. Like a complete moron, just because you disagree with other people's opinions, like a **** you insult them labelling them a nazi. Why are you so fucking arrogant, does your opinion matter more than others on the forum? No it fucking doesn't. Bellend
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Personally I think that Milliband is simply just not up to the job of running the country, but some of the stuff that has been written about him in the right-wing press, especially in relation to his father, most noticeably by that insufferable fat c**t Simon Heffer, has been completely disgusting.
Look at Cam's record:
First PM to lose a vote on war since 1782.
Failed to get Lib Dem support for the absolutely crucial issue ( to the Tories) on boundary reform.
The Jean Claud Juncker saga.
bluestevei said:
can I just say, when the tories was a mess, labour won the most seats ever when the labour was a mess the tories had to go cap in hand to that other lot to form a government, fuck the tories

lol . labour will need about 6 other parties to form a coalition.
Fuk the tory toffs,they look after the wealthy and should never get near govt...thank god they have not run the country as a single party since the early 90's. Like him or not,ed miliband will be in number 10.
Len Rum said:
worsleyweb said:
Instead of just spouting right wing nut jobs can rascal or Chabel list 5 good reasons why I should vote labour and not the Tories?
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.
2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much.
3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit.
4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS.
5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account.

1. No they won't, I think the Shadow cabinet between them have 5 years experience of working in the private sector.
4. Labour have privatised the NHS more than the tories have when Liebour were in government. The tories have spent more than Labour in this current term than Labour would have done. Although why does spending seem to be the answer to everything? It isn't.
5. Like they did in 2008?
Len Rum said:
worsleyweb said:
Instead of just spouting right wing nut jobs can rascal or Chabel list 5 good reasons why I should vote labour and not the Tories?
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.

Labour did not borrow hugely in the last government?

2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much. You mean let more scroungers in?

3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit. Surely this will go to a referendum anyway?

4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS. Can't comment.

5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account. Tax the rich to pay for the scroungers?
Blue Til Death said:
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!
Opinion polls seem to be suggesting otherwise.
worsleyweb said:
Len Rum said:
worsleyweb said:
Instead of just spouting right wing nut jobs can rascal or Chabel list 5 good reasons why I should vote labour and not the Tories?
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.

Labour did not borrow hugely in the last government?

2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much. You mean let more scroungers in?

3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit. Surely this will go to a referendum anyway?

4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS. Can't comment.

5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account. Tax the rich to pay for the scroungers?
Stunned into silence mate?
worsleyweb said:
Len Rum said:
worsleyweb said:
Instead of just spouting right wing nut jobs can rascal or Chabel list 5 good reasons why I should vote labour and not the Tories?
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.

Labour did not borrow hugely in the last government?

2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much. You mean let more scroungers in?

3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit. Surely this will go to a referendum anyway?

4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS. Can't comment.

5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account. Tax the rich to pay for the scroungers?

This post basically sums up why these threads always become a complete waste of time.

Two of your responses are just ridiculous rhetoric, two more were responding to a question with a question, and the fifth was no comment.

More than likely just wumming, but what is the point of them?

Seemingly every response, bar a few, are so partisan they merely reflect how entrenched people in their own microcosm. Its a mindset that is so restrictive it would be laughable if people didn't vote based upon it.

Honestly, how many of you have ever had your mind changed through these debates?

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