immigration yay or nay

People say how shit this country is because of immigrants taking our jobs. The same people who sit watching themselves on Jeremy Kyle every day. It's not the immigrants fault at all.

I do think though that we need to be more strict on allowing people in as we really need to sort ourselves out before taking on other peoples problems. It seems far too easy for immigrants to get here, not work and take from the system. We have a lot of scumbags doing that already.
This is well worth a watch. This guys speaks the truth about why the indigenous population fear/dislike immigrants-in this case 'asians' who work hard and make a success from nothing.

markyboyblue said:
People say how shit this country is because of immigrants taking our jobs. The same people who sit watching themselves on Jeremy Kyle every day. It's not the immigrants fault at all.

I do think though that we need to be more strict on allowing people in as we really need to sort ourselves out before taking on other peoples problems. It seems far too easy for immigrants to get here, not work and take from the system. We have a lot of scumbags doing that already.

Totally agree with this half the jobs the "immigrants" do the world over is because the born and bred of these countries dont want to do them I'd rather a had working immigrant than some lazy bastard screwing the system no matter where he or she is from..but a sustainable population has to be maintained
why don't we make other countries more inhabitable by stopping selling arms to em which leads to war that people want to escape from

it seems to me that we export turmoil and poverty and cause displacement we then are one of the safest countries to come to
Bloody Normans, coming over 'ere an' stealin' our land, talking that stupid bloody language.

'Kin hate the Normans, me.

If I hear one more Norman walking down my street today, talking French, I'm going to do their fucking head in big style!

Fucking Normans, eh? They can fuck off back to France. I'll bloody well pay them to go back myself. Twats, the lot of the them.

Aint no Norman blood in my family, and proud of it.

And as for them Vikings, do me a bloody favour!

No, I'm not bothered about immigration. I think we live in a tolerant country, and I'm not at all bothered about it.

I may have been having a laugh about the Normans and the Vikings, but there has always been integration in Britain, and the point I'm making is that over time, peoples roots are lost and they integrate.

Turn the clock back 900 years, and the Normans may well have been unpopular, but you don't hear it today, do you?

We all want the same things out of life. Live and let live. I really can't be arsed with prejudice.
I'm currently on my jollies in Cyprus and approx 80% of the Brits I've spoken with while I've been out here want out of the UK. I've had some conversations with Norwegians, Germans and Russians staying on the same complex who all voiced their opinion about the UK being "not a good place to live" particularly if you have kids. Of course they have only tv and word of mouth reports but I honestly found it hard to defend the UK, would I recommend it to those people I've met while here.....I honestly don't think I would.
Post war immigration has dragged Britain into the gutter. Anyone who doesn't believe that is either glad that Britain is being destroyed or is a political coward.
Nreddishblue said:
Post war immigration has dragged Britain into the gutter. Anyone who doesn't believe that is either glad that Britain is being destroyed or is a political coward.

Care to elaborate, or are you just going to leave that quite frankly ridiculous statement backed up by no facts whatsoever?

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