If twitcher

BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:
I suspect they will.

As for Wenger being a genius? He hasn't won much since the back four he inherited left though has he? What is it now? 5 years? He is a great manager but a genius? He refuses to buy the centre half and keeper he has needed for 3/4 seasons through his stubborn determination to prove everyone else wrong.

A wouldn't call it genius.

Wenger may not have one anything, but he has bought excellent young players and developed them. His team have consistently played in the CL knock out rounds, and are United's closest challengers this season. He has achieved all of those things without compromising his footballing principles. The man is a genius manager and it's churlish to suggest otherwise simply because he hasn't gone out and bought ready made world class players to get him over the line. Stubborn? Sure, I'll give you that....but a genius undoubtedly.

I think he's the best manager in the game at "picking" a player. I think he's tactically very good. I have a suspicion he falls down a bit on man management.
SWP's back said:
BillyShears said:
Wenger may not have one anything, but he has bought excellent young players and developed them. His team have consistently played in the CL knock out rounds, and are United's closest challengers this season. He has achieved all of those things without compromising his footballing principles. The man is a genius manager and it's churlish to suggest otherwise simply because he hasn't gone out and bought ready made world class players to get him over the line. Stubborn? Sure, I'll give you that....but a genius undoubtedly.

Genius by its very definition should be once in a generation brilliance and I would say that the British game has only seen one genius in the last 30 years and he works over in the swamp. I don't think that suggestion is churlish.

But Wenger is a great manager yes. His record in bringing young players through is good, but his club do tend to poach the best talent around worldwide don't they.

Clough was a genius.
SWP's back said:
BillyShears said:
I didn't say you'd sought me out. I said you'd instigated a petty slanging match. Anyone who reads this thread will I'm sure make up their own minds. In the meantime, regarding your question about Rednapp - I have no idea whether he's a better manager than Mancini. I suspect they both have their flaws and neither is a footballing genius ala Mou or Wenger for example...
Wenger bought every defender who was in the "invincibles" team Lauren, toure, Campbell and cole were the back 4 if I remember correctly

I suspect they will.

As for Wenger being a genius? He hasn't won much since the back four he inherited left though has he? What is it now? 5 years? He is a great manager but a genius? He refuses to buy the centre half and keeper he has needed for 3/4 seasons through his stubborn determination to prove everyone else wrong.

A wouldn't call it genius.
Didsbury Dave said:
I think he's the best manager in the game at "picking" a player. I think he's tactically very good. I have a suspicion he falls down a bit on man management.

Ah, this is where I disagree - he's only got the one set of tactics. He'll (some might say admirably) send his team out tonight to try and out-play Barca, and, over the two legs, they'll be defeated.

Like Barca, Arsenal have good attacking players and thus play to that strength. If we're talking great tacticians though, then he's not flexible enough - look at Mourinho vs. Barca, or even Dalglish's win at Chelsea a couple of weeks ago for proper examples.

Would you take Redknapp in August, Dave, if we finished 5th? Hypothetically speaking, of course?
ST Coleridge said:
Would you take Redknapp in August, Dave, if we finished 5th? Hypothetically speaking, of course?

Interesting question. I assume you mean taking his finances out the equation.

He wouldn't be my first choice, or even my second.

But if it was a straight choice between him and Mancini, having just finished 5th, then I wouldn't think twice. Yes.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
Genius by its very definition should be once in a generation brilliance and I would say that the British game has only seen one genius in the last 30 years and he works over in the swamp. I don't think that suggestion is churlish.

But Wenger is a great manager yes. His record in bringing young players through is good, but his club do tend to poach the best talent around worldwide don't they.

Clough was a genius.

I would say that was last generation Tolmie. 20-odd years ago now. But you are right, he was though I was too young to watch and remember him in the flesh.
ST Coleridge said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I think he's the best manager in the game at "picking" a player. I think he's tactically very good. I have a suspicion he falls down a bit on man management.

Ah, this is where I disagree - he's only got the one set of tactics. He'll (some might say admirably) send his team out tonight to try and out-play Barca, and, over the two legs, they'll be defeated.

Like Barca, Arsenal have good attacking players and thus play to that strength. If we're talking great tacticians though, then he's not flexible enough - look at Mourinho vs. Barca, or even Dalglish's win at Chelsea a couple of weeks ago for proper examples.

Would you take Redknapp in August, Dave, if we finished 5th? Hypothetically speaking, of course?

I'll surprise a few now by saying I would yes. If we finish 5th this season (which I don't think we will).

He doesn't have the pulling power of Mancini or Mourinho but I would take him, just to shut the moaners up on here.
SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Clough was a genius.

I would say that was last generation Tolmie. 20-odd years ago now. But you are right, he was though I was too young to watch and remember him in the flesh.

The time period was put at 30 years and as such, had to throw his name in there.

I saw his late Forest teams of the mid 80s and early 90s. If ever a guy was able to spot a player, it was him and Peter Taylor.

He was a piss can by then, playing to the gallery.

But I find it incredible he achieved what he did for outfits such as Derby and Forest.

Ferguson has a degree of comparison in terms of what he did at Aberdeen.

But Clough has no equal in terms of taking two provincial teams and winning here and abroad.
Didsbury Dave said:
ST Coleridge said:
Would you take Redknapp in August, Dave, if we finished 5th? Hypothetically speaking, of course?

Interesting question. I assume you mean taking his finances out the equation.

He wouldn't be my first choice, or even my second.

But if it was a straight choice between him and Mancini, having just finished 5th, then I wouldn't think twice. Yes.

I'd probably stick with Bob (as you might expect), but if we were getting in a replacement then I'd be aghast if it were Redknapp. Not just tactically, but because it would seem very short-term to me.
(Sorry, I know I sort of phrased it as an 'A or B').

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