If You Could Change One Rule In Football ...

TheLegendOfBerti said:
clubs should be penalised 10 points for every £100m it's in debt regardless of whether it's classed as serviceable and clubs should be deducted 6 points if they make an operating loss in 2 successive seasons, and a further 3 points added for every year afterwards.

On that note donations(not re-payable loans) would count as income.

Swearing and criticising referees would lead to a 3 match ban for players and managers alike, and a 3 week worth of income fine. In return referees would be publically accountable for errors they make.

Goal Line technology would be introduced as would retrospective reviews of 2 yellow card red cards and individual yellow cards, on appeal by the club the card was issued against and irrelevant of the referee.

Grounds can only charge away clubs ticket prices of an equal amount to the price the away club charges for the retrospective fixture and weeknight games can only take place between clubs within a 40 mile radius of each other.
I like the last two ideas both are excellent "TheLegendOfBerti" for UEFA President
Hamann Pineapple said:
Got to be video referee, 3 appeals per side each match

The video referee for me too. I'd be tempted to leave it in the hands of the officials myself though. A Fourth official with a tv monitor miked up to the on field referee, much as referee's assistants are these days. Did that shot from Lampard cross the line? Yes it did. Was Tevez standing in an offside position? Yes he was. Did Henry handle the ball? Yes he did. It would take seconds to communicate so wouldn't slow the game down, and it would eradicate all the major match changing cock ups from the game completely. Just to be clear, this is an aid to the on field referee in matters of fact only, and isn't intended to replace him, and if it's introduced in this way I'm sure it would have their backing, because I'm pretty sure they don't enjoy being made to look like pratts when an entire stadium knows they've dropped a bollock before they do.
Here's MY wild and crazy idea ..........

Wherever the ball goes out of play, or wherever a foul is committed ....... then that is the actual place that the throw-in or free-kick is taken from !!!!!

NOT from any random place (usually anywhere within a 20ft radius) that the player feels like taking it from .....

Absolutely does my blood pressure in, when, in every game I see the referee taking no notice whatsoever if this blatant cheating ..........

(needed to get that off my chest!)

It's between having technology available for any purpose the referee see's fit.

The 4th official would have a definitive answer which would resolve any issue (goal, corner even throw in) before the players could finish crying around the official. It would go much further to creating a level playing field.

The other would be to have a completely independant body governing our leagues... not one which has club's chairmen involved in the decision making process of other teams (see Ade's and the Pl's only ever 'fast track' diciplinary) it's a huge conflict of interest.
I would allow the ref to call the physio on to the pitch to treat any "injured" players while the game carries on as in Rugby.
This would stop all the cheating bastards rolling round like 'kin' girlies trying to get the other team to put the ball in to touch. Managers would soon start bollocking their own players for faking it and risking conceding a goal.

One thing lots of fans hate is when your team has to kick the ball out and the tart gets to his feet within seconds.
how about having to have 2 players inside the opposition half at all times.

You'd need to add a another line inbetween half way and 18 yard box and you can only be offside between it and the penalty box.
One of the below..

Video refs deffinitely. Would improve the game no question. Not to mention the fact that we could hear the refs, like in rugby.

Have the physio come on and the game played around them like in rugby. Only unless it's serious, does the game stop.

Players could be cited, like they are in rugby, and an independent citing official would be in the stand. Especially for cheating.

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