If you could devise a football rule/law which would have to

UNINTENTIONAL last man fouls/blocking a clear goalscoring opportunity only warrant a yellow card.
Sabster said:
UNINTENTIONAL last man fouls/blocking a clear goalscoring opportunity only warrant a yellow card.

Never...10 minutes to go, Aguero through on goal when were drawing or losing, I'd want their man off so we can play against 10 in the final 10 minutes of the game.

Goal line technology, and referees to explain decisions, otherwise if it aint broke dont fix it!
The main one is just to add one word to a current fifa rule, the rule goes something like "stopping a definate goal scoring opportunity is a red card offense": the word "deliberately" should be added to the start of that sentence. As it stands you could trip over and bang into someone by accident and get sent off. Nowhere else in the game of football is a card - red or yellow - awarded for something you did by accident, even dangerous play is somewhat premeditated.

So under my ruling Dedryck Boyata would not have been sent off against Arsenal as he was trying to get the ball but missed by inches, but players who deliberately trip a player or pull them back, or make a tackle where you have little chance of winning the ball (Vincent Kompany's red against Wolves falls into this category) in these circumstances would get a red.

The other rule I would like to see is to cut out these sneaky corners where the attacking player secretly touches the ball and his team-mate starts dribbling it. Everyone should know when the ball is in play, as defenders at the moment simply cannot win. If they see the little touch then run out and blast it away, they run the risk of being yellow carded as the attacking player would just say that they haven't taken it yet (remember that the ball does not even have to leave the quadrant so they may have been genuinely just placing the ball for their team-mate to take the kick).

There is an inconsistency in allowing this as under the current rules, it would be perfectly acceptable to just start dribbling from a free kick also, if it was your team-mate who placed the ball. Except no-one has tried this yet and you would bet that if they did (especially a smallish team), the ref would instantly blow. (Although this would perhaps be difficult to disguise in some situations as the ref sometimes instructs you to wait for the whistle before taking the kick).
Sabster said:
UNINTENTIONAL last man fouls/blocking a clear goalscoring opportunity only warrant a yellow card.
I didn't notice this before I wrote my post, I don't think even a yellow, no cards should be awarded for anything *completely* unintentional in my book, in every other part of the game yellow and red cards are only given for deliberate or dangerous fouls.

*But I do say completely, it is difficult to give examples without video clips.

My view of yellow and red cards has always been thus:

Go for the ball but take the man: foul, no card
Have little chance of getting the ball but still go into the tackle: Yellow card
Deliberately set out to hurt someone: Red card.
Also dangerous play and deliberate fouling or cheating get cards, the colour depending on the severity or cynical nature of the misdemeanour.

This may not be the official line or even the views of some refs, but this is the way most of them seem to referee. But a Red card or even a Yellow for unintentionally stopping a goal scoring opportunity is an anomaly under these rules as it is the only thing that you can get carded for which could have been by accident.
The game should have an official timekeeper who starts and stops the game clock to the ref's whistle. 90 minutes is played, no fergie time.

Anyone waving an imaginary card sees a real one. Yes, that includes you, Bobby. Stop it.

All red cards are reviewed, if a player has dived or feigned injury to get someone sent off three match ban.
I would like to see keeping the ball in the corner to run down the clock outlawed. Annoys the hell out of me and we are never any good at it.
The ball has to bounce outside the lines for it to be a throw or a corner, if we had balls coming in from over the cross bar , this would make corners very interesting if you had someone who could deliver it well,and could easily be introduced at all levels of the game....
That the referee has to write his report in his room immediately after the game before he's influenced by media pressure and hundreds of slow motion replays.
If a free kick is awarded only the same number of the offending teams players can be in front of the ball as there were at the time of the foul.

The referee, linesmen and 4th official are chosen when the team sheets are handed in from the five officials present by drawing straws. Too many refs are becoming too big for their boots due to over exposure. This would also limit the obvious corruption in our game.

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