If You Could Change One Rule In Football ...

royle said:
The yellow card rules during the World cup and Champions League,currently 2 yellows and you miss a match,i would stop all that and only make a player miss a match if he gets a red,so in effect you can accumalate as many yellows as you want.

I want to see the best players playing in every game at the top level and not holding back for fear of being yellowed.

These players may only have one chance to play in a champions league or world cup final,and to have that taken away because they get two soft ywllow cards isn't fair to them or to the watching fans who want to see the best playing the best.


Also remove the handball doubt by "ball hits hand its handball" none of this ball to hand shit .
Also offside is what it is . Remove any doubt by making it easier for the officials
Marvin said:
Sending a player off and awarding a penalty for the denial of a goal-scoring opportunity. Should be a penalty and a yellow card.

Wouldn't this just send football back to the problem which caused it in the first place? i.e. that if you're hanging on precariously to a lead with a few minutes left, that it actually makes tactical sense to viciously hack down players on the break. I'm all for instant reds to prevent massive cheating because there's no legitimate footballing way of saving your team (same as the handball on the line idea from the WC, though I oppose the idea of awarding the goal if the ball hasn't crossed the line).

Personally, though it's a pretty minor point, and is technically already a rule, I would have referees forced to penalise the "classic" Ladyboy Ronaldo type penalty, where a player suddenly stops their run-up, waits for the goalkeeper to dive by mistake, then resumes their run-up and shoots the other way after. It's supposed to be punished with a retake but referees never do anything about it. This is problem the thing which annoys me most about unsportsmanlike behaviour in football - the fact that, unlike dives and such which often require replays to properly see, the cheating is so flagrant and never punished.
nijinskybell said:
Lord BLue said:
when a defender is shielding the ball out for a goal kick, we should encourage them to play the ball instead.

So it's obstruction and a free kick against - I'd go with that - I hate that arms out, back to the player, hunched over no attempt to play the ball stuff.

This one drives me mad as well, and despite virtually every referee allowing it these days, the rules suggest otherwise;

(from page 116 of "FIFA Laws of the Game")
Shielding the ball is permitted. A player who places himself between an
opponent and the ball for tactical reasons has not committed an offence as
long as the ball is kept within playing distance and the player does not hold off
the opponent with his arms or body

So that blocking move defenders do (which cost us a goal against Spurs about 3 years back - thanks Distin) is legal until they use their arms to block the attacker, or push back against the attacker with their body. Since this is what happens almost every time, it should be penalized. As should every straight arm that a player puts out to keep an opponent three feet away from them when they have the ball (goodbye John Barnes' entire career).

Incidentally, though I don't think it's been mentioned yet, I also hate the "time-wasting at the corner flag" routine, and that seems to be covered by this rule as well - if the player pushes back with his arms or body (as they always do), it's immediately a free-kick.
Falastur said:
Marvin said:
Sending a player off and awarding a penalty for the denial of a goal-scoring opportunity. Should be a penalty and a yellow card.

Wouldn't this just send football back to the problem which caused it in the first place? i.e. that if you're hanging on precariously to a lead with a few minutes left, that it actually makes tactical sense to viciously hack down players on the break. I'm all for instant reds to prevent massive cheating because there's no legitimate footballing way of saving your team (same as the handball on the line idea from the WC, though I oppose the idea of awarding the goal if the ball hasn't crossed the line).

Personally, though it's a pretty minor point, and is technically already a rule, I would have referees forced to penalise the "classic" Ladyboy Ronaldo type penalty, where a player suddenly stops their run-up, waits for the goalkeeper to dive by mistake, then resumes their run-up and shoots the other way after. It's supposed to be punished with a retake but referees never do anything about it. This is problem the thing which annoys me most about unsportsmanlike behaviour in football - the fact that, unlike dives and such which often require replays to properly see, the cheating is so flagrant and never punished.
You could still send off for violent play.

Penalty and red card for some offences is double punishment and doesn't give a ref discretion. It can destroy a game
5 English players in Starting Lineup

and the quality for the premier league will drop down dramasticly

What makes the Premier League so good is the many quality forgeiners
Falastur said:
Personally, though it's a pretty minor point, and is technically already a rule, I would have referees forced to penalise the "classic" Ladyboy Ronaldo type penalty, where a player suddenly stops their run-up, waits for the goalkeeper to dive by mistake, then resumes their run-up and shoots the other way after.

I'm sure I read something about this recently - I think they just changed to rule (for the WC and after) so that you can make a stop-start run-up, but you can't do anything tricky once you're in the act of kicking the ball. I guess they think it's the goalie's own fault if he dives before the player's even got to the ball.
MonacoCityFan said:
5 English players in Starting Lineup

and the quality for the premier league will drop down dramasticly

What makes the Premier League so good is the many quality forgeiners
I agree. No doubt Rachace wants to see a succesful England team. The way to do that is through coaching and a change of values in the game i.e putting technique befoe athleticism.

When we had the fooball league and the most exotic import was a Scotsman England were just as bad

If I was a young player at City I'd learn a lot more from Robinho, and Tevez than I would from an Andy Morrison or a Jamie Pollock.

We should be exposing our game to the best players in the world then people idolise and emulate them.
clubs should be penalised 10 points for every £100m it's in debt regardless of whether it's classed as serviceable and clubs should be deducted 6 points if they make an operating loss in 2 successive seasons, and a further 3 points added for every year afterwards.

On that note donations(not re-payable loans) would count as income.

Swearing and criticising referees would lead to a 3 match ban for players and managers alike, and a 3 week worth of income fine. In return referees would be publically accountable for errors they make.

Goal Line technology would be introduced as would retrospective reviews of 2 yellow card red cards and individual yellow cards, on appeal by the club the card was issued against and irrelevant of the referee.

Grounds can only charge away clubs ticket prices of an equal amount to the price the away club charges for the retrospective fixture and weeknight games can only take place between clubs within a 40 mile radius of each other.
If the ball is illegally stopped from going in the net (a la Uruguay)
Then the goal should stand and the offender gets yellow card.

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