Implication of 25 squad rule is going to be weird...

Some random thoughts:
- I assume players will remain in the under 21 category for a whole season.
- The risks/effects of points accumulation and red card bans become magnified...
... will clubs raise the level of fines on players in mitigation?
- African cup of nations and other internationals... I wonder if clubs will become less cooperative.
- I assume that if Wolves for example field a second eleven they won't be repremanded/fined for fielding a weakened team given this rule... might lead to legal challenges in the courts?
- What will happen when the Given/Fulop scenario arises again?
- Will wealthy clubs hold non registered players for cup competitions... could accelerate a move to a European super league? As an example: Robinho, loaned to Santos but called back for European games in an exteded squad. Just an example, I'm not advocating it.
A dogs dinner really.
pennypennytannerbob said:
Some random thoughts:
- I assume players will remain in the under 21 category for a whole season.
- The risks/effects of points accumulation and red card bans become magnified...
... will clubs raise the level of fines on players in mitigation?
- African cup of nations and other internationals... I wonder if clubs will become less cooperative.
- I assume that if Wolves for example field a second eleven they won't be repremanded/fined for fielding a weakened team given this rule... might lead to legal challenges in the courts?
- What will happen when the Given/Fulop scenario arises again?
- Will wealthy clubs hold non registered players for cup competitions... could accelerate a move to a European super league? As an example: Robinho, loaned to Santos but called back for European games in an exteded squad. Just an example, I'm not advocating it.
A dogs dinner really.

yeah, it's going to be crazy (and say it like Christopher Walken)

Hopefully it will shut the press up having a dig at us for ruining football with the number of players we are buying, introduces 25 man squad, every team in same boat it is then down to each team to have the best squad available. I think this will put paid to the transfer window in January, players will leave before they are bought.
and how are contracts going to work in the future? from both sides? I can see a player insisting on a guaranteed 25 place for the term of the contract? or will clubs offer two tiered contracts depending on whether they're in the 25 or outside it?
It's a stupid and pointless rule and I guarantee there will be unforeseen consequences. One thing that will happen is that there will be a lot more professional players looking for new clubs so it could improve the Championship and cut wages at that and lower levels.

There will obviously be exceptions made if, for example, all United's senior goalkeepers are injured/suspended at the same time.

The clowns who run football are a bit like the tw@ts who run the country - they both think they can solve complex issues by passing simple laws/rules. Problem is - you can't.

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