
TheMightyQuinn said:
100% agree Guv, blood thirtsy, revenge hungry sociopaths the lot of them...oops hang on, I've just seen a girl with a purple hair, must be evil or a witch I'd better see if she floats or drowns.

Hang on a minute, I think if we all lived in africa the witch-hunter accusation might actually make sense.

And don't you just hate people who are 'revenge-hungry' - like that woman who had her kids and nearly her husband killed by McCormick - she shouldn't seek revenge or want the guy to rot in prison for life should she?

Honestly I can't believe you're saying 'revenge-hungry' as if it's a bad thing?
TheMightyQuinn said:
shadygiz said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've actually just decided that the only logical conclusion to my witch hunting nature is to go to a school and kill all the kids, shocking I know but bear with me here...By doing that I'm sure to kill all future paedos, rapists and muderers!

I can laugh but really it's how the maniacs with the get up and go end up

where's the logic in this...surely, you are also killing the future kids that will grow up into policemen, firemen, paramedics, soldiers....the very people we turn to when the shit hits the fan

Logic? Wish you'd have told me of this 'logic' thing five minutes ago Shady! I've just reported the black lad across the road to the police, he's probably an immigrant or a drug dealing gangster or something.

You, Shady, are too intelligent for your own good. Of course I wouldnt shoot all the kids in the school, I'd just shoot the ones who werent white first then kill the ones who look like paedos or something, I dont know. Like most lynch mob members I havent thought this through properly have I?

Hey, TMQ! Make sure you gun down the blighters running away in the "bulky jackets" first!*

*Oh, and if they aren't running or wearing "bulky jackets" just say they were. It worked for the Met! They let themselves off all charges, and so should you.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm saying that that would make me as bad as him, I'm not a murderer.

No it wouldn't. He murdered a defenceless child. You would have killed a scumbag murderer who didn't deserve to live.

Do you think the death penalty administrators in America are as bad as the people they inject/electrocute?
shaundickov said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm saying that that would make me as bad as him, I'm not a murderer.

No it wouldn't. He murdered a defenceless child. You would have killed a scumbag murderer who didn't deserve to live.

Do you think the death penalty administrators in America are as bad as the people they inject/electrocute?

Not speaking for TMQ, but there is definitely something wrong with them. Sadistic weirdos, IMO.
shadygiz said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've actually just decided that the only logical conclusion to my witch hunting nature is to go to a school and kill all the kids, shocking I know but bear with me here...By doing that I'm sure to kill all future paedos, rapists and muderers!

I can laugh but really it's how the maniacs with the get up and go end up

where's the logic in this...surely, you are also killing the future kids that will grow up into policemen, firemen, paramedics, soldiers....the very people we turn to when the shit hits the fan

Who needs policemen and paramedics when theres no-one to arrest or keep alive?
guv said:
shaundickov said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm saying that that would make me as bad as him, I'm not a murderer.

No it wouldn't. He murdered a defenceless child. You would have killed a scumbag murderer who didn't deserve to live.

Do you think the death penalty administrators in America are as bad as the people they inject/electrocute?

Not speaking for TMQ, but there is definitely something wrong with them. Sadistic weirdos, IMO.

I don't believe in killing anyone, a cycle of death/hate/murder is no good for anyone. Ever.

You may say I dreamer but I'm not the only one.
guv said:
Not speaking for TMQ, but there is definitely something wrong with them. Sadistic weirdos, IMO.

They might be sadistic weirdos, but that wasn't the question. The question was, 'are they as bad as the people they administer the death penalty to?'
TheMightyQuinn said:
You may say I dreamer but I'm not the only one.

Fucking hell now you're quoting that scouse t*at your argument has well and truly gone to pot.
Fucking pussies! Show me a paedo and I'll pull the trigger. It's nonce sense to let them live.
shaundickov said:
guv said:
Not speaking for TMQ, but there is definitely something wrong with them. Sadistic weirdos, IMO.

They might be sadistic weirdos, but that wasn't the question. The question was, 'are they as bad as the people they administer the death penalty to?'

My answer would be murder is murder is murder. So, yes.

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