If this is how the club treat loyal supporters...

i will certainly try to be more restrained in my actions when i get frustrated next time!

i tend to swear a fair amount, esp at the everton and blackpool games!

there's no doubt, imo, that the way city have treated you is very very harsh and i dont want the same happening to me!
WNRH said:
blumoonrises said:
Well no... its just the family stand thats gettin family orientated..for some reason.
Until you have kids you have no idea how protective you will be. If someone acts in a way that goes against your principles, which has a negative (as far as you are concerned) effect on your kids, you will be seriously pissed of with them, more than you can understand until you are in that situation.
Personally I'm not too concerned about my son hearing someone swearing, he's 11 and has been a sc holder for 3 yrs so obv he's heard it all and no doubt uses it himself when he's out with his mates!
But if he was 6 or 7 or summat then it'd be different (depending on the extent) anyone with an inkling of responsibility and common sense would not want their kids to hear excessive abusive language in any enviroment.. Like I said though, someone who isn't capable of being in an agitated situation (which watchin City will never fail to provide) without losing control and resorting to excessive swearing in front of kids, needs some sort of counselling.

What aload of bollocks especially on the "Until you have kids you have no idea how protective you will be". I'm not some lardy foul mouthed kid hating arsehole you know. I do take my young cousins and nephews to the games. I used to go to the games on my own before i thought about buying a kids season ticket and alternate it between the young relatives of my family. They've already been taught the rights and wrongs of the world as common sense runs through my family which seems to be a rare occurrence in the world today. They know as do their parents that there may be swearing from time to time and to ignore it and do not even think of using it at home or anywhere else. If they see some guy swearing excessivley then they know that is not the way to act and behave and they know this at 11 years of age. Anyway this is not about swearing excessivly as anyone with a brain knows that is not on in any place let alone at the football, it is about sanitising people and the game for random bursts of swearing that happens and will continue to happen til the earth becomes so cold that there will be no one left on the planet to say shit, fuck or twat.

Common sense is sadly lacking so much in todays society, it's a "FUCKING" shame.

Well no, actually its not bollocks.... you cannot comprehend just how protective of your own kids you will be untill you have them..fact ...and you aren't in a position to disagree..

I am confused as to why on one hand you point out that knowing right from wrong means they wouldn't use such language at home, and that indeed excessive swearing is wrong in any situation... but then on the other hand you complain of too much family orientated sanitation, so.. do you think its right or wrong to use abusive language in the presence of someone else's kids..?
ps I'm impressed at their lip reading abilities.
WNRH said:
oakiecokie said:
In that case, I would suggest that you don`t bother having any children.
Did you miss out on something as a child ??

Fantastic! So you are suggesting i don't bother having any children incase i install some common sense into them? Brilliant. How many paragraphs is your latest complaint to ofsted this time?

I`m suggesting, because you are jumping to conclusions that you know what your children will want,have and get,before they are born !!
A day out for any kid to a "big football game" is seen as a big day and NOT just to suit his/her parents.
You may find your opinions change when you are mature and capable of bringing a child into this world.
blumoonrises said:
WNRH said:
What aload of bollocks especially on the "Until you have kids you have no idea how protective you will be". I'm not some lardy foul mouthed kid hating arsehole you know. I do take my young cousins and nephews to the games. I used to go to the games on my own before i thought about buying a kids season ticket and alternate it between the young relatives of my family. They've already been taught the rights and wrongs of the world as common sense runs through my family which seems to be a rare occurrence in the world today. They know as do their parents that there may be swearing from time to time and to ignore it and do not even think of using it at home or anywhere else. If they see some guy swearing excessivley then they know that is not the way to act and behave and they know this at 11 years of age. Anyway this is not about swearing excessivly as anyone with a brain knows that is not on in any place let alone at the football, it is about sanitising people and the game for random bursts of swearing that happens and will continue to happen til the earth becomes so cold that there will be no one left on the planet to say shit, fuck or twat.

Common sense is sadly lacking so much in todays society, it's a "FUCKING" shame.

Well no, actually its not bollocks.... you cannot comprehend just how protective of your own kids you will be untill you have them..fact ...and you aren't in a position to disagree..

I am confused as to why on one hand you point out that knowing right from wrong means they wouldn't use such language at home, and that indeed excessive swearing is wrong in any situation... but then on the other hand you complain of too much family orientated sanitation, so.. do you think its right or wrong to use abusive language in the presence of someone else's kids..?
ps I'm impressed at their lip reading abilities.

