Inter Milan (N) | Champions League Final | Post Match Thread

It’s funny although we were off our game and didn’t play well we had some really good performers which is unusual because usually when we don’t play well no one really shines. Dias was motm for me but Bernie, Gundogan, Rodri, Stonsey and Eddie all had impressive games but as a team we were edgy and lacked quality in the final third. Our free kicks were atrocious, not sure what was going on there.
Such a shame we can’t celebrate and enjoy this….it’s just so hollow. How can we enjoy this when we’ve cheated our way to this title.
It’s just one big fuckin asterisk


I've spent more than 50 years following this insane football club and I can't believe this has happened. God bless every single person associated with us.
About a month ago I went to Bodnant garden and hung a wish on an American Red Indian wishing tree. The lady said that it really did work. Well let me tell you all that I wished for all 3 and not a lottery win. My missus wouldn’t do it but she asked what I’d put down.I said that I can’t tell you if it doesn’t come true. I did eventually tell her to which she replied “you sad bastard.
As I said earlier in this thread down in London for a few days. Was going to find a pub to watch it in. However I will be honest my bottle went completely earlier tonight; couldn't bear to watch or listen to it. After our evening meal went back to our hotel room and sat in the bathroom for the second half checking on the BBC and here every ten minutes till the final whistle.
Logic tells me not to be so fucking stupid but I just can't help it plus I am 63 and should no better. Yet I still love this club and the ringer it puts me through every time.
Not sure if I have already mentioned this, so apologies if I have already bored you, but at Wembley last Saturday I was exactly the same. Was on the concourse for the last fifteen minutes popping back into various tunnel exits to see how we doing. Bumped into a bloke who was in the same situation as me but he had come all the way from Australia to watch the game. He had told his wife that he would alright this time, as I do, yet here we both were on the concourse.
The typical City thing of not doing it the easy way never leaves us and in some ways I hope it continues as I never want us to be like the Rags or Dippers who think that it is a devine right to win things.
Sorry for the rant but well done to all the blues on here. It has been well worth all the wait.
Facking hell, like really Fucking hell. How did we end up here? That Southampton match feels like it happened 5 years ago, not 5 months!

To go from THAT to a Domestic/European FUCKING Treble in 5 months boggles the mind, and we did it the hard way, we had to win and win and win just to catch up with Arsenal, we had to beat chelsea, arsenal, and fucking utd in the final to win the FA Cup and the Champs League? Aye lets just put out the 2 other favourites for the competition on the way to the final!

Incredible match, it was horrible at times, but my god what a feeling when the whistle went!
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Sorry mate, Inter;s main tactic seemed to be rolling on the ground clutching their heads whether they were touched there or touched at all or not. They defended well but it would have been a travesty if they ended up as European Champions.
I know i am not a Man City fan on this forum and that makes me an outsider, but just like there's being gracious in defeat (which i believe i have been), there is also being gracious in victory, which every other City fan on this forum has thankfully been, and that has made me positively impressed by most of you guys.

I came here after a loss with the sole purpose of congratulating you.

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