If in any doubt about what's happening, it's essentially a free for all at 10am on July 20th. The Silver holders get a 24 hr window to buy for the big 5, but when you see the Matchday prices, they'll regret buying Silver, adding the big 5 will exceed the full season ticket price.
Forget the May 21st membership date, that's an illusion. Everybody who bought memberships pre Real Madrid is in the lottery. Except for Liverpool and Man utd, where you need 5 home games in the last 2 years, even that's a further relaxation from last year's criteria. Here's the best bit, the last nine home games include Chelsea, Arsenal, United, and the last home game v West Ham, so 4 big ones. They are releasing "limited tickets" for these games, but in October they will do a "second release", so they'll sell new memberships right up til then, because in October if you pay £35, you'll be in the draw for the last 9 games, including 4 big ones. This is about selling membership, that's it. "Legacy fans" are irrelevant. Just a number, in the same pot as new fans. I suddenly feel less energised defending us against the 115 charges. And when Pep finally leaves, and there's a lull in success, I'll be more choosy about when I go, they will soon realise that the Haaland mob suddenly have Real Madrid memberships. The club is moving on, it'll be a sporting corporation, I'm absolutely thrilled for what we had in the last decade, but the future feels different. If I get the tickets I want on July 20th I'll probably feel different!