Important info - no replica shirts in Club Wembley

All u lucky so & so's enjoy the day.....come on you blues !!!!!!
cockneycarparkm32 said:
Lucky so and so .That sounds like a Buzzing atmosphere :0(
w4hammer said:
Lads, Im a member of Club Wembley ( dont ask, I signed up in a drunken mist along with a few mates when it was all 'new"- the worst decision and biggest waste of money Ive ever spunked) ( and ive spunked ALOT, over the years!)

Anyways, between giving tickets to pals, relatives and work colleagues etc , ive also been to many games and there's never been a blanket enforcement of "no colours" - thios has inlcuded gam,es like cardiff/pompey etc and in nearly all the games its fairly 50/50 and everyone is allowed to wear colours, so i can only think they've done this to try and and eliminate trouble before it starts- having said that the only trouble ive seen there was some england fans kicking fuck out of each other..

Point im trying to make is that i would be amazed if they wouldnt let you in wearing city colours- they may use this as a threat/reason to have a word if you were giving it large at dzecko slides his third home....

My advice, wear a jacket or the like and you can always slip it out later. Alternativley you could say why take the risk--- given that there will be at least three teams on show, the rags, narrrich city and you lot, the security there, who lets say it politely, dont have english as their first language, will be easily confused.

Enjoy the day, and please, fukcing ruin those rag cunts.

good night and good luck!

Cheers for advice pal. Just to update you i took a jacket as you said. Took it off once inside and didnt get pestered by any stewards despite singing shouting and jumping about like a nutcase. Poor blue behind me had the same idea but got told to put his jacket back on tohugh he had a replica shirt and i opted for a tracky top. Odd but true. Oh and we ruined em for ya too !
For anybody in and around 214 in the utd end I was the guy on the very front row stood on my seat with 3 fingers in the air gesticulating to 100s of departing rags that they can place their multiple trophy ambitions where the sun don't shine.Coins a plenty from below, coins and spitting from above.
Best laugh I have had in many years.
The looks of hatred on their faces will remain with me until the day I die
If they could have got me I would have been ripped to pieces.

By the way club wembley is immense
had my city 3rd shirt under my track top, bloke on club wembley entrance made me unzip my top then told me i couldn't go in, recommended i went to bobby moore store and bought a top, fuck me i thought but it had to be done, they had a plain white polo shirt for a fiver, i obviously wasn't the only one, put it over my city shirt and went back,' you still can't come in' he said, i said ' you're joking you've just told me to go and buy another top', he said 'yes but i can still see your shirt underneath it', i had to strip everything off, put white polo shirt on, then track top back on, stuffed city shirt in my pocket, he then said' welcome, enjoy the game' and let me in! what a fucking jobsworth!! the consolation was i was surrounded by rags in the club wembley seats, a few city too, so when the goal went in i went ballistic, got a few sneers and stares lol, at the final whistle i turned round and they had all fucked off lol, great day, poshest toilets i have ever seen in my whole life lol!!!

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