If this guy becomes Prime Minister...

Len Rum said:
worsleyweb said:
Len Rum said:
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.

Labour did not borrow hugely in the last government?

2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much. You mean let more scroungers in?

3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit. Surely this will go to a referendum anyway?

4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS. Can't comment.

5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account. Tax the rich to pay for the scroungers?
Stunned into silence mate?

Errrrr, he answered
foxy said:
1. No they won't, I think the Shadow cabinet between them have 5 years experience of working in the private sector.
4. Labour have privatised the NHS more than the tories have when Liebour were in government. The tories have spent more than Labour in this current term than Labour would have done. Although why does spending seem to be the answer to everything? It isn't.
5. Like they did in 2008?

Does working in the private sector some how prevent one from making political decisions?
roaminblue said:
worsleyweb said:
Len Rum said:
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.

Labour did not borrow hugely in the last government?

2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much. You mean let more scroungers in?

3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit. Surely this will go to a referendum anyway?

4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS. Can't comment.

5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account. Tax the rich to pay for the scroungers?

This post basically sums up why these threads always become a complete waste of time.

Two of your responses are just ridiculous rhetoric, two more were responding to a question with a question, and the fifth was no comment.

More than likely just wumming, but what is the point of them?

Seemingly every response, bar a few, are so partisan they merely reflect how entrenched people in their own microcosm. Its a mindset that is so restrictive it would be laughable if people didn't vote based upon it.

Honestly, how many of you have ever had your mind changed through these debates?

The Ginger thread has made me think twice.
Sadly, from the op onwards this thread has been like a Heat magazine article. It's nice to see so many still have faith that there is much difference between the main partys now. We are just voting for different 'brands' of the same thing IMHO. No wonder UKIP is gaining ground when the opposition has lost the power of debate. Can you imagine what Tony Benn, Th*tcher, or any of that generation would have done to UKIP by now? They would have been disected and spat out through debate, but the current lot can't seem to do anything but hurl cliches and playground insults around. Meanwhile an electorate that is sick of being patronised, lied to, and spun, quietly turns away.
Len Rum said:
worsleyweb said:
Len Rum said:
1. They will manage the economy better. They will have to cut Public Spending because Osborne has been borrowing recklessly but crucially they will increase capital infrastructure spending to boost the economy.

Labour did not borrow hugely in the last government?

2. Their immigration policy is more sensible than the Tories as it is not as restrictive and will not harm business as much. You mean let more scroungers in?

3. They will not endanger the whole of the British economy by risking EU exit. Surely this will go to a referendum anyway?

4. They will protect and spend more on the NHS. Can't comment.

5. They will do a better job of holding the banks,power companies, big business, vested interests to account. Tax the rich to pay for the scroungers?
Stunned into silence mate?
Whoops sorry you did reply, well sort of.
1. Stop fighting the last election
2Immigrants are hard workers and for lower pay, that's why businesses like them
3. It will be a referendum but there is a high risk of exit and british business is sh*tting itself at the prospect.
4.No comment?
5. Your reply has nothing to do with the point I made.
chabal said:
roaminblue said:

This post basically sums up why these threads always become a complete waste of time.

Two of your responses are just ridiculous rhetoric, two more were responding to a question with a question, and the fifth was no comment.

More than likely just wumming, but what is the point of them?

Seemingly every response, bar a few, are so partisan they merely reflect how entrenched people in their own microcosm. Its a mindset that is so restrictive it would be laughable if people didn't vote based upon it.

Honestly, how many of you have ever had your mind changed through these debates?

The Ginger thread has made me think twice.

Me too. I hate them now
Len Rum said:
Len Rum said:
Stunned into silence mate?
Whoops sorry you did reply, well sort of.
1. Stop fighting the last election
2Immigrants are hard workers and for lower pay, that's why businesses like them
3. It will be a referendum but there is a high risk of exit and british business is sh*tting itself at the prospect.
4.No comment?
5. Your reply has nothing to do with the point I made.

I think it's like trying to convert a rag to be a blue - a bit pointless. In my mind the country has recovered well. Why mess it up? And I have more confidence in david Cameron and Osborne (great friend to manchester) than Cameron and ed balls. He seems utterly clueless.
roaminblue said:
foxy said:
1. No they won't, I think the Shadow cabinet between them have 5 years experience of working in the private sector.
4. Labour have privatised the NHS more than the tories have when Liebour were in government. The tories have spent more than Labour in this current term than Labour would have done. Although why does spending seem to be the answer to everything? It isn't.
5. Like they did in 2008?

Does working in the private sector some how prevent one from making political decisions?

It doesn't prevent them no, but will they be good decisions? What would decisions based on? Is there enough understanding? Will it be effective? I'm always skeptical about Ministers heading a certain department which they have no affiliation with as many were cautious over the decision to appoint Jeremy Hunt as health minister.
i have always voted labour, i have no idea why i would vote for them again though. the lines between each party are now more blurred than ever. there isn't on politician that i would honestly trust.
i strongly believe that everyone should vote, it is a right many people in the world are denied and something that has been fought for over many generations however this time i have to admit that i am suffering from apathy and the only thing i am am certain of is that Ukip can get fucked if they think i am giving them my vote.
worsleyweb said:
Len Rum said:
Len Rum said:
Stunned into silence mate?
Whoops sorry you did reply, well sort of.
1. Stop fighting the last election
2Immigrants are hard workers and for lower pay, that's why businesses like them
3. It will be a referendum but there is a high risk of exit and british business is sh*tting itself at the prospect.
4.No comment?
5. Your reply has nothing to do with the point I made.

I think it's like trying to convert a rag to be a blue - a bit pointless. In my mind the country has recovered well. Why mess it up? And I have more confidence in david Cameron and Osborne (great friend to manchester) than Cameron and ed balls. He seems utterly clueless.
Why are you asking for five reasons to vote Labour then?

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