Interesting YT Conversations...

Well that's my point, you might agree with small outtakes of what she says but as a whole, it's full of holes. What do you think she'd look like with Kerry, Saunders or Gore on the other side of that table instead of Brand?

Yeah, I get that and that's something I'd like to see. I found it interesting her viewpoint on Black people growing business better under the Jim Crow law than now. But she forgets that Black people were creating a segregated economy based on Black economics not integrated.

Her lauding of Trump is bizarre and flawed!

I think Brand was a good starting point for her and let's see if she graduates to the bigger fish of the sea.
It's rare that I can watch/ listen to a discussion/ debate that really draws me in, but this is one of them...

You wouldn't have caught me listening to Candace Owens normally, but this vid has been in my eye line for a few days and I took the plunge tonight.

I found that I don't quite disagree with some of the same she says, but I disagree with some of her conclusions and agree with others(a bit like Brand in some cases).

10%-15% of me disapproves of some of what he says.

10%-15% of me approves of some of what she says.

Really quite interesting for me to know I have conservative leanings somewhere along the line.

This is a prime example of you have to listen to what you consider to be bad viewpoints to understand your own mindset, or in some cases even change it. There can never be true resolution until you genuinely listen to arguments from every angle, I haven't got it in me to hate anyone for an idea so not much puts me off exploring or trying to figure out why certain people think certain ways.
I'm getting boring now and it's Christmas and I need to stop it, interesting vid though.
I like process and I like seeing how people get to a state especially in actors.

If you're interested in acting and personas check out this hour piece when you get time...

This starks greatly with the female take.

Not sure why that is, when both are in the acting profession.
Sorry, just want to come back to this a sec.

There's a question about who can play 'Othello' and the White actors thought it would be 'insensitive'.

I think this is crazy, much like the argument on here about who can play 'Bond'.

For me, you can change everything about a story except the arc of its intention.

In that way, it remains the main body of the story, always, even if different in name.

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