His opinions will change when he has his own.Quite common for people who currently have no youngsters of their own,to discuss matters relating to what they will/wont let their own off spring do,until push comes to shove.
At least I hope his attitude to his own kids changes ?? For his kids sake !!
blumoonrises said:
Judge Roughneck said:
That explains a lot. Me and the lad are in the Family stand, and the PA system was completely down during the Everton game.
During the game the scouse ref tipped me over the edge when he booked Kompany and I shouted "Oh piss off Walton!"
I had a tap on the shoulder from a steward and warned about my language. Fair enough you might say and I would agree. I think swearing in front of children is not on but football has the effect of turning me into Basil Fawlty. And that was has bad has it got before anyone accuses me of telling half a story. The steward was a petty little beancounter, busy all game finger wagging at different people and getting a bigger more aggressive steward to jab his finger more aggressively at non compliants and scribbling down seat numbers at half time whilst people were on the concourse.
It doesn't help that I'm sat next to a tunnel (which I did on purpose for a quick getaway).

Truth is I'm definitely moving next year, I don't belong in the family stand, I'm a child of the real Kippax. I find it very hard shouting FFFFFFFFFFFF lipping heck City!

I fancy the Value season tickets if they still do them. For a few good reasons. The Mrs can use it if the lad is doing something else without the hassle of upgrading. And you're in a different seat every game so there's no danger of pissing anyone off or being pissed off by a fellow fan or steward. Sad but necessary it would appear.

I've never heard so much bullshit in my life, you are talking absolute bollocks....
I've never once heard Basil swear.. although I once heard bunch of arse i think.. ;)

But again, I can't believe you got warned by a steward just for that..?! there's always the odd swear word going on, but I've never seen anyone approached by a steward for it.

Haha fair enough, the Fawlty reference was after I threw my hat on the floor in pure frustration after Carlos last miss against Blackpool... then sheepishly picking it up thinking did I just do that.

As for the warning, it did happen just for saying Piss off. It struck me as strange how the stewards were so very keen on that night's initiative yet the importance of having a working PA system in the Family stand seemed to completely pass them by.
UUBlue said:
What is foul language? I used to referee local games and heard some fairly unsavoury language used. The players swearing then went to their watching wives, girlfriends, parents, children, coaches, teammates and used the exact same language. To them, they were just talking in their normal everyday manner, not particularly meaning to cause anyone any offence.

In some areas referees (despite explicit FA instructions) tolerate "industrial language" (unless directed at them), but in other areas (e.g. Newcastle) they don't - the result: players don't swear.

It's not as if this is something beyond control. I'm amazed at the idea that there is some sort of right to swear in public, whereas all that's happened is that it's become so common that there's little point in anyone claiming to be offended by it.

Come at it another way - what exactly does swearing do for you? Just pretend you're in an interview for the best job you ever wanted. You (I expect) would not swear then, so where's the actual need to swear at a football match?
I fell really sorry for this guy if his story is true. I dont condone swearing in the family stand but everywhere else is ok, its a football match! I have never swore infornt of my father and mother(im 39). But when I used to go to the football with him he would tell me at the start of a game. "Now son, this is the only time you will hear me swear, don't tell your mother." And then proceded to use every bad word known to man including italian, french, german just about any bad word he could think of. At the end of the game he became my normal laid back father.
I took my son into the family stand this year and I didnt hear any bad language near us. Although the atmosphere was a little lame there. Told him next time I will get us tickets for the singing end. It might just be me, but when I used to go to main road in the kippax 70's-80's there was always a great atmosphere.
I hope someone from the club looks into this for this fella.
gotta feel for this guy, if i took my lad to the games i certainly wouldnt be expecting a swear free situation, i wouldnt be joining in unless he wasnt there but i certainly wouldnt have a go at anyone swearing around us. Its a football match at the end of the day, it has and always will go on. I swear just as much as anyone around me on a matchday, certainly doesnt make anyone a bad person, its surely a matter of knowing when not to swear.
I hope that quite a few of the replies in this thread are tongue in cheek. If not then the attitude of many of these people posting proves that there is a problem with swearing.

There's always times when somebody lets out a swear word, but those people who swear continuously, jump up and down infront of you while your trying to watch the match etc. are totally selfish. They are the very people , that if you asked them to tone it down a bit would land you one.

As Bluemooner posted lets hear both sides of the story before we make a judgement in this case.

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