immigration yay or nay

Seeing as how my whole family moved to Canada in the late 70's, I would have to say I'm for it. I did everything I could to try and fit in and make friends and in the process, became very Canadiany (I'm still a British citizen though). It's the ones that come over and stick to their own little groups and do not try to fit in that piss me off. As much as there are old Italians and Greeks that can't speak a word of English, there are even more people that were born here and somehow have a Scottish or Jamaican accent.
glen quagmire said:
"Coming over ere taking our bloody jobs" is just one of the gems that was hurled at my closest mate the other day while we were in liverpool centre. It got me thinking, my mate's dad moved here from bangladesh in the 80's, with only a place to sleep on a floor and a job dishwashing at his uncle's restaurant. Today, he own's 3 indian restaurant's, and 2 take away's. My mate (early 20's) own's his own 120 seater one as well and has a share in a take away in wigan.

What's your take on immigration? Just to get started i'm all for those who want to work and contribute to society, those who just see a 'free' place to live and 'free' money can stay away in my opinion!

got it in 1 mate. we should say, right then what do you bring to the great british table? nothing? then fcuk off!

rather than us advertising what we can offer they should be proving to us what they can offer. if they wish to study or are experienced in jobs we need to fill then by all means come on in, but it needs to suit us not the other way around<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:25 pm --<br /><br />
bluetom said:
Yay! Theyre people first, and like everyone else some good some bad. Theyve done our team a hell of a lot of good!!

For me, if there is the space and need then I welcome them; this is an immigrant country.

What is odd is how brown/eastern european (often Nurses, doctors, cleaners etc) migrants are villified as "immigrant" scroungers whilst the nice white Australian and Kiwi - who make up a large proportion of london's immigrants are labelled "expats" and are largely ignored by the tabloids.

My key concern is Dannii Minogue, I dont understand her purpose here.

she makes loads of money in the uk so we can tax the piss off her plastic ass
the whole of the english nation are descended from immigrants be it anglo saxons, normans, vikings .the only true brits are are the scottish and welsh
ernesto said:
the whole of the english nation are descended from immigrants be it anglo saxons, normans, vikings .the only true brits are are the scottish and welsh

That explains a lot. Inbred the lot of you.
At the end of the day, the way I see it the whole world belongs to us, collectively, the human race. We should have a right to live wherever on the planet we choose, and not be restricted by arbitrary and imaginary lines on the ground. I don't know why some people think they have a right to live on a certain patch of land just because they were born there or their parents were from there, whiles others don't have that right. In fact I think the whole concept of 'national identity' is a load of tosh, it just serves to divide people and pit them against each other.

So, er, that's a yes.
gmtx said:
At the end of the day, the way I see it the whole world belongs to us, collectively, the human race. We should have a right to live wherever on the planet we choose, and not be restricted by arbitrary and imaginary lines on the ground. I don't know why some people think they have a right to live on a certain patch of land just because they were born there or their parents were from there, whiles others don't have that right. In fact I think the whole concept of 'national identity' is a load of tosh, it just serves to divide people and pit them against each other.

So, er, that's a yes.

Then no-one would choose to live in the shit-hole areas, everyone would cram into the decent areas, there wouldn't be enough room. In fact you'd probably end up a situation where you get the fittest (to use the evolutionary term) individuals inhabiting the best areas, and the weakest inhabiting the shit areas, and it'd be a self perpetuating cycle, and end up being even more divisive than it is now.

pee dubya said:
gmtx said:
At the end of the day, the way I see it the whole world belongs to us, collectively, the human race. We should have a right to live wherever on the planet we choose, and not be restricted by arbitrary and imaginary lines on the ground. I don't know why some people think they have a right to live on a certain patch of land just because they were born there or their parents were from there, whiles others don't have that right. In fact I think the whole concept of 'national identity' is a load of tosh, it just serves to divide people and pit them against each other.

So, er, that's a yes.

Then no-one would choose to live in the shit-hole areas, everyone would cram into the decent areas, there wouldn't be enough room. In fact you'd probably end up a situation where you get the fittest (to use the evolutionary term) individuals inhabiting the best areas, and the weakest inhabiting the shit areas, and it'd be a self perpetuating cycle, and end up being even more divisive than it is now.


tbh pd, I think you perfectly described the way things actually are right now.
TFC said:
pee dubya said:
Then no-one would choose to live in the shit-hole areas, everyone would cram into the decent areas, there wouldn't be enough room. In fact you'd probably end up a situation where you get the fittest (to use the evolutionary term) individuals inhabiting the best areas, and the weakest inhabiting the shit areas, and it'd be a self perpetuating cycle, and end up being even more divisive than it is now.


tbh pd, I think you perfectly described the way things actually are right now.

I guess...partly. Except the shit people that already inhabit the decent areas don't get forced out.<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:21 pm --<br /><br />Not here anyway, that'd change if the whole World was allowed to show up if they felt like.

